Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Wednesday August 21 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 76° mph Plenty of sunshine. 

- Tehillim a search is underway for a missing 8 year old boy from Baltimore while on vacation on Flagstaff Arizona after visiting a cave at a national park. He took a different direction and disappered. Name is Tzion ben Chaya Rivka

- Independent Presidential Candidate Robert Kennedy Jr will address the nation live on Friday about the present historical moment and his path forward. Reported indicate he will end his campaign and endorse Trump

- The parents of American-Israeli hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin are greeted to a standing ovation and chants of “Bring them home” as they want onto the stage on the third night of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago

-At DNC, former president Clinton praises Biden’s dedication to Gaza ceasefire deal.

- A woman fainted in the stands at the Trump rally today, and Trump walked out from behind the protective glass to make sure she was ok

- Giyus update: The IDF says that just seven charedi men showed up at induction centers today to complete screening processes ahead of enlistment. This is due to a large hafgana that rook place today in Yerushalayim organized by the Badatz eidah Hacharedis.

- Delta  airlines Confirms Israel Suspension Until November

-American Airlines extends suspension of Tel Aviv services to March 29

- The US House Committee on Education and Workforce has subpoenaed Columbia University for documents related to an ongoing investigation into antisemitism on campus,

- El Al announces fixed ticket costs for 4 locations amid price hike accusations. Flights to Larnaca, Athens, Vienna and Dubai to be at set prices through December as it’s accused of exploiting war to pad profits
The fixed price for a roundtrip ticket will be $199 to Larnaca, $299 to Athens, and $349 to both Vienna and Dubai.

- The Seminary Insanity, and Why a new seminary in Israel Proves We’re Being Ripped Off Matzav

- Miznon Kosher, Mediterranean Street Food restaurant coming soon to NJ at Bellworks  Located at: 101 Crawfords Corner Rd, Holmdel NJ 07733.  35 minutes from Lakewood

- Bike 4 Chai 2024 is underway as riders left from the Kalahri resorts in PA, headed to camp Simcha  team Lakewood has raised $2,300,548.05 out of the $2.5 million goal 

- LSTA charging Jackson parents $80 per application  to see if they can arrange busing for those who opt in. The fee does not get returned regardless.

- Stage coach bistro open 310 5th street, former falafel n chips location 

- RFK Jr is rumored to be  dropping out of presidential race

-NJ Rep Bill Pascrell has died at the age of 87 he served 14 terms in congress as a Democrat. He is the 2nd NJ congress member to die in office this year following the death of Rep Sheila Jackson.

- Rutgers University has suspended the New Brunswick chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) due to repeated violations of university policies and disruption of campus activities.

- Biden admin admits inflating job growth. Largest Jobs Revision In 15 Years: Government Overstated 818,000 Jobs. Biden’s administration falsely inflated job growth by 818,000 jobs in March 2024, obscuring a grim reality where 68,167 fewer jobs were added monthly since April 2023, marking the largest downward revision in 15 years.
Despite Democrats’ claims of economic strength, 37% of Americans struggle with housing costs, gas prices surged by 22% in 2024, and real wages haven’t kept up with inflation, leaving families stretched thin.

- The helicopter crash in which Iran's late President Ebrahim Raisi was killed in May was caused by weather conditions and the aircraft's inability to handle the weight it was carrying, Iran's semi-official news agency reported on Wednesday,

- The Toms River Jewish Community Council issued a statement this week regarding the retirement of Toms River Police Chief Mitch Little expressing  deepest gratitude to  for his unwavering dedication and service to the Toms River community. Throughout his tenure, Chief Little has been a true leader, exemplifying the values of unity, safety, and mutual respect that are the cornerstones of a strong and vibrant community,

- N.J. Drivers Will Be Able To Write Off Their E-Zpass Tolls lawmakers introduce a proposal to allow E-ZPass users to deduct toll payments from their state income tax.

- Social nedia users reapond to Gov Murphy tweet about his visit to Agudah at DNC Murphy wrote "Our Orthodox community is a vibrant and growing force in American politics. From combating antisemitism to supporting school safety, we’re committed to working closely with the community. Some took issue with it
'Phil, you’ve done nothing to combat antise-itism in NJ. It’s running rampant on the campus of Rutgers. Gas station attendants in Lakewood are refusing to serve Jews. Hate crimes against Jews are up. But yeah, you post this and pretend you’re standing up for the community."


  1. Is the LSTA fee separate from the 50$ fee that they charged?


  3. A vote for schnall is a vote for Agudas liberal agenda
    It is not a vote to help Lakewood shtadlanus
    There was no excuse for schnall to show up at the DNC what was the point?
    The olam in lakewood was fooled and mislead into thinking that we are being helped instead out voting power was used by agudah to court democrats by showing them we are up for sale

    1. "A vote for schnall is a vote for Agudas liberal agenda"
      What liberal agenda?

      Sorry everyone, but facts are that approximately 90% of orthodox Jews live in Democratic or Democratic leaning states, and we need Democratic politicians to listen to us. You don't have to agree with everything Schnall does or says, but to burn bridges with the democratic party is a bad, and dangerous mistake.

      Everyone knows that swing voters are the most listened to voters (after the donors- of course), he was trying to portray us as that.

    2. There you go again Mr paid Agudah troll

      No, Avi was portraying us as former Trump voters who are now voting Democrat because he was elected in a campaign of deception as a dem. Aguda had no problem burning bridges with Trump and Ocean county Republicans.
      Secondly lakewood has been voting for Democrat Lichtenstein before schnall and also voted for Republicans by his election.

      Thirdly our believes have nothing to do with who is in power,we are not a nation that sells out to the highest bidder.
      Schnal mispresented the Lakewood community at the DNC there was no reason for that. He embarrassed us on a national stage and made a chilul Hashem that we can be bought off.

    3. You totally missed the boat. (This is my first comment on this topic).

      Schnall was saying that we vote our interests, not the party. We may have liked Trump, but that didn't stop us voting democratic when it suited us. So, as long as Trump stays as he was, we will vote for him. But our loyalty is to no party, and when the democrats represent us, we will vote for them.

      If they internalize that message, the politicians on both sides of the aisle will reckon with our concerns. If we persist in sending the message that there is no republican proposal that we won't agree with and there is no democratic proposal that we will agree with, we will lose any political clout we have.

      You may disagree with that mahalach. But it has nothing to do with the liberal agenda, and nothing to do with turning our backs on Trump when he helps us.

    4. Wow you are either clueless or trying to mitigate the damage that schnall did. Lakewood jews are loyal to the values of the Torah and vote republican hence the trumpiest town. Schnall was installed as a Democrat and the town was forced to vote for him in a campaign of bullying threats and letters that rabbonim were forced to write all because of a false promise of tuition relief which turned out to be a scam. No one who voted for him believed in him or the Democrat party they did so out of fealty to daas Torah which the balai batim always play that card when they have to convince everyone to vote against their will.

      The agudah has always been trying to push the frum community to vote Democrat it bothered them to no end that frum Jews in Lakewood and all over voted for Trump, to the point that Rabbi chaim Dovid Zweibel publicly attacked and disparaged Donald Trump at the national agudah convention, when he was the best ohev yisroel president for jews in the US and Eretz Yisroel.

      Avi Shnals point was an attempt to use his election as a turning point that the Orthodox community does not care about Torah values but will sell out and be bought off.

      The Democrat party of today is pushing an agenda of the dor hamabul and the Orthodox community are not part of that.

      The Roshei yeshiva said that shnall is a one time shot and he will not be allowed to vote on any Democrat legislation he was put in only for tuition and he failed on that promise..

      It was a massive chutzpah for him to go to the DNC and present himself as a Democrat, that was not why he was voted in. He used and abused the Lakewood bloc vote by going on a national stage and telling the world that lakewood Jewish community are not principled to their values of the Torah and can be bought off because they elected Avi Schnall.

      Lakewood did not vote for schnall to go speak at the DNC and lie to them that we turned on Trump. Schnal was sent to Trenton ro widen the 9 and get tuition releif , instead he used his power to embarras lakewood and push agudas agenda to have all frum Jews vote Democrat.
      Shame on him, shame on his handlers for taking advantage of us.

    5. Deny it how they will,if you group with the Democrats then those are your values.No use claiming in your house you are different. That is how the whole country perceive s it -& boy they are right.
      Only a dummy can be convinced anything else.
      Chillul HaShem is even for pshat Nefesh.

      It's besides also horrible chinuch
      cf.liberal modern orthdox (neither modern nor orthodox much longer).They made all the same claims you blokes are.& then some!

    6. Anon 5:49 - you persist in misunderstanding. You may have a point, but you are not arguing it, because you refuse to appreciate what Mr. Schnall said.

      There is no mitzvah to be a republican. The Republican party is also non-Torah, and anyone who tries to bully people to follow them and identify them is the same warpedness of values. Mr. Schnall made the point that we have never identified with any party, even if he is currently voted in as a member of the democratic party.
      You can wax poetic about how terrible the democrats are, that has nothing to do with Mr. Schnall's position. He clearly announced that he has nothing to do with either party.

    7. End of the day it's all about the Binyomins. Democrats are offering welfare. The Republicans are more closely aligned with to the frum world about almost everything else. In a place where the Democrats or Republicans are going to win anyway, of course, you need to work with whoever will win. Of course frum candidates in places like NYC run as Democrats in order to have a chance of winning. Schnall is unique in that he ran as a Democrat unseating a Republican incumbent who was assumed to win. That isn't aligning with whoever will win. That is burning bridges with one side.

    8. Schnall didn't unseat anyone he was placed by askanim who need personal favors from Trenton for their industry they fooled everyone with free tuition to draw the sheep to the polls..
      Those who were complicit in that election will have to answer after 120 for the gneivas daas of a entire tzibbur

    9. 7:21 try that again
      Maybe if you just happen to hold your nose while caucusing with that party.When you go,prance, & laud them at their Convention like AS & buddies, everything about your already weak arguments are out of the window

  4. The first NJ congressman to die this year was not Sheila Jackson - she was from Texas. The first was Donald Payne Jr.

  5. LSTA seems to have charged the fee even for the schools that were picked up by vendors through Jackson School District????

  6. :Violence breaks out at anti-draft protest in Jerusalem:
    How many Shabak provocateurs wearing costumes were involved? If you think the answer is probably zero, you're part of the problem.

    1. I think the answer is 0. Please explain what this international problem is that with just my thoughts alone i can contribute to it. Thanks

  7. If you don't pay the fee, you're not eligible for aid in lieu of. This is a scam to fatten their pockets.

  8. LSTA is making $80 regardless off every kid in Jackson times that by 3000 they are pocketing 250k to process paper applications this should call for an audit

    1. Huh? They're charging $80 for a service they're doing for you. No different than every seminary charging $150 application fee.

    2. No one asked them to do this service, they were given it by the state to consolidate the process and save us money. They should not be charging. When the township did it there was no charge. Bidding the routes is their core function. And the fact that if you opt out means you don't get aid in lieu of is what consolidates their stronghold on the scam.
