Sunday, August 22, 2021

Sunday Aug 22 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather - Rain early...then remaining cloudy with showers in the afternoon. Potential for flooding rains. High 79F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall possibly over one inch.

- Middletown, school district in NJ is voting to allow parental opt out of Murphy mask mandate "for health issues". (Woke zombi on Twitter)

- Chabad of Long Beach, NY Vandalized, Sefer Torah Stolen talleisim strewn on the floor, the aron kodesh broken off the hinges and a number of holy Torah’s stolen, with two lying on the ground,” the congregant told

- Newly installed Chandelier falls to the floor at the new Viznitz Bais Mesrash in Bnei Brak see photo below 

-Israel health ministry  reports another 48 covid deaths 39 from previous Weeks and 9 from today.

- KCL: ימים נוראים Honeycomb  Alert: Lately it has become popular to use fresh honeycomb during the yom tov season. It is important to know that crushing honeycomb on Shabbos or Yom Tov is Halachicaly questionable. Please consult your Rav for Guidance

- Hachnosas Sefer Torah at B"M Nesivos Mordechai 2302 Tapestry court, Toms River 3:30 pm

- Oif Simchas Segal - Rhine Wedding at Bais Faiga chupa 12:00 pm

- BDE: petirah of Rav Moshe Menachem Tirnauet ztl Satmar dayan of Montreal, levaya will take place today in Williamsburg

- Nichum Aveilim : Mishpachas Weinstein sitting shiva for their father R' Yehoshua ZL, 73, who was niftar during a visit to Etetz Yisrael from cardiac arrest founder of Shena Koleinu for autistic children. Shiva at 1631 55th st in Boro Park. Sons in Lakewood R' Tzvi Dov R' Aryeh R' Avromi R' Yitzchok. getting up Thursday

- Flash flood warning untill 9:00 am for Ocean county

- Chanukas Habayis and Hachnosas sefer Torah at Kollel Govoha Imrei Kohen 185 Miller road at 4:00 pm . Kesivas oisiyis 2:30 pm at 75 Shady lane. Buildidng will be named Bais Elozer after Rabbi Elozar Hakohen Kahanow ztl

- Pentagon has now formally activated the Civil Reserve Air Fleet. At least 18 commercial aircraft to be used to airlift Kabul evacuees from bases in Europe and the middle east

- LPD: 7:00 am - Torrential rainfall is developing & will continue over the next several hours leading to instances of poor drainage & roadway flooding.

- Lakewood had 213 car crashes in first two weeks of August from 8/1- 8/15 including 26 with injuries and 7 pedestrians struck aee more at LNN

- Youngeleit in BMG get letter notifying of the new scholarship stipend begining Sept 1 It will be a additional check to the current bi weekly one with an option to receive it in full or half or to opt out. The letter advises that they check their financial status for tax brackets and eligibility for assistance programs. Other kollelim reacted by increasing their monthly amount to $1200. The Lrrc wrote a letter to notify the various agencies of the change in income as it will be counted.

- Israel on Sunday saw its highest tally of serious coronavirus cases since the start of the fourth infection wave 645 patients are in severe condition, 104 are connected to ventilators. 5,312 tested positive over shabbos Death toll at 6,782.

- Yeshiva Toras Chaim of Denver public letter: "As the Denver Police Department reported at a news conference yesterday, it appears that Shmuli was caught in a random string of horrific violence. The attack began outside the Yeshiva, and ended with the death of Shmuli inside the first set of doors at our Kitchen entrance. Though vicious and tragic, it is our belief at this current time that this was not a targeted hate crime motivated by anti-Semitism. However, if evidence is discovered that it was, the Denver Police Department said it would work with the Denver District Attorney’s Office to add any appropriate charges". Read full letter at

- The chareidi sector in Israel has seen a significant spike in infections in recent days As

of Sunday morning, all chareidi cities in Israel were designated as “red,” except for Beitar Ilit, which is designated “orange.” seems that the new spike began with the opening of the school year in the chareidi schools (Israel Hayom)

News photos

Ger rebbe visiting Satmar rebbe R' Zalman Leib Teitelbaum

Mincha erev shabbos at the Ger sheva brachos in BP

Collapsed chandelier in Viznitz Bnei Brak



  1. 99% of the ICU patients in EY are unvaccinated.
    Let that sink in.
    The vaccine works, don't let the static distort the facts. Even after the breakthrough cases, it still works. Not 100%, but it works enough that there is no sechel not to take it.
    Stop the slogans, and just take it. Thousands of people that you know took it, and have suffered no ill side effects besides one day of discomfort. Once you get over your phobia, you won't even notice it. Take it, and forget about it, like the rest of us did.
    Just take it.

    1. Where did you see that 99 percent are unvaccinated?

    2. What percentage of people in the ICU were previously infected with COVID?

    3. Please back up that number. A full 40% of cases are breakthrough cases. Also, most importantly; only 1% are reinfections. Natural immunity works.
      If someone is in a risk group they should get vaccinated, if they never had corona yet. If they did, they should consult a doctor who follows science.

    4. You are confusing 'cases' and ICU cases. Yes, many are getting infected, but they aren't in the ICU. Those that are in the ICU are 99% non vaccinated.

    5. Chashve tzedakah campaign please help and forward

  2. Shiur about "The Chaluka of Yerushalayim" today Sunday 14th Elul by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlita 3:00 pm on Zoom Meeting ID:81790422045 Password:168485 One tap mobile +16465588656  ID: 81790422045 PW:168485

  3. 99% ?
    Source please

  4. Bmg checks are a very nice thing but do the fact that it is unearned income unfortunately most of it will be going to Uncle Sam. Maybe someone can think of a better way to help the yungerlite so they actually see an increase in $ in their pockets. Maybe lower tuition or a cheap rental system for those who dont have hud. Its nice thought though

    1. Or, education and employment c"v

    2. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

    3. When you say most of the money will go to uncle sam, that is not true, some will and depending on the person's earnings more will go... If someone has enough money dont accept tzedaka... And btw someone has to pay for all the programs... If everyone got free money the money wouldn't have any value .

    4. correct someone pays for it. This amazing donor(s) is paying probably 60% of his income to the Uncle. most of which is used on shtusim like global warming & special interests. A very small percentage is helping yungerlite. He found in his heart to donate a large sum of money to support torah in addition to the taxes he pays. Thats why I feel bad that most of his donation will go to Uncle Sam. (All those who are jealous can join too theres no discrimination here)

    5. The way to correct this is by either offering those that want grocery gift cards in lieu of some of the money or paid towards tuition

  5. The yungeleit and rebbeim are already getting lower tuition (or free tuition) and all the programs plus YT freebies. Many of them are better off than a lot of working people.

    1. שנאת התורה comes in all shapes and sizes.
      Nobody took anything from you to distribute these checks, yet you are whining about it.

    2. first of all, nobody gets free tuition. second of all, if you hate kollel people so much why would you choose to live in Lakewood?

    3. We may indeed be "better off" in the sense of having fewer bills per month, and likely less stress. But I really don't know any working families our size who live in the size home we do; drive a yeshivish car; wear secondhand clothes; wear a ten+ year old sheitel; never go on a vacation; keep kids home during the summer due to the expense of camp, etc etc .. it's a different lifestyle with different expectations.

  6. Im going back to kollel

    1. I would go back to kollel and live the luxurious life, but instead I working so I can support the bnai Torah.... Just one favor. Next time you see me, please respect me..

    2. אל תגעו במשיחי

    3. Really?? So go back to Kollel. Or, maybe you can’t sit for hours a day learning. That’s ok, it’s not for everyone. But please everyone stop saying the yungeleit are rich it’s not true for the most part.

    4. Really?? So go back to Kollel. Or, maybe you can’t sit for hours a day learning. That’s ok, it’s not for everyone. But please everyone stop saying the yungeleit are rich it’s not true for the most part.

  7. Your right, kollel yungeleit with large families are the wealthiest people I know...????

  8. Wbat's up with the KCL PR campaign mit a muhl they are putting out alerts on the old stationary

  9. " I would go back to kollel and
    live the luxurious life, but
    instead I working so I can
    support the bnai Torah.... Just
    one favor. Next time you see
    me, please respect me."

    No one believes for a second that someone with your attitude gives one dime to kollel families (or that you ever stepped foot in a kollel) . And if you dont like Bnai Torah go back to wherever you came from.

    1. Sorry but I could go back to kollel, but at this time I pay for all my grandchildren tuitions, plus I have donated to many of their schools. But I cannot learn as well as my children and therefore support them. Stop judging others. I work very hard and I’m very upset at your words directed to balei batim.

    2. B'Michlos Kvodecha, I did LEARN in yeshiva and LEARN in kollel for many years, and still learn at every available minute with many sedorim a day- but yet, I also do work. I wish I had the ability to sit and learn the entire day, however that is not possible. I do respect kollel and yeshiva'lite who make Torasu U'mniso and there is no replacement for them. I also give my fair share to The above and other tzedakos.
      There is noone that can counter what I wrote. The fact is not everyone in Kollel is living a kollel life. Why dont you go and look? There is no reason for a guy in kollel to be driving a Infiniti, Acura or Volvo for that matter. 15 years ago the nicest car in teh BMG parking lot was a Avalon driven by a Bal Habos who went to yeshiva first seder. A vacation was a trip to New Hampshire not to some remote island.
      A guy in yeshiva was fancy with calvin klein shoes-- maybe one or two of the G'virims Eidem had a Ferragamo's let alone belt and shoes.
      Yes, the world only stands on Torah and those who are Mamis Atzmo for it-- not sure how many people would swap their Ferragamo's for a nock off pair of $40 shows to be able to stay in kollel-- Yes there are those but not too many.
      Its yeridas hadoras and every word these people learn is worth it-- not saying they shouldn't. I went to work-- but i didnt leave yeshiva.

  10. Uh don’t think anyone said they’re the wealthiest but they ain’t the paupers they’re made to be. People like to kvetch about rebbeim and yungeleit but the reality is they are better off than many average working people especially this year.

  11. Anyway what shaychus “kollel yungeleit with large families”? Are large families reserved for kollel yungeleit? I know many working people with large families who struggle and they don’t get all the handouts including stimulus which amounted to tens of thousands of dollars this year on top of all the programs which is worth even more this year.

    1. Working people who aren't making very large incomes also got stimulus

  12. No one is giving their hard earned money to kollel yungerleit in place of working people because they think the yungerleit are the poorest of the poor. It’s because they want to grab the opportunity of being mehaneh talmidei chachamim and getting a share in their learning. It may well be that some working folks aren’t any better off financially than some yungerleit. But that’s not the point. Sorry.

  13. Fakewood Poop with a click bate hit piece on bmg yeshiva disgusting

  14. And that wasn’t my point either. Sorry you missed the boat.

  15. Huh? Why do you guys take this as a personal attack and saying it’s שנאת התורה? What are you talking about? I have tremendous respect for bnei Torah and learned in yeshiva for many years myself but the reality is that financially speaking many yungeleit are better off than many baalei batim. Saying that doesn’t imply hatred to Torah or you it’s stating a fact.

    1. 'I'm just stating a fact'.
      The refuge of haters the world over.
      Sorry, but you're שנאת התורה leaks out of every orifice. I don't care personally, but it's time to take out a מעלות התורה, a נפש החיים שער ד' or a שלחן ערוך הרב הל' תלמוד תורה to find out how the world works.

  16. @7:41 If you takka live that lifestyle kol hakavod but the fact is there are very few living like that today. The lifestyle of the average yungerman in BMG today is light years away from that (even) 15-20 years ago. Not that long ago BMG’s parking lot was full of century’s and that was light years from what it was 30 years ago! It’s sad but Lakewood changing dramatically is not only the city but the yeshiva too.

  17. Don’t take the comments too seriously. Remember the ones lecturing everyone here about שנאת התורה etc are not the ones sitting in bais medrash learning.
