Monday, August 5, 2024

Israel At War Monday Aug 5

 Israel at war day 304

- Biden: Earlier, VP and I were briefed in the Situation Room on developments in the Middle East. We received updates on threats posed by Iran and its proxies, diplomatic efforts to de-escalate regional tensions, and preparations to support Israel should it be attacked again.
We also discussed the steps we are taking to defend our forces and respond to any attack against our personnel in a manner and place of our choosing.

- Citing an American official: The national security team informed Biden that it is not clear when #Iran is likely to launch an attack on Israel - Reuters

- Several U.S. personnel injured in a rocket attack on the Al Asad airbase in Iraq — Reuters

-IDF responds to CNN lies “Based on intelligence and ground findings, most of the Hams brigades have been disbanded. It is estimated that most battalions are at a low level of competence and can no longer function as a military framework. The claims made in the article are the complete opposite of the IDF's achievements in the field

-Delta airlines cancels all flights to Israel through the end of August

- A missile attack on the Ain al-Assad base, where American forces are located, in western Iraq. 

-A commander in Hezbollah's elite Radwan unit was killed in a drone strike this evening in southern Lebanon, the IDF says.

-Saudi Arabia has reportedly told Iranian Officials, that it will not allow Iran to use Saudi Airspace to launch an Attack on Israel, and that any Missiles, Drones, or Aircraft that enter its Airspace will be seen as a Violation of Saudi Sovereignty, stating that, “We are Defending ourselves, not Israel.”

- UN says 9 UNRWA employees ‘may have been involved’ in Oct 7 attacks, will be fired

- Senior IDF officials tell Netanyahu not to wait for a Hezbollah attack but to go ahead with a preemptive strike 

- A source for Sky News Arabia: Jordan informed the United States, Israel and Iran that it will not allow its airspace to be used by any party

Egypt announced it will not participate in the regional defense coalition against an Iranian attack on Israel.

-Ben Shapiro: Iran was contained, deterred and increasingly isolated by the burgeoning Sunni-Israeli alliance while Trump was president. Iran is unconstrained and aggressively threatening American assets and allies all over the region under Biden-Harris. That is not a coincidence.

- US said to believe Iran attack on Israel imminent, Biden to hold situation room meeting

- One person was lightly wounded after a barrage of 15 rockets was fired into Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip, Magen David Adom said on Monday. 
Hamas has managed to fire 60 rockets over the last four days

- Iran said today Monday that while not looking to escalate regional tensions, it believes it needs to punish Israel to prevent further instability, following the killing of Hamas terror group leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran last week.
“Iran seeks to establish stability in the region, but this will only come with punishing the aggressor and creating deterrence against the adventurism of the Zionist regime,” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said, adding that action from Tehran was inevitable.

- Hamas battalions are rebuilding: Almost half of Hamas’s military battalions in northern and central Gaza have rebuilt their fighting capabilities, according to an investigative study by CNN, Despite nearly ten months of fighting, CNN found that the 16 battalions in central and north Gaza reconstituted the best. Seven of these 16 battalions have successfully rebuilt at least once in the last six months.

-IDF found railroad tracks in the tunnels along the Philadelphi corrider indicating Hamas used wagons or special train cars to smuggle ammunition and rockets into Gaza from Egypt

-Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has visited the Israeli Air Force’s underground command center at the IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv.
“Our enemies are carefully considering their steps thanks to the abilities you have demonstrated in the last year. However, we must prepare for all possibilities, including a quick transition to offense,”


  1. CNN -- of course they reactivated themselves.
    They had a few months of cease fire, and still no hostages released.
    Have to wait till after Election Day USA

  2. Sounds similar to the question israel faced in 67—to wait for an attack and only then respond or to preempt
