Thursday, August 22, 2024

Thursday August 22 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 79° Plentiful sunshine

- Kamala Harris  comments on Gaza and Israel at the DNC.
"I will always stand up for Israel's right to defend itself and I will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself ... at the same time what has happened in Gaza over the last 10 months is devastating."

- Kashrus: Jerky beef and fish requires Bishul Yisroel.
Jerky beef and fish requires Bishul Yisroel. For Sfardim, requires Bais Yosef beef and Bais Yosef drying as well. The non-Jew may not put it into the drier or turn it around in the dryer (yudelstake)

-  A Call for Rabbinic Intervention and Community Action Addressing the Elevated Pricing of Cholov Yisroel Products more

- President Trump just announced a “special guest” will be joining him tomorrow at his Arizona rally expected to be RFK Jr, who is expected to drop out and endorse Trump

- George Bush allegedly scheduled to speak at DNC.

- The Vizhnitz  avreich from Bet shemesh who was accused of spying for Iran was released today to just house arrest as the case was not what they initially charged him with

- B"H the mohel who was arrested in Ireland has been let out on bail to return home tefilos still  needed.

- A new book by journalist Joshua Leifer claims that Lakewood’s wealth has weakened its “resistance to the values of the secular world.” the book claims that Lakewood’s Charedi community has faced a “rise in conspicuous consumption” inconsistent with the values with which it was founded decades ago. The book, Tablets Shattered,  published on Tuesday by Penguin Random House explores the past and future of American Jewish political life, looking, among other things, at changing demographics and shifting views about Zionism.

- Update: Chasdei Hashem the boy was found  safe and sound by Rockland chaveirin.

The Maron family rov arranged for a minyan to go to the kever of the great tzaddik Rav Michoel Forshlager zt"l in the Bnei Israel Cemetery in downtown Baltimore to daven Mincha and say Tehillim at 1:45 p.m. Then, shortly after 2 p.m. today, during that tefillah gathering, news arrived that Tzion had been found. Chasdei Hashem!
- Search expands with volunteers from LA for Tzion Maron a 8 year old boy from Baltimore  who went missing in Flagstaff Arizona  near a cave located inside a forested area on Wednesday afternoon name for tehillim is Tzion ben Chaya Rivka 
A team of volunteers from Baltimore headed out this morning to join in the search. News media picked up the story asking the public to help.

Earlier today another 8 year old boy went missing in grand canyon park but was found a few hours later

- Ishtabach restaurant opens at The Row shopping mall in Toms River 

- Lakewood R'Y Rav Yisroel Neuman was in his native  Baltimore  at the Yeshiva Ner Yisrael during being hazmanim.
Lakewood  Vizhnitz Toldos Mordechai Rebbe is spending the summer in Cracow poland

- Following two undercover operations, Howell Police issued 21 violations for underage and illegal sales of flavored vape products at vape shops, gas stations, and convenience stores throughout the town.

- qRav Moshe Sternbuch shlita spoke out strongly against the provocative actions of MK Ben Gvir

-Trump: The highly overrated Jewish Governor of the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro, made a really bad and poorly delivered speech talking about freedom and fighting for Comrade Kamala Harris for President, yet she hates Israel and will do nothing but make its journey through the complexities of survival as difficult as possible, hoping in the end that it will fail. Judge only by her actions! Yet Shapiro, for strictly political reasons, refused to acknowledge that I am the best friend that Israel, and the Jewish people, ever had. I have done more for Israel than any President, and frankly, I have done more for Israel than any person, and it’s not even close. Shapiro has done nothing for Israel, and never will. Comrade Kamala Harris, the Radical Left Marxist who stole the nomination from Crooked Joe, will do even less. Israel is in BIG trouble!

- Giyus update: israel police call for an internal investigation after Some protestors were severely beaten by police yesterday at a hafgana in Yerushalayim against the draft. A judge released all protestors who were arrested on condition they stay away from the recruitment office for 60 days unless they are called to enlist.

-Lakewood Firefighters Receive $75,000 Grant for Essential Protective Equipment

-Trump says his advisors have told him to 'stick to policy' and avoid getting personal with the Democrats constantly attacking him and asks the crowd what they think He says he's going to respond in kind

- Several Secret Service agents from the USSS Pittsburgh Field Office have been placed on leave after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, according to a new report from Real Clear Politics.

-ABC cuts the live feed off as J.D. Vance is talking about welcoming the endorsement of RFK JR

- Six New Jersey hospitals ranked among best in the USA 
Hackensack University Medical Center, Jersey Shore University Medical Center in Neptune  receiving awards for excellence in cardiac care, stroke care and patient safety, Morristown Medical Center,  Overlook Medical Center  in Summit ans Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital and The Bristol-Myers-Squibb Children’s Hospital 


  1. Sounds like a frankishe/ Breslov restaurant

  2. Did anyone ask the LSTA why they are ripping off parents in Jackson for 80 dollars when the BOE never charged for it and LSTA is getting paid by the government just like the BOE?????

  3. That's it! Must have been it! Heaven forbid we should appeal directly to the Source without trying to introduce intermediaries. Maybe it was in the merit of all of klal yisroel's tefilos and unbelievable chesed effort that went into joining the search. No need to underestimate that. In any event, as these things go, it's completely unfalsifiable, but hey, it's a free country and people love this kind of stuff.

  4. As long as you get dressed instead of running errands in your swimming cover up.

    1. 😂😂 I love this guys consistency I have to give you credit

    2. it's not a guy. it's a female.

    3. A regular commercial break

    4. It’s a female???????? Oh. Good for her to find time and consistency lol. Why not post on imamother

    5. She has been toying with you

  5. Shame on us that a secular author has to call out the gashmiyus in Lakewood

    1. So attack the messenger..... Rather than being embarrassed that the whole world sees it.... And by the way he is not secular.

    2. Secular he surely is,though in observance he may lean orthoprax

  6. This Vishnitzer can go join the Lakewood Vishnitz Rebbe in Cracow!

  7. Since when do we quote piskei halacha from internet personalities?
    Does any posek agree that drying food is considered bishul? Is it עולה על שלחן מלכים, even if it is considered bishul?

    Don't fall for tumults.

    1. Im also a little surprised that site is linked on here.. it’s a good thing to be aware of and ask a Shaila. But why rely on that blog (or any) for a ‏פסק הלכה
