Thursday, August 19, 2021


- A large crowd  paid kavod achron late last night at the Levaya of Habochur Shmuli Silverberg Z"L הי''ד. The levaya took place at the chapel on 7th street with kevura at the bais olam. Local Yeshivos of bais medrash age sent their bochurim, in attendence were alumni of Denver Esison, Steins, Telz yeshivos  and bochurim from camp Degel in CT, were shmuli spent this summer. Maspidim spoke  about the sterling middos of the niftar, current and former rebbeim stressed how he was a ben aliya shteiging over the years and that his last moments before he was shot were with divrei Torah talking in learning. The grandfather and father gave chizuk, he was a korbon for the dor we dont know cheshnonos of shomayim but it is a time for us to take upon something to be mechazek  especially in Elul before Rosh Hashana.

- Shiva is at 1642 Barrymor Drive Lakewood (raintree) Shachris 8:00 am

 Levaya in Denver of Habachur Shmuel Silverberg A"H. Another Levaya and Kevura in Lakewood  tonight 11:00 pm at the 7th st Chapel watch on Zoom HERE 
Meeting ID 895 9904 2229
Passcode: 706464 
One tap mobile US+13126266799,,89599042229#

Habachur Shmuli Silverberg Z"L


  1. What is the room number/meeting i.d. for computer log ins?

  2. I once heard a recording of a shiur where the speaker said that it is improper to use the expression kavod acharon as it intimates that its over and there is no continuation chalila. Can anyone bring proof one way or another from earlier sources?
