Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday August 11 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 83° Sunshine and clouds mixed. 

- A special Atzeres tefilah and chizuk will take place tonight in Lakewood at Ateres Teva hall for ladies at 8:00pm due to the matzav. A robot call by rebbetzin Neuman wife of R"Y Tav Yisroel shlita has urged all the Nassim Tzidkonyos to attend as long as it does not cause bittul Torah. Live callbin 712-432-4305
Speakers: Harav  Yisroel Neuman Shlita, Rav Asher Chaim Lieberman shlita, Rav Sadya Grama shlita,  Rebbetzin Leah Horowitz from Intensive seminary 

- Trump will start posting again on Twitter following his interview with Elon Musk this coming Monday

- Nutmeg kosher supermarket in South Lakewood near Belz and rt 70 will be opening right after Tisha B"Av

-GG powerade 28oz on sale for .99

- Breadberry Lakewood 50% off sale with purchase of $75. Over an hour wait Long lines to checkout 

- A stone fell out from a wall adjacent to the kosel briefly closing down the plaza. Authorities say their is no danger to the mispalelim.

- Tips on how to prepare for the fast of Tisha B'Av according to Rabbi Yechezkel Aschayek author of the sefer חיים בריאים כהלכה One should start preparation from the morning 2 days before by drinking 50 % more water of your daily intake. Drink 20 minutes before eating and after meals, don't drink until the food is digested in order not to dilute the acids that digest the food. The food should be chewed well before swallowing in order for the body to digest it and not have it sit in the stomach. One should increase protein starting 2 days before, such as eggs fish etc. By the seudas Hamafsekes one should drink 20 minutes before and no need to drink afterwards

- 18 months later no shul or playground at Lakewood development more

- Yeshiva Mir Yerushalayim will have first seder continuing from the day after Tisha Bav through Tu Bav heeding the call of gedolim to increase Torah learning during this time of bein Hazmanim

-Israel to stop subsidizing charedi children's daycare amid IDF draft efforts
The attorney-general's ruling will likely lead to a financial blow to thousands of charedi families just weeks before a new school year begins.
The state may no longer subsidize daycare for children of full-time yeshiva students whose exemption from IDF service has expired, Deputy Attorney-General Gil Limon ruled on Sunday morning. The ruling will likely lead to a financial blow to thousands of haredi families just weeks before a new school year is set to begin, and Labor Minister Yoav Ben-Tzur (Shas) announced soon afterward that his ministry was holding a series of "emergency discussions" in order to examine the issue, which he said would cause "severe harm to families' financials since thousands of mothers will leave the workforce."

-Ahead of Tish Bav 5784, A special kinnah was composed by Rav Dovid Goldwasser of Lakewood reflecting the Hamas massacre on Simchas Torah  October 7h.


  1. Israeli Gedolim came to America and raised around 100 million. If you think about it, that is a tiny sum of money, compared to how much money American gvirim have (many givirim are worth in the billions, one particular gvir is worth "well over 10 billion," according to online reports). So the Israeli gedolim came and raised less than 1% of 1 givr's assets.

    Even middle class American Jews collectively spend billions on frivolous things, like dormitories (why can't the kid sleep at home?), lavish kiddushim, hotels for pesach, flying to kevarim, gaudy clothing, seminaries in Israel, etc.

    So why should Israeli secular Jews fund a system that even frum Jews aren't willing to support?

    1. It seems like you decide what’s important and what not by how much it costs.
      In your list you have listed very important things together with frivolous things.
      You also seem to imply that the 10 billion dollar gvir is responsible for all kinds of “zedakas” that he may or may not respect.
      The gvir definitely has the right to decide where his money should go.
      Today every Tom, Dick and Harry claims that his zedakah is pikuach nefesh and more important then all others.
      On the end of the day, you got to get your priorities straight and mix the important with the unimportant and keep “costs” on the end of the formula.

    2. After being a robber baron,the least he should be expected to, is give back generously to those from whom he made his wealth on/off their backs

    3. you are one really confused soul with an incredibly strange thought process.

    4. Anon 11:28 - you missed the point.

      We expect the chiloni Israeli to understand something that our own do not. If they use their right to do what they want with their money to spend it on frivolous affairs, they have shown that they 'want' frivolity more than Torah. They are not 'they', they are all of us. There is no sub-set of society called gevirim, they are the same as us, but they made money.
      As a society, we don't respect Torah all that much. Why should chilonim? If we want Chilonim to change, we need to show that change from our part.

      Not just giving Israeli causes, but giving Bnei Torah and Lomdei Torah. Not necessarily organizations, but your local Kollel, the yungerman who davens in your shul, a night Kollel that supports yungeleit. We have many opportunities to increase our kavod hatorah.

    5. None of our gvirim are worth 10's of billions! That statement is pure nonsense.
      There are publications that specialize in listing how much the very rich are rich. I believe that only one Shomer Shabbos person is worth more than one billion and that person gives plenty.

    6. That is only what is listed.How much is unlisted

  2. Very stupid argument

  3. Nobody says these added on kinuses. Waste of time

  4. The Gedolei Hador right after the Holocaust, paskened we are not allowed to make new Kinnos. (Chazon Ish ztl, Brisker rov ztl, Satmar rov ztl)

    See: at 3 min 5 seconds in.

    1. You mean some Gedolim held that way. Others not only supported saying them but some even wrote them themselves.

    2. I guess Rav Schwab ZTL and Bluzvhever rebbe ZTL discagreed with those gedolim as they composed kinnus for the holocaust and many say them.

  5. Since Rav Schwab ZT"L and the Bobover Rebbe ZT"L both composed kinnos for the Churban in Europe, obviously not all gedolim agreed with that psak.

    1. If you're a Bobover or belong to KAJ you should follow your rov
      Otherwise you should probably stick to the consensus of the gedolei hodor who apposed creating kinnos

    2. @JB, why? Says who?

  6. Rav Schwab ZT"L and the Bobover Rebbe ZT"L (and others) never intended their kinnos to be for all of klall yisroel. It was their own individual kinna for their kehilla.
    There were other gedolim that made their own kinna & said it (or say it) on the day of their personal churban. I recall rav schach ZT"L screaming against it. I was at that yarchei kallah drawbacks in 1985.

    1. Being that those kinnos were widely published in kinnos printed during their lifetimes (by non-Bobovers or yekkes) it is unlikely they did not want them used by other groups.

  7. Why is the township clearing the forest next to the mesameach building off Cedarbridge
    What are they putting there

  8. Machon Matel Leah high school sent letter to parents to pay up tuition or girls not allowed back next year
    This is the chinuch for bnos yisroel what a chutzpah to struggling families who can't make ends meet

    1. So the chinuch should be agree to pay the school tuition and dont pay what you agreed to pay? I guess schools wont exist with such a chinuch.

    2. So instead of the parents struggling the school should be struggling.
      And that’s the CORRECT chinch ?!?!?

    3. The school had plenty of resources where to raise funds they got millions for the name.
      Parents are not paying,because they simply can't part with their money rather because they just don't have. They are struggle to put bread on the table and stay afloat.
      The schools just keep raising tuition without any transparency while the parents are not getting salary raises.

  9. There's some confusion here.
    The Chazon Ish opposed making a new day of mourning i.e Yom HaShoah.
    There doesn't seem to be any reliable source that he opposed drafting new Kinnos.
    Rav Schwab, the Bluzhever Rebbe, the Bobover Rebbe, Rav MB Weismandel amongst others, all drafted new Kinnos.

    1. An interesting thought, the gedolim that survived the war and had their kehilos and yeshivas destroyed didn't make up kinos, except for R weissmandel, but others not, for example r ahron kotler r Moshe r yaakov, the telzer Rosh yeshiva, mir in America r leizer yudel the chazon ish tcgebiner Rov belzer Rov brisker Rov

    2. Now that you make that point. It seems to be the oppisite. The only one to write a kinnus who safe in America or Eretz Yisroel during most of the holocaust was Rav Schwab. The ones who did write them like R Weissmandel, the Bobover rebbe, the Bluzhever Rebbe ect. were the ones who were there the whole time and did not manage to at least escape in middle. Even Rav Schwab wrote it at the behest of Rav Breuer who was in Germany until 1939 so he was more personally impacted than some of those who opposed it

    3. You're wrong, as the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva did institute selichos on 20 Tamuz. They made it similar to the 20 sivan selichos (abriviated) and minor changes to a 20 sivan kinna/slicha to reflect what happened in Telz.

      20 Tamuz was when the destruction unfortunately happened in Telz.

      Rav Moshe wasn't part of a Kehila which was destroyed, as he came from Russia to USA in 1936.

      Rav Yaakov also came earlier as a fundraiser for Solabodka, and worked as a shammas in a shul in Seattle. (Then as a rov in Toronto and then as Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Vodaas.)

      The Chazon Ish had been in Eretz Yisroel since about 1933-34.


      The fact that someone didn't write a kinnah does not necessarily mean that they were against it. The Gedolim you mentioned saw their primary role as builders. They refrained from doing anything which interfered with their ability to build. It does not mean that they would oppose someone who is capable of it, going ahead and composing a kinnah.

      What does your rebbe think that you should do?

    4. a.The whole purpose of a new kinah was because they all opposed a new day of mourning
      b.Most(again most) of those mentioned who composed kinos were very pious & warm people,but weren't considered by our crowd-even survivors- as authorities to make such decisions

    5. That may be a good explanation, I was just pointing out that those that were older and senior at the time of the war didn't compose, where as most who did were in their 20's or thirties during the war, and only later were they leaders of the next generation. Another example is r Shmuel wosner who was a talmid of chachmei Lublin he also composed, but anyone from the moetzes, or chasidishe world who were leaders during and immediately following the war didn't compose, some others to consider r avrohom kalmanowitz of vaad hatzalah and r reuven grozovsky, and many others.

  10. Like I said it's a waste because NOBODY says these extra kinnus besides maybe the ones who wrote them

    1. He composed for those who want to say it. Why does that bother you?

    2. For us,Kol ha'moseph m'gareia from the rest & diminishment of the basics can be a solid public general rule

    3. How do you know? Did you take a poll?

  11. Rav Goldwasser is from Flatbush, not Lakewood.
    Torah Vadaat RY.

  12. I'm not from those kehillos and I say them. its a sensitivity issue, how much one cares, not looking around to see who says it.

  13. Rav Goldwasser now has a shul in Lakewood

  14. Rabbi Moshe Hauer Shlit”a from the OU also composed a kinah for the Simchas Torah Holocaust.

    1. Rather fitting.Everybody matches their bar

    2. <sarcasm alert?

  15. My wife came home from the assifa. She said before the first speaker came some chassidishe dressed guy uninvited got up and stared preaching about the old hok that human hair shaitels are avodah zorah, until the first speaker started!! Does anyone know who that was??

  16. I heard one of the speakers lectured to the mainly single girl crowd about ADULTRY amongst us. Very appropriate tópic for Lakewood??!

    1. Sadly we are not immune to it the yetzer hora for arayos is very strong and is a battle that alot of today's generation are fighting and fending off daily.
      It's a magaifa of a nisayom

    2. It's safe to say that the type of girls who go to pre Tisha B'av asifos are not involved in averos like adultery.

  17. In case anyone was wondering - tomorrow night is Tisha B'av. You may wish to consider taking a break from bashing people especially publicly. If I'm not mistaken, that kind of behavior is the reason we're fasting tomorrow night. Please stop.

    1. Sorry.It states explicitly that of the proofs of sina's chinam was m'd'lo michu - they in that era wouldn't bother to get involved strongly giving other jews reproof! How is that that part is regularly omitted & so many remain ignorant?

    2. That was said for the rabbanim who were at the סעודה and witnessed a public shaming of another person. It's not said on every regular joe to go on an an internet forum and bash anyone and anything he's unhappy with. This is not difficult. You're playing with fire. This is outright לשון הרע and ביזוי ת"ח - take a break for one day. Sheesh.

    3. False from beginning to end-
      The first Beis HaMikdash was destroyed, despite the multitudes of the most righteous, Because there was TOO much tolerance & lack of reproof of evil sinners i.e the guise of ahava.(in the 2nd they may have reacted by going too far to the other other end)
      cf. Kovetz Ma’amarim (R Elchanan Wasserman -chofetz chaim)
      שהקב"ה אומר

      "אתם לא מחיתם ולא התערבתם למחות על החילול ה', אז גם אני לא

      מתערב למנוע את האויבים מלהרוג בכם", רח"ל

      Chazal tell us if feasible (Shabbos 54b) those who could be "mocheh" against wrongdoers of their city/country are held accountable for
      their aveiros;...
      against the wrongdoers throughout the world are held accountable for
      *their* sins.
      furthermore cf.

  18. Yes who was that uninvited mechutzaf that got up himself to give the ladies mussar??

  19. My humble opinion is, that if ones wife going around dressed up NICE & DIGNIFIED ( even with yes a LONG shaitel ) and NOT like a shlump with a snood, will cause her husband to be satisfied and happy with HIS OWN wife and therefore not be tempted to look at others well dressed wives, then they should go for it!!

    1. could be,but what if it has a bad effect on a half dozen neighbors?

    2. There is no source at all, anywhere, that forbids a woman to dress nicely. It is on the neighbors to avert their eyes.
      Only if the clothing is pritzus'dig, inviting outsiders into her private spots, is she responsible.

      Placing the blame on the woman is just wrong.

    3. really?Is that how the imahos or your ancestors dressed?

  20. Lakewood is farcocked!!

    1. Is getting worse or better.Who is responsible.How has this came to pass.
