Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday August 30 News Updates Lakewood

Friday, August 30, 2024 /  כ״ו אב תשפ״ד ערב שבת פרשת ראה מברכים אלול

Candle lighting 7:12 pm
Shkiah/sunset 7:30 pm

weather 74° A shower is possible early. Cloudy skies. 
shabbos day 82° Cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 82F
Rosh Chodesh Elul is Tuesday and Wednesday

- The Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok rebbe has BH released from hospital and went home for shabbos

-New Reuters poll reports in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, North Carolina, Michigan and Nevada - Trump has a 45% to 43% lead over Harris among registered voters

-Elon Musk: At current rates of government spending, America is in the fast lane to bankruptcy. 
Government overspending is what causes inflation.

-BDE: Petirah of Rav Yosef Magid ZTL of Boro Park at the age of 97 he was the most senior Gerer chosid in the US

- BDE: Petirah of Rebbetzin Rochel Baila Taub A"H the Almana of the previous Modjitz rebbe ztl the Nachlas  Don and mother of current rebbes of  Modzitz and Kuzhmir she was 91 

- New Construction costs takkanos in Monroe: Satmar rebbe Rav Aaron Tetlielbaum in a speech last night on the 45th yartzeit of Satmar Rov, he called out greedy developers in Kiryas Yoel palm tree for charging $600 per square foot, while saying they could still profit by charging $300 a aq foot. the rebbe announced new protocols that would have the village only issuing permits to those who limit their pricing to 300. The rebbe said he went through the numbers and 300 per square ft would include closing costs too as several builders already agreeing to the new pricing.
No such Takana has been implemented yet in the Lakewood area.

- Tefillos for the Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok rebbe has has been hospitalized again upon his return to EY. Name is Shmuel Yaakov ben Yenta.

-Labor day weekend gov offices closed on Monday
- yeshiva bochurim back from camp

-Nutmeg Kosher supermarket  official grand opening this Sunday in Lakewood

-For those in Catskills Gourmet Glatt in Kiamisha will be closing for the season on Sunday 1pm

- LSTA has yet to notify parents of some schools in Jackson if there will be busing as school start next week Wednesday

- VIvaser daily that news bulletein distributed in the lakewood area will be unergoing a rebrand of the profuct

- No Yated Ne'eman newspaer this last week of bein Hazmanim

- A Kumzitz kinus will take place to close out bein Hazmanim this motzei shabbos inYerushalayim with the participation of Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita and Rav Dovid Cohen shlita at Binyanei Hauma with singers Bentzy Stein and Shmuel Sukkos

-Ben Shapiro: The bar for our politics has been set so low that Kamala not physically....herself during an interview is now considered a brilliant performance. But in reality, she's a mess. Platitudes mixed with lies mixed with nonsense. With saccharine slathered on by Dana Bash.

-Vivek Ramaswamy: Kamala’s interview last night was a reminder that we’re not running against a candidate. We’re running against a *system*. They require a candidate they can control, which means having original ideas is a disqualification. That’s exactly why we get Biden, then Kamala, and so on.

- Kever of the Satmar Rebbe in Monroe has reopened for his yartzeit today after it was briefly closed last night 

- Giyus update: Both Satmar factions are working on a massive Atzeres in NY to protest the Geziras Giyus

 - Asian supermarket H Mart is opening its new food hall at American Dream mall to kick off Labor Day weekend. The 16,860-square-foot food hall is set to open its doors Friday and will be the company’s largest in the Northeast. H Mart’s food halls are collections of local, national and international chefs and food concepts.


  1. We are lacking leadership in taking on the high costs of frum living

    It is time for a unified boycott of several food products not targeting the tores but the entire industry, if everyone holds out from purchasing these products for 2-3 weeks it would force the suppliers to drop the prices.

    Tuition: Every school must submit Financials to a independent review board to see if they are justified in the charging of tuition rates or to raise it.

    Housing: There should be a committee of rabbinim to control rentals and capped at a certain price. No one should be allowed to rent from anyone who asks for more than the allowed amount.

    Purchasing homes should be controlled by a vaad like is done in Linden NJ no investos only end users.

    Property taxes no more abatements which end up passing the burden on other homeowners

    Strong takanos for kiddushim and yeshiva events who blow money on meat boards and other new high end food that create a social pressure upping the bar on everyone else.

    1. The weekly Toamehu in Aspen could sponsor 25 youngeleit for a year

    2. It only works if the community accepts the guidelines.
      Takana chasunahs sound familiar?
      Besides all the Yoelis who want to spend or charge more will probably come to Lakewood anyway.

  2. Agree!!! There's alot to learn from the chassidim. I'm very litvish. The wya the chassidim and rebbes take care of each other financially and physically is amazing!!!

    1. It's easier when you only have to care about your own chasidus and not about anyone else

  3. Sounds like communism.

    1. So!?Overly obsessed?
      The problem with communism wasn't so much so it's means as much as it's (lack of better) goals.
      Every system btw somehow has reverted to something similar during necessary periods of crises

  4. "New Reuters poll reports in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, North Carolina, Michigan and Nevada - Trump has a 45% to 43% lead over Harris"
    Obviously you misread. actually the opposite is true. go look again.
