Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Tonight: Evening of Education

A Anti vaxxer event to educate about vaccinations watch livestream here 7:45 pm



  1. This is a great event .
    I will watch carefully and see if they have any valid points .
    Putting things out in the open is the best way to see the truth .


    Take a look at who this guy is. Aside from everything else, he's an unapologetic antisemite. Not exactly an expert who anyone should be trusting

  3. Dr Sucharit Bakhdi seems to be a major antisemite.
    Not sure why they are featuring him.

    1. Because anyone more reputable disagrees with these opinions. They're forced to scrape the bottom of the barrel.

    2. Because he is what they have.
      Normal doctors, who actually study these things, don't agree with the Wikipedia educated anti-vaxx 'experts'. So they need to bring dodgy fringe characters instead.

    3. Its pashut to the anti-vaxxers.
      Accroding to them we just dont understand that Chemed and all the doctors in town are the real antisemites who want to make sure we stop having children by pushing the vaccine. While Bakhdi might hate us and cause us problems, we will be alive.

  4. I had a whole long comment written and I accidentally deleted it. So I am not going to write my whole speech over again. Here it is in a nutshell. You can agree or disagree. Just remember that we were warning everyone the Purim before the first lock down to stay home and we were laughed at by the same people making this event. That purim caused hundreds of deaths. Some of those that died were friends of some of those speaking at this event. I wonder if any of the Rabbonim at this event would go and ask any of the so called experts on this panel how to deal with a heart attack.
    1. Covid is real and is deadly
    2. Those it doesn't kill it can cause serious long term illnesses
    3. The new variant seems to spreading fast and is hospitalizing unvaccinated people in NJ it is over 99 percent of hospitalizations
    4. Vaccinated that get covid are getting very mild cases.
    5. Covid antibodies may protect you. But they may not. We don't have the studies on that yet. Why not? I dont know. You want take a chance its up to you.
    6. The "experts" cited at this meeting and invited to speak are fringe doctors who have been shunned by established scientific and medical community.
    7. The established science and medical community is where we all turn if we have cancer, heart disease, kidney failure, what changes with Covid?
    8. The government is not trying to control you. They already do. They do not need to give you a vaccine passport to know everything about you. They know who you are and what you ate for breakfast.
    9.The vaccine isn't killing anyone or altering your DNA. Dont let fear mongers and antisemites stop you from protecting yourself and your family.
    10. Speaking of anti semites
    The keynote speaker tonight is a well known covid denier and was fired for his antisemitic statements.
    Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

    In a video released as part of his campaign, Bhakdi articulated antisemitic views:

    “The people who fled this country, where there was arch evil, and founded their own country, they have turned their country into something that is even worse than [Nazi] Germany was. That’s the bad thing about Jews: They learn well. There is no people that learns better than they do. But they have now learned the evil — and implemented it. That is why Israel is now … a living hell.”
    So if you go. Enjoy the refreshments but please check everything anybody says at this event with any fact checkers and you will see that most of what they peddle is misinformation or outright lies. I know it is sad and disheartening that some very smart people could fall for this. But you need to do what makes sense to you.
    May we all have a happy holy healthy new year.

    1. He was talking about Israel's vaccination policy. Extreme, hyperbolic language? Yes. Anti- semitic? Too little to go on.

      I've heard worse from my Brisker rabbeim about the Zionist State. Much worse. And they're right.

      I'm not going tonight. But I may call in. Its interesting to hear the other side of the subject for once.

    2. They ignored the warnings Purim time and now pretend like they care

    3. Covid antibodies protect (in Israel 40% of current cases are vaccinated vs. 1% are reinfections, the rest are unvaccinated).
      Antivaxxers are crazy.
      Both are true, don't mix and match.

  5. Chillul Hashem and a big Avon to expound false and disproven falsities putting people in harm's way. The consensus of medical opinion supercedes a shnorer rabble rouser who should be in cherem.

  6. One last point.
    Remember when we weren't allowed to daven on our own porches, which was perfectly safe, because of the Aivah it might cause? But this is ok? And isn't Tifferes bais Yaakov donated by Dr. Rich Robertz? How did he allow this to take place? I see Harav Malkiels name was removed on the poster. I am happy he changed his mind.
    As for this Bhakdi character, his statement said that Jews learned evil from the Nazis. He didn't say Israelis and even if he did, a German comparing any Jew to a Nazi is unacceptable and purely antisemitic. There are no excuses that can be made for such a person. To invite such a man to a Lakewood event is reprehensible.

    1. I’m really curious if any of these speakers are live except for the rabbis. Most of it seem to be random recorder “testimonies” and “lectures”

  7. To HH.
    Cleveland clinic has studies on that covid antibodies (someone who already has civid) is more resistant to delta variant than those who got the vaccine. To tge nest of my knowledge there are no studies to the contrary.
    Please don't spew misinformation.
    As a matter of fact that is one of the reasons I am so reluctant to take the vaccine when they are pushing it on those who clearly don't need it. Makes me question their motives.

  8. The sign says ועתה ישראל מה ה' א-להיך שואל מעמך.
    If they have a different answer to the passuk, I would love to hear it!
