Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Wednesday August 7 News Updates Lakewood

weather: 73° Generally cloudy. High 73F. Humidity 87%

Amount of rainfall from yesterday 
Lakewood  3.65 in
Toms River 3.48 in

- NYT: Kamala Harris reportedly met with the co-founders of Uncommitted before the Michigan rally and indicated that she was open to an arms embargo towards Israel, then introduced those activists to members of her staff.

- BDE: Petirah of  Mr. Kloinemus Oppenheimer z”l owner of Oppenheimer’s Regis Hotel in Fleischmans, NY. He was in his 90's a long-time resident of Lakewood. Levaya tomorrow 10:30am in Lakewood at the chapel off  7th st.

- JD Vance lands on the same tarmac as Kamala Harris in Eau Claire, walks towards Air Force 2, and says:"...hopefully it's going to be my plane in a few months. I also thought you guys may get lonely because the VP doesn't answer questions from reporters..."

- Pollster Frank Luntz says Kamala Harris is now the front runner in the election, says he would have picked Josh Shapiro over Tim Walz.

- Audio recordings obtained by ABC News reveal that former President Trump commended Minnesota Governor Tim Walz for his response to the George Floyd protests. In a conversation with fellow governors, Trump praised Walz's leadership, saying he "dominated" the situation and set a strong example for other states.

- Team Kamala was informed of the Stolen Valor letter about Walz a week and a half ago. It was brushed off, per WH contact. Lot of 'told you so's' from Team Biden going around 9Jacck Posobiec)

- Nikki Haley: Democrats are going to have to explain this movement towards deeper antisemitism. We are seeing it in the protests, in the rhetoric by the Squad and members of Congress, and now in the VP pick. They can’t talk this away as coincidence. It’s concerning.

- Arthur Lang funding formula lawsuit update state responds to request of appeal stating the formula is not unconstrained see Here. Oral arguments begin next week.
Also NYS raises taxes for Monsey residents to fund public school see Here

- Yapchick will be open Thursday & Friday with a full Parve menu  free oparve cholent with $10 purchase 

- The Jackson Township Zoning Board of Adjustment is set tonight, August 7, 2024, to consider an application which seeks to legalize a shul operating in a tent at 263 Jackson Pines Road. faanews  

- Cori Bush aquarium member  who lost her primary warns AIPAC she's 'coming to tear your kingdom down' in fiery concession speech. American Jews trending today on Twitter today in response to her remarks

- More than 300,000 still without power; in Cleveland  after tornadoes swept through the area.  Telz yeshiva aeea was without power early this morning affecting camp Kol Torah on premises 

- Following a lengthy public hearing on Tuesday night of an application submitted by Birchas Chaim to construct a child care center on Vine Avenue with a capacity for 572 children, Lakewood Township's Planning Board tabled the application over insufficient parking concerns. faa 

Lakewood MVC after a brief power outages today says Any customer with a cancelled appointment will be offered a courtesy return pass.

- NBC Reporter to Vance: "You have repeatedly suggested that the only reason Kamala Harris didn't pick Josh Shapiro is because of his Jewish faith. Do you have any evidence to support that assertion that a person who is married to a Jewish man is somehow anti-semitic?"
VANCE: "You should take a little less DNC talking points when you ask your questions and ask a real question."

- Lakewood rabbi’s lawyer demands investigation of OPIA after botched trials
Vartan says Office of Public Integrity and Accountability ‘has a history of slipshod and failed investigations and unethical prosecutors whom courts have found violated defendants’ rights’ nj globe 

-Barack Obama: Governor Walz doesn’t just have the experience to be vice president, he has the values and the integrity to make us proud. And as we saw last night Kamala Harris  and Tim Walz  make a great team. 

- Agudah: tonight  Wednesday, 3 Menachem Av / August 7, there will be an important gathering in Ateres Chaya, 1415 54th Street in Brooklyn (Boro Park). The asifa, which is being sponsored by Agudas Yisroel’s “KnowUs” division, will be focusing on the timeless (but also all too timely) theme of “Dina D’malchusa Dina.” It will feature addresses by Harav Avrohom Schorr, shlita, Rav of Bais Medrash Nezer Gedalyahu; Harav Binyomin Eisenberger, shlita, Rav of Bais Medrash Heichal Hatfilla; as well as Rabbi Aaron Lipskar, Chief Executive Officer of the Aleph Institute; and renowned criminal defense lawyer Ben Brafman. I will be serving as the evening’s chairman. We have called Mincha for 7:00, after which we will proceed with the program.


  1. there will be divrei zikoran on Hagoan Rav Avrohom Shmuelevitz ZT"L tonight at 190 Hillside blvd Lakewood. Mariv at 9PM

  2. Divrei zikaron is after maariv?

  3. Here are the correct links: State Appellate Response.'%20Brief.pdf
    State Appendix 1.'%20Appendix%201.pdf
    State Appendix 2.'%20Appendix%201.pdf

    Oral argument has not been set. We will be replying this week or early next and then oral argument will be set.

    There are a number of problems with the state brief. There are almost no legal citations. They do not address any of our arguments. The use the wrong standard of proof. They do not address the question that the Court ordered them to.

    All they do is repeat that dismal state report of March 1, 2024 without any cross examination of the experts, our own witnesses, admissible of evidence. Their argument is just plainly a weak attempt. AL

  4. I just had an epiphany moment. I've come to the conclusion that Harris and the Democrat party are now the shluchim of Hashem to turn America against Israel and Yidden. This way the Goyim will finally make "Havdalah" so that we can make "Kidush". (Those who know, know.)
    I now respect the Democrats more than I've ever respected them before. They are literally Hashem's shluchim!

  5. Even if, she, just by her identity/personality is the ultimate bottom horrid "medium is the message"
