Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wednesday August 28 News Updates Lakewood

Weather:  96° Mostly sunny. Hot and humid
There is a possible risk of severe weather today. Wind and hail are possible, but wind is the greatest threat.

- The U.S. Supreme Court has just now Struck down the Biden-Harris plan to use taxpayer funds to pay off student loans.

- Lebanese media reports that senior US defense officials have recently informed several Arab countries, including Lebanon, that a large-scale Iranian attack against Israel is now imminent and is expected to occur within the next 48-72 hours, with the attack expected to be limited. To avoid an all-out regional war.

-Israel agrees to humanitarian pause to allow polio vaccination in Gaza

- Today: DWD pre Yom Tov clothing sale this Wednesday in Tiferes Bais Yaakov 613 oak street 1-5 selling shabbos clothes for girls and sweaters for boys robes weekday clothing socks yarmulkas and  tzitzis 

- Hatzolas nefashos serving the greater Lakewood community has produces a jingle to meorize their number for those who want to use their services 732-917-0000

In response a letter by Hatzolah of central Jersey States:  The organization (HN)has intentionally chosen to market itself in a way that closely mimics hatzolah of Central Jersey creating a significant risk of confusion in a moment of crisis the confusion could result in a potentially critical delay in obtaining the appropriate medical response with potentially devastating consequences as their resources experience and medical oversight are not known to us...

- Shiva for Mrs. Esther Levenberg A"H is a t425 8th street getting up Friday morning 

- Price of eggs over $5 at local stores 

- Mir Rosh Yeshiva Rav Lazer Yudel Finkel aske Harav Moshe Sternbuch  shlita what to tell American bochurim who are concerned to return for the zman due to the current matzav Rav Shternbuch responded there were always  tough times for klal yisroel but if the bochurim comer back just to learn Torah then there's nothing to fear as the Torah protects. 

- The US State Department announced sanctions on the Hashomer Yosh organization and Yitzhar civilian security coordinator Yitzhak Levi Filant on Wednesday. "As part of the United States’ efforts to address the extreme levels of instability and violence against civilians in the West Bank, we are taking additional actions today against those who engage in or provide material support for violent activities there," the department stated.

-Lakewood officials express concern for the need for a new Code Blue warming center in Lakewood, it was actually the township committee who demolished the previous warming center to make way for the shopping plaza read more here 

- Lakewood Vaad spokesperson tells APP he would be open to seeing what the public wanted to change the form of govt to a full time mayor “If the community wants to do a referendum to see if they want to change I would not be against that.

 - Lakewood’s Mayor and Committeeman Lichtenstein say they do not want to go to a full-time mayor or a city council form, in a interview with thevAPP. claiming the current operations work well.“The first thing you look at is whether this is working now,” said Coles, “The township is running well, people seem to be happy. We are not New York or Newark where they have thousands of employees. The mayor and committee set the tone and the rules and the professionals making sure the needs are met.”
Township Committee member Meir Lichtenstein “Our township committee form of government works very well right now,”

 - Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles works on a part-time basis and earns $75,000 per year, while his fellow committee members each pocket $64,000 annually.Marc Pfeiffer, associate director of the Bloustein Local Government Research Center at Rutgers University, said Coles' current $75,000 annual pay “strikes me as high for part time.”


  1. CAn someone please explain what is CJ Hatzaloh issue? So someone wants to open a fully accredited ambulance company. What is going on? Is it money at play? Let people call who they want.

    1. It's always about primarily money mixed in with some power and control.

  2. Interesting that CJ hatzalah was forced to up their game and take on new members as a direct result reacting to Hatzolas Nefashos, so why did the rabboniim of CJ hatzolah not address the lack of coverage all along but are suddenly concerned about the safety of the community???

    There's nothing better than competition
    Look what's happening now with Chavivim who are getting called because they are responding quickly to calls

    1. Because when you have a community-wide organization that services and is supported by the community at large, and then another organization comes along and tries to cut into their market, it only creates politics and machlokes and makes it more difficult for fundraising.
      Competition is good for a store or a yeshiva, not in this case.
      We can now thank the chassidishe olam not only for minyan factories, high RE prices, traffic but also for importing NY politics

    2. Let's not forget what happened during covid when hatzolah members threatened not to respond to calls in Lakewood commons and other shuls that didn't do what Hatzolah guys decided.

      Let's not forget what happened during covid with a selektzia process of patients getting shipped to various hospitals...

      Was there any outrage or letter from the hatzolah board of rabbis??

    3. Hatzalah charges insurance, and does not need the support from the community at large.
      So your complaint is gone, no problem with the new Hatzalah, and מיני ומיניה יתקלסון לך.

    4. If the community at large would continue to support them, they have nothing to worry about. They are worried because the new organization somehow managed to get 50 members, 8 ambulances in 5 parking locations, and received hundreds of calls to date.
      Also notice that the letter added Howell and Brick to the areas they claim control over. Did anyone in those communities ask for it?

    5. There are many examples of overlapping organizations, chai lifeline has a break-off called chai4ever which is similar but found other things to do as well. Schi and the special children's center, which does after school and weekends but now has quite a bit of full time programing, and there was politics about getting some of the govt funding. Ohel is trying to start group homes for the adult special needs and are having a hard time with our "establishment". Echo, refuah, Chaim medical are just some of the referral agencies and compete, but also helps us without going into specifics. A time and bonei olam both serve the infertility while bonei olam came last they outdid in the fundraising and were able to cover a lot of stuff. Aguda Torah commission daf yomi, and the OU daf app, which is miles ahead of the agudah in every way, (besides for the actual siyum hashas).
      Tzedek vs. agudah to fight for legislation to benefit us.
      Every organization should have competition as soon as they get to big to be volunteer and start making big bucks and paying huge salaries (yes I'm talking 400k) then we need the competition

    6. An organization that starts out doing something else that the other org. is not willing or able to cover I have no problem with - even if they eventually overlap somewhat. But an org that opens doing the same exact thing as the current org is wrong. AND some of the Org. that you mentioned actually are just as guilty as Hatzulas Nefashos.

    7. JB so you belong to the maskilim camp of JB who Reb Aron Ztl fought?

    8. Under the table there are many others in his camp.There always were at least a few like that around here.So that's something at least that's can't be claimed to be hardly a completely recent change.

  3. First, I am shocked and happy to hear that there is a Vaad. I didn't know there was one. Now, maybe they should have a referendum on themselves, should they exist, who should be on it? Why only on yennem?

    1. You best familiarize yourself with the issues. We are borrowing $100 million a year and will be bankrupt soon due to the impotence of the Vaad. We need a chief executive where the buck stops. There is no one for me to read the Riot Act to. Lakewood is hefker. AL

  4. I live in Westgate and called Hatzalah recently, it took them 7 minutes to come!! Maybe HN can come quicker?

    1. You had an emergency and you were actually timing Hatzalahs response time. I fine that hard to believe.

    2. A few years ago someone went into cardiac arrest early shabbos morning in Westgate the first responder to the scene came from prospect Street development..

    3. It's no.big deal to time a call.
      Your phone does it automatically.

  5. What utter CHUTZPAH from Moshe Velvel the self appointed Vaad spokesmouth to say that HE will be open to listen.. excuse ne Moshe Velvek We never asked you for your opinion or appointed you to speak or tell us who and how to run our lives.

    Would you disclose how much money the LCSC made from Lakewood township government between all the grants and seminars..
    Please keep quiet and don't date tell the community how to act or think it's not up to you on which form of government lakewood should have

  6. The only way council and mayor government will happen is if it can be forced on the ballot and we vote on it. The powers that be will never get it done. The power is very centralized and do not wnat to 'rock' the boat. How can we get it done? How do we get it on the ballot?

    1. Who cares? If the people are ready to change the form of government, fine. Do you think the players will be any different? What does it help if Coles becomes a full-time Mayor? The problem is the people, not the format. Vote for the alternatives and only then you will see the change you've been waiting for.

  7. reb ezra friedlander the askan and Liska rebbes son works for Hatzalah so clearly Hatzalah follows daas Torah in their direction and we MUST boycott any interloper

  8. Large eggs in Target 2.59 a dozen

  9. The US State Department announced sanctions on the Hashome....

    It's על עפם ועל חמתם that Hashem has not allowed the west bank reshaim to be attacking us the way the gazans did and are. So this is their response. It's also clear that ertain state department reshaim are begging for Iran to attack ר"ל.

  10. The primary reason the corrupt township doesn't want to switch forms of government, is because they are very afraid. If they choose a new for of government, along with that is the automatic option for ballot initiatives. Anyone with enough signatures can get a public vote on the ballot for anything. The township will have no control of which laws get passed.

  11. Just wait for the chassidim to take over. Then things will run like the tzibbur needs and wants.

  12. "...people seem to be happy". What's he drinking??!

    1. The Nazis had Jews in model camp Thereseinstadt smile & tell Red Cross how "happy" they were.

  13. Not just full time mayor. It should be a mayor/city counsel system where the mayor has all the executive powers. There is no one in Lakewood who can make the big, nay historically, important decisions that will be felt for 100 years from now. If we had a big city mayor, I would have been working with him. A true CEO or chief executive cannot say, "Talk to the Vaad, or so and so." It is his job and his only. The little leaguers just run amok saying getting $100 million for this town is not their department and effectively have undermined all efforts at settlement. AL

  14. How can we get a change ion govenment on the ballot?
