Tuesday, August 10, 2021

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo resigns

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced that he is resigning, effective in 14 days.

New York Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul will replace Cuomo and become the state's first female governor. “The best way I can help now is if I step aside and let government get back to governing, and therefore, that’s what I’ll do,” Cuomo said.


  1. The allegations is nothing new with politicians he should have resigned for the murder of 15000+ nursing home patients
    What a sick society that murder means nothing but the #metoo movement is what counts

  2. Poor Agudah and Darchei there goes all the chanifa

  3. ימח שמו he got his מפלה


    1. Closing the yeshivas was the least of his avayras

  5. NJ Gov Murphy is just as complicit in the deaths of thousands of nursing home patients. He is not a bully like cuomo but should resign too

    1. Gov Murphy has shown himself to be a tremendous oheiv yisroel. He has gone out of his way so many times. He deserves tremendous hakaras hatov regardless of your political views.

    2. Hakaros Hatov does not mean to reelect him he can be thanked with a plaque. He is still responsible for the deaths of thousands of nursing home patients and yes he supports killing full term babies in their mothers womb.
      Vote him out

    3. Are you in a nursing home? Are you an unborn baby?
      If the answer to both of those is no, how is this your business?

      Vote for your interests, not for some shita. Your shitos you can keep in Beis Hamedrash. Vote what is best for yourself, your family and your community. Stop trying to make some ideological statement with your vote, that makes no difference anyway. We have no arvus for Goyim.

    4. Agudist talking points. No arvus for goyim bla bla...
      Sorry, but There is a big olam that follows the shita of Rav Avigdor Miller even if he was a daas yachid

      Please tell us how much money Murphy promised you

    5. It not just Rav Avigdor Miller. Until about ten years ago Agudah felt the same way

      And even today no one with any Yiras Shomyim would say "Your shitos you can keep in Beis Hamedrash. Vote what is best for yourself" That is EXACTLY what Moshe Mendelson SRY and his crowd used to say to destroy Yiddishkeit

    6. I don't know why 'Agudist' is a pejorative, but I have nothing to do with the Aguda.
      The 'big olam' that follows the shita of someone else seems to be heavily influenced by the Goyishe media. They listen to the opinions of right wing pundits more than they learn, and they have become Republicans, instead of Yidden following the Torah. Then they go and blame Reb Avigdor Miller, as though he is the heter for their Goyishe opinions.

      Anon 7:19 - I don't care how the Aguda felt ten or twenty years ago. I know that Reb Chaim Kaniyevsky told Lakewood to ignore so-called 'morality' issues in America, and vote what is best for us. I know that the Torah told us that we have no arvus for Goyim. I know that all politicians are liars, an they are all Christians, who worship a strange getchke and don't believe in the Torah's morality. Either way, we are voting for someone who isn't us, and doesn't believe like us. I don't see a difference between redefining marriage and the 'inalienable rights to the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness'. Both aren't Torah'dig, and both do not represent us. We do what we can, as we did in Europe when we were allowed to vote, and as we do everywhere else in the world.

      Yiddishkeit doesn't depend on the government, we do our own thing

    7. Anonymous 5:37

      Between the lines your comments boil down to "All I care about is money. Don't bother me about anything else"

    8. Anonymous 5:37

      This isn't a question of arvus. It is a question of shutfus.

      Aside for all the other issues with what you wrote. If you vote for someone who proposed doing whatever as a part of his campaign .It's not the "Goyim" who are allowing it. It's the people like you who voted for that candidate who allowed it and carry responsibility.

    9. AnonymousAugust 11, 2021 at 12:54 PM

      If you vote for someone who proposed doing whatever as a part of his campaign .It's not the "Goyim" who are allowing it. It's the people like you who voted for that candidate who allowed it and carry responsibility."


    10. Governor Murphy YMS is a murderer who gave us assisted suicide

    11. Those who claim that they speak for Yiddishkeit
      on the contrary even Yiddishkeit means so little to them and they don't care our Creator

      AnonymousAugust 11, 2021 at 5:37 AM

      Chullin 92
      means zero to you?!

    12. Moshe Mendelson would be ashamed to say such a rishus statement.

      PS the Node Biyihuda called him a talmdi chacham, and rav Itzle of volozin quoted him in his chumush shiurim

    13. AnonymousAugust 11, 2021 at 5:37 AM

      proof that R chaim said such a thing, Rav Moshe Feinstein said we have to fight gay rights, Rav Yaakov kamintzky said it's better to vote for an antisemite than someone who supported gay rights.
      Even on the one in a billion chance that rav Chaim said this, we follow the leading rabbanim in America who held we must care

    14. It is quite easy to find out that Reb Chaim said this. Ask those in Lakewood who are close to him.
      Reb Moshe did not say to fight gay rights, and he has a teshuva telling some nutjob not to fight abortion. He said to vote against Koch, because that was the issue at the time. And his opponent wasn't an anti-semite, you guys decided he was. Reb Yaakov never said so.

      The whole idea of shutfus is ludicrous. Every politician does things against the Torah, they don't believe in the Torah. For some reason gay rights and abortion are the only parts of the Torah that those influenced by the non-Jewish republican party care about.

      And yes, when I go to work, I am trying to make money. When I go vote, I vote for the one who will make my life easiest. When I buy bread in the bakery, I choose the one that is best for me. The whole idea that the voting booth is the one place that my interests don't count is nonsense.

      Chullin 92 doesn't say that I have to care about Goyim's shtaros on mishkav zachur.

    15. Remarkable how you'll change Judaism away from what Creator wants from us to fit it to whatever you want Him to want

      second nice try
      how about asking those really involved without
      communal Agendas however natural and
      Ignorant and willfully ignorant

    16. Rav Moshe wrote this letter


    17. August 12, 2021 at 12:53 PM

      You are raving so incoherently that I don't think even you know what you are saying but can you give me the exact location of Rav Moshe's teshuva someone not to fight abortion?

      PS Did Rav Moshe refer to him as a nutjob or is that just your way of misunderstanding and being mevazah both Rav Moshe and the person who asked the question?

  6. וְכָל אֹיְבֶֽיךָ
    מְהֵרָה יִכָּרֵֽתוּ וְהַזֵּדִים מְהֵרָה תְעַקֵּר וּתְשַׁבֵּר וּתְמַגֵּר וְתַכְנִֽיעַ בִּמְהֵרָה
    בְיָמֵֽינוּ: בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יה שׁוֹבֵר אֹיְ֒בִים וּמַכְנִֽיעַ זֵדִים

  7. Boruch atah Hashem Shover ayovim u'machnia zaidim!!!

  8. All other governors who issues orders that killed nursing home patients should resign too in disgrace that includes Murphy of NJ, Wolf of PA, Pritzker of IL, Baker of MA

  9. This is why murphy fled to Italy the real story here is the nursing home deaths. Cuomo is a scapegoat to deflect attention and coverup for the crimes of killing thousands of elderly nursing home patients. They wanted the deaths to make Trump look bad

  10. מאיגרא רמה לבירא עמיקתא

  11. The vaad Igud and agudah NJ will endorse reelection for Murphy at any co$t. They are preparing the nusach how to convince everyone that despite his liberal policies he deserves hakoras hatov for not shutting down lakewood during corona

    1. It all comes down to a pardon.

    2. And why would you disagree? Its not just his bending over backwards during corona. What about all his help with bussing and many other areas. He has shown himself to be a true ohev yisroel. NJ is a liberal state you cant change that.

    3. NJ is a liberal state you cant change that"

      Face your culpability
      take responsibility

      NJ used to be one of the classic Republican States
      and they knocked and they changed that
      Guess who ? your brethren?

    4. he is a murderer who allowed assisted suicide, every person who votes for him is also a murderer.

  12. At least he didn’t prevent shuls from being built.

  13. Before all of you start celebrating in the streets, keep in mind that NY is a liberal state and only getting worse.
    The next governor will probably be just as bad if not worse

    1. No question that the next governor will be a terrible governor and terrible person. Even so it takes a Rosha like Cuomo to make the red zones. He also made a point of fanning the flames of anti-Semitism big time while he did it.

      I'm no youngster and I can remember a single American politician ever acting with such open hostility to the frum community like Cuomo and some of his appointees.

      Yemach Smoy!!!

  14. While he was sitting out corona in his spacious Estates in Upstate NY he did not allow the people of NYC to do anything other than sit cooped up in their small apartmens.and allow the Business and retail industry to fall apart

  15. So will the new Governor be welcome to meet all the Rebbes and attend tishen?

  16. May De Blasio be publicly humiliated as well !

  17. May his brother have his mapala now as well.

  18. Oh please he didn’t kill anyone on purpose. It was a raging pandemic and it hit ny and nj first so there was turmoil and mismanagement but He’s no murderer. And he did call out frum communities that were blatantly disregarding the mitigation rules in the middle of a once in a century pandemic. He’s around for years and years was never accused of being an antisemite. Everyone stop swallowing whole segments of Ben Shapiro and hannity and spewing out their filth here.

    1. Don't be such a idiot

      I don't pay one drop of attention to Ben Shapiro or hannity but still know enough about the red zones and Cuomo's rhetoric about them to know that anyone who thinks they weren't anti Semitic is an idiot.

      There were a lot of neighborhoods with a lot higher Corona rates that didn't get put into red zones. Enough said, No use talking sense to an idiot .

    2. I'm assuming you are ignoring his abortion bill that takes away a mandate to save babies that survive an abortion.

      This rasha YMS brought same sex "marriage" to NY and thus America.
      Just like he saw his mapala may all those riashyim who supported him soon see theirs


  19. Canaanim also by your definition "ohev yisroel"
    after all they tolerated our ancestors!
    so how come we're commanded to separate from them &despise them and destroy their governments

  20. Reb Chaim Kaniyevsky
    shlita Wasn't involved when he was reported to have made that statement.
    proof : now that he is involved he attacks Etz for their shirking of communal responsibility of obligations

    1. Yes, Eitz shirked their responsibilities. But not to the outside world. We need to vote so that OUR interests are represented. We don't need abortion or anti-abortion. We do need mosdos, we do need not to be targeted by agenda-driven people (even if they are republicans. Anyone remember Christie ym"sh who set his AG on our community as revenge for the Va'ad's refusal to meet him?)

      Anyway. the chutzpa to divide Reb Chaim's opinion into two, 'when he's involved' is ridiculous.

    2. how about asking those really involved without
      communal Agendas and propaganda

  21. Be that as it may #metoo has stalled due to the virus the past year or so and they desperately needed more fuel to feed their monster
    and for that this is a less than positive turn
    We should all be saddened by this turn of events however much we will despise

  22. Even those narrow constricted people
    foolish narrow wickedly selfish aggrandizing style is bound to shoot us all in the foot

    First they came for the .., and I did not speak out
    Because I was not a..

    Then they came for the .. and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a ..

    Then they came for the .. and I did not speak out
    Because I was not a ....

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me

    Remember a short 12years ago only (astonishing ), States that previously held referenda on marriage had the record in favor of retaining traditional marriage 31-0!

    The non-jews, in their guts sense that , as thenVP Joe Biden proclaimed, it is primarily jewsish influence who are responsible for the seismic social quake.

    cf. Seforno Bereishis6 : 8.
