Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Lakewood BOE Virtual Meeting today

 Lakewood BOE meeting today August 4 at 7:30
Watch livestream Here
See Agenda Here 

 to submit question  6:30 P.M. TO 7:30 P.M. Email (by dialing 732.839.3003 ID # 776-382-8466) 

Submitted via comment

 1) Given that it is at the least debatable that the state has not provided a thorough and efficient education in Lakewood from the time I filed Alcantara in 2014 until 2019 when the record was closed and given that a T & E claim is the only cause of action that the NJ Supreme Court has recognized in a school funding case, why is the BOE opposing the necessary element in proving my case? 

2) What will the BOE say to our children who will likely not be able to afford a home in Lakewood because of the BOE's mounting debt, which the statute requires to be repaid out of future state aid, essentially shifting the state's share of school funding to Lakewood taxpayers unless a court unless we win? (The state has got a good thing going.)

 3) When you speak about going to Trenton have you considered that we have heard for two decades that our local leaders are working with Trenton, and have you discounted the likely scenario that the legislature is not exactly inclined to help Lakewood and perhaps will eventually remove the two percent tax increase cap from towns owning more that $50 million in debt or some amount to make sure that Lakewood pays?
 Aaron Lang

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