Monday, August 23, 2021

Murphy: Teacher Vaccine Mandate Applies to ALL Schools offers weekly Testing Option

 Murphy: NEW: All preschool-through-12 school personnel are required to complete a full vaccination course or undergo regular testing at a minimum of once to twice each week.

 Full compliance is required by October 18th. This executive order applies to all public, private, and parochial preschool programs and elementary and secondary schools, including charter and renaissance schools. It also applies to ALL individuals employed by a school – whether they work full time or part time.


  1. Thank you king Murphy for making our lives that much less free to choose. Now if you'd be consistent and tell those pro choice folks that you are in charge of their personal decisions as well.
    Here's to wishing election day would be sooner so we can vote the king down. Let him have the same defeat as cuomo

  2. Dictator in chief
    But the Vaad and Agudah Will tell everyone to vote for king Phil because of Hakaras Hatov
    Ignoring what he did to 10000 nursing home patients
    Ignoring his liberal policies bringing Marijuana to our children
    His support of full term abortion
    High property taxes

  3. Great news. I love love love that he is forcing vaccinations.

    1. Care to share why.
      Is it because his poll numbers will tumble in the coming days and weeks?

  4. Most important is his ban on all plastic bags in stores that will take effect only after the election....

    Now that is something that we can all NJ shoppers can commiserate with.....

  5. He is not forcing vaccinations. It is your choice whether you get vaccinated, or tested weekly. This is a reasonable accommodation, and a reasonable plan.

  6. Some of the commenters here make me scratch my head in wonder.
    He doesn't need you to be vaccinated, he gains nothing from it. He has a job, to govern the state. And the experts told him to get the vaccination rates up. Do you prefer he govern from the hip, using his instincts rather than experts? What do you expect from him? He should just say, "let covid reign", and that's it?!

    1. Keep scratching your head

      Did his experts tell him to kill ten thousand nursing home patients. Murphy is owned by the teachers unions and beholden to the liberal left. He picks and chooses whatever fits the agenda. He was proven as a liar and does not follow science.
      It is all about power and control he could care less about peoples life he allowed assisted suicide and killing if full term babies in their 9th month inside the womb.

    2. I don't have the details about the nursing home debacle, and I suspect you don't either. But that isn't the entire story.
      Are you suggesting that from then and further, anything he says must be evil, and we must do the opposite? What kind of universe do you inhabit?

  7. Dreaming of voting him out is like dreaming of voting our caring askanim off the township. It’s ain’t going to happen.

  8. Great. Vaccinations for all. Like the majority of people prefer.

  9. Murphy is up in the polls and poised to win reelection. Lakewood askanim want a strong showing of support so they can squeeze what they want for over the next 4 years

  10. why shouldnt teachers have to vaccinate or test? Children have to go to school. The school should be relatively safe for them and their families. Why should a child bring home COVID from his teacher? They are welcome to vax or test. Whats the big deal?

  11. Don't understand what everyone's getting worked up about. He's not forcing anyone to get vaccinated, if anything, he seems to understand that there are people that don't want to be vaccinated and he's offering them the option of weekly testing. While I don't agree with many things that Gov Murphy does, it's hard to deny that he's been good to Lakewood and he does deserve our hakoras hatov for that.

    1. Weekly testing untill election day than it is vaccine only.
      Hakoras hatov does not mean reelecting him to harm us we can give him a nice box of donuts

    2. Watch the testimony of a doctor in front of an Israeli Beis Din and you'll see why everyone is up in arms.

    3. tough words there 'testimony' and 'up in arms'.
      Of course, sane people know that lipstick on a pig doesn't change its nature, and the Zelenko protocol is impractical even if it would work. And the data just isn't there.

  12. I am not an anti vaxxer but don’t see the need to get the Covid vaccine.

  13. Why did Lakewood scoop not report on it

  14. His position of "either get vaccinated or get tested weekly" makes sense. Even if you don't think the weekly testing is necessary. No complaints here about the policy itself BUT I don't like the idea of the government having a say in the health policies of private schools in the absence of a clear and present danger.
