Thursday, August 12, 2021

Census Numbers in Lakewood now 5th Largest City in NJ

Updated: The U.S. Census Bureau says the population for Lakewood, New Jersey is 135,158  that is a  45.5% increase since the previous census count in 2010 where it stood at 92,843. This puts Lakewood  from the 7th to 5th biggest city in NJ behind Jersey City Elizabeth Paterson and Newark.


  1. Welcome to gridlock thank you township committee puppets for doing nothing to the infrastructure while helping your buddies profit off development
    Lakewood is a big city and needs a full time mayor time to throw the bums out and revamp with a new govt system.
    The way it is set up now with the LIC LDC no one takes responsibility or blame while the corruption continues daily fleecing the public assets of the tax payers.

    1. Well said. Who do you have in mind to take the reins?

    2. New fresh blood with term limits not connected to any power players all placeholders have to be replaced and set up a ward system like Jackson

    3. I am very happy with the committee members. They have always been responsive to my needs even when it wasn’t popular with the residents. I want to keep the current committee structure as is. No changes. Because no matter what there will be silly neighbors complaining about such nonsense as traffic problems, etc.

      Our committeemen have proved that they can withstand the pressure placed on them by residents that have nothing better to do than being busy with everyone else’s business. Those residents should learn to be happy with what they have and stop complaining so much. They should learn that life isn’t perfect.


    4. Corruption , nepotism, filthy antisocial favoritism just added a new buddy
      "Kikar Shabbos 2.0"

    5. Tafasta Merubeh Lo TafastaAugust 12, 2021 at 4:08 PM

      Mr. Kikar Shabbos,

      I don’t know who you think you are or why you feel yourself to be more important than all other Lakewood residents. But since we all pay taxes in this town, that gives us the right to state our concerns with your development projects — especially when they are costing us the millions that are being given away for a measly $1, and especially when we have to suffer with the unfair traffic jams you’re forcing upon us so you can make a profit.

      So.. NO. We need to replace our elected officials so we can finally get real representation for our concerns, such as selling twp owned land for its true value and putting a halt to greedy developers which ruin our neighborhoods with too much traffic and density.

      Our list of needs is bigger, but we need to at least start with these.

  2. The growth is not organic from the yeshiva community but from the many people who moved to Lakewood as ot has become a frum community not only catering to kolel guys. Parents moved in as did chasidim and others who did not learn in BMG

  3. The vaad must be salivating from their new bloc vote how much $$$$ they can squeeze with election endorsements.

  4. “Census Numbers in Lakewood now 5th Largest City in NJ“
    אשר על כן?

  5. Kikar S

    Every disgusting tyranny has had some Defenders Who benefited or they would have had a hard time surviving

    1. are you really not intelligent enough to realize when someone is being sarcastic?

  6. Sheesh! Some people need to take their sarcasm radar to a mechanic immediately!

  7. We are not done yet
    Lakewood still has another 4 cities to beat in NJ
    Until Lakewood becomes the Largest City in the State of NJ
    (With no public Transit)

    1. Forget about public transportation, I would settle for some actual through streets.
