Monday, July 31, 2023

KCL Website consumer Information

 As part of the tebrand the KCL kosher dupervidion which is now called Kehilas Charedim of Lakewood a website is now livec and active with kasrus information for the extended Lakewood community. The website has a  section with consumer information. A list of kcl certified establishments and other info such as infestation what and how to check and for simchas how to ensure that all the food is just as reliable as the food at home. With a growing community there are establishments in the extended area with chasidishe and other hashgachos catering to the heimishe tzibbur you can also call the kashrus hotline 732-901-1888.


  1. Who does the organization dupervise?

  2. I thought a website is trief in Lakewood!!!

    1. Only to be used by out of towners or people who live in non-Lakewood. ie Jackson, Tom River, Manchester, Howell

  3. They don't answer the phone anyway, nor emails. No one to talk to. So much for caring about the public.

    1. Not my experiences with them, ever. Any time I called, they pick up the phone and answered my question. Sometimes Rabbi W himself answers. And I'm not any kind of VIP, just an ordinary consumer.

  4. Interesting that as they are getting the name Hareidi to lure in the more frum element, they create a website....
