Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Israel At War Tuesday Aug 20

 Israel at war day 318

- Israel recovers bodies of six hostages from Gaza Strip. The bodies of hostages Nadav Popplewell, Yagev Buchshtab, Yoram Metzger, Haim Peri, Alexander Dancyg and Avraham Munder were recovered from Gaza after they were murdered in captivity by Hamas they were all taken alive on October 7th. The number of remaining hostages stands at 109.

- Israeli authorities believe that less than half of the remaining hostages are still alive.

- Some 55 projectiles entered Israeli territory after alarms were triggered earlier Tuesday morning in the Upper Galilee and Golan Heights, the IDF reported.
Some of the projectiles were intercepted while others crashed in open areas with no injuries being reported, the military added.

- Biden at DNC to pro Hamas protectors Biden didn’t ignore the protesters entirely, noting that “they have a point.” “A lot of innocent people are being killed — on both sides,” he said.

- At the DNC convention in Chicago Audience members unfurl a banner that says “Stop arming Israel.” After audience sees the banner, they begin chanting “We love Joe.”
Man tries to rip banner away. Stadium lights over this spot then dimmed and banner was ripped away.


  1. The diversity in the Democratic party is the glimmer of hope for the country.

    The one-track extremism of the RNC should have served as a wake-up call for this country that we are in danger. When the country is in unity, marching in lock step, we outsiders are in danger.

    1. I hope your comment is sarcastic but if not let me tell you something about the Democrat convention. They used to have a gathering for all Jewish delegates to the Democratic National Convention, This year, for the first time, they aren’t having it because the DNC said they can’t guarantee the safety of those attending such an event. Why do I know about this and not most people ? Because I happen to know someone who works at the Simon Wiesenthal Center trying to get this story into the media. Of course the liberal type of media outlets the Simon Wiesenthal Center would contact refused to publish this info

    2. Because some members of the Democratic party are anti-Israel.
      But the dominant voice is not theirs, they are the fringes of the party. As long as the party is not marching in lockstep, we don't have to fear hidden anti-semitism covered up by the groupthink forced onto people by the Trump interests.

    3. the Democrats stand for everything we are taught when it comes to chesed, justice and helping the needy.

    4. The only connection to the Democrats have to do with what we learned about Chesed, justice and helping the needy is they bring to mind some of the ways that Chazal explain “Chesed L’umim Chatos” like they only do it get into power and because they thinking that by forcibly taking money from one group to give to another group they are doing “chesed” This is my last response to the Democrat troll posts.

    5. Anon 1:23 - let's not exaggerate. חסד לאומים חטאת. We don't have to compare ourselves to them. But their policies help us and have a positive effect on the country. At least the economic ones.

    6. To anon 1037 but they are the fringe that controls the party (and VP Harris

    7. 2:45 pm
      They helped you?
      Even if your Creator dislikes them & those who associate with them
      My guess is your happy goal is to remain in decaying America for generations & decay with them?
      You could be hired to give a Reform sermon

  2. I do not believe even half the hostages are alive
