Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Tuesday November 3rd Election Day News Updates Lakewood

 - Weather: cloudy  High near 55F. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph.

-Polls close in NJ at 8:00 pm.

- 23 new covid19 cases in Lakewood +3 deaths totals 6139/214

-The hanhala of the Yeshiva of Philadelphia are warning their talmidim to remain indoors over the potential for civil unrest in Philadelphia over today’s election (Mstzav)

-Chasdei Hashem Harav Yisrael Yitzchak Kalmanowitz shlita has been released from hospital and recuperating at home 

 -Yesodei food distribution OTL  boxes 6:45 pm  tonight at Tashbar 82 Oak Street and Mekor Hatorah 180 Sims box at 6:30 pm includes Milk Sprinkle cookies Bag of bagels Container pretzels Fresh salmon Garlic knots Pizza cheese 3LB Apples Yellow squash Green squash Box of mini pizza Liebers milchig cookies

Breitbart video: Orthodox Jews pray for Trump’s victory on Election Day Here

-New Jersey election officials won’t count ballots cast in person on Election Day until at least Nov. 10, a state official confirmed Monday.

Levaya for Harav Yaakov Busel zatzal is at 3pm at Edison Yeshiva 1 Plainfield Rd Edison, NJ  kevurah in Eretz Yisrael. Live stream here

-NJ has 1,832 new positive cases and 18 new confirmed deaths reported today

-Residents bringing their mail in ballots to polling locations in Lakewood and around NJ not trusting the mail system.

-52% of eligible voters in Lakewood have already cast a ballot. Residents are dropping off ballots at the drop box at 225 4th street. You can go vote at the polling locations by filling out a provisional ballot.  List of polling locations Here

-BDE: Petira of R' Moshe Simcha Pruzansky Z"L was in his 70's moved to Lakewood from Brooklyn. Levaya 1:00 pm at the chapel on 7th street. Kevura in Eretz Yisrael.

-The New Jersey State Police will activate its emergency operations center on Tuesday amid fears of potential civil unrest following tomorrow’s national election.

-Lakewood in 2016 17,914 voted for Trump 5,841 for Clinton

-Yidden in E"Y davening at the kosel dedicating Torah learning for the president of the USA. Coffeee in Belz B"M in Yerushalayim  donated as a zechus for Yidden in America and for President Trump "יום שנכפל בו כי טוב".


  1. The newcomers guide to Lakewood should have ratings for all the elementary and high schools, which schools abuse and humiliate you during the application process, which ones denigrate you during the tuition meetings and which ones are totally unresponsive to educational issues as they arise.

    1. That is every school in Lakewood. No need for a list.

    2. When your builder builds developments, ask him if he earmarked a substantial portion of the general construction costs to support mosdos chinuch in town. If not, then you cannot gave taanos on the schools. The excellent chinuch opportunities are used as a selling point of this town. Yet ppl spend more on the bathroom tiles than on funds for schools. If you are profiting from the town, remember that it's your achrayus to pitch in to build schools as needed for the influx of residents. Same applies for other mosdos tzibbur that are essential to provide for lakewood residents.

    3. how about newcomers to lakewood start their own schools instead of overburdening already overburdened schools?

  2. For the sake of our mosdos, VOTE ONLY FOR REPUBLICANS and VOTE NO FOR MARIJUANA!

    1. The mosdos get more money from Dems, in exchange for teaching about their progressive agenda.

    2. Which mosdos teach a progressive agenda? Not in Lakewood!

    3. What’s wrong with marijuana?

    4. Underage usage. Same with vaping and cigarettes. We must protect our youth!


  3. https://www.wfla.com/election/elections-national/jewish-cemetery-tagged-with-trump-ahead-of-election-day/amp/

  4. Probably by democrats
