Saturday, August 10, 2024

Motzei Shabbos devorim News Upfates Lakewood

- Schools increase tuition for next year as New contracts arrive by mail. Some schools went up by $500 others a bit more. A Lakewood girls high school sent a letter to parents who still owe a balance for this year  that their daughters will not be allowed back to school next year and given an admission card until  the balance is paid up.

- New NYT/Siena poll shows Kamala Harris extending her lead over Donald Trump in key toss up states of MI,PA, WI

- Road closures in Lakewood Cross st bet Massachusetts Avenue to Augusta Boulevard, Lakewood Township from Monday, August 12, for Paving and Road Widening 

7th street at rail road will be closed for a week

-Reb Osher Eisemann spent shabbos at camp SCHI in the Poconos and was warmly greeted with singing and dancing by the campers and staff as he arrived in Friday.

- Red cross: Our disaster volunteers responded today  to a home fire on Cedarbridge Avenue in Lakewood, (Washington Square) helping 9 people in 3 families with Red Cross emergency assistance for temporary lodging, food, clothing and other immediate needs.

- Trump: Kamala Harris, whose “Honeymoon” period is ENDING, and is starting to get hammered in the Polls, just copied my NO TAXES ON TIPS Policy. The difference is, she won’t do it, she just wants it for Political Purposes! This was a TRUMP idea - She has no ideas, she can only steal from me. Remember, Kamala has proposed the LARGEST TAX INCREASE IN HISTORY - It won’t happen. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!”

- BDE: Petira of Rav Simcha Hevi Schiff ZTL in Yerushalayim a rosh yeshiva in Itri and mechaber sefer Shaarei Simcha on Bava Basta. He was a talmid muvhak of Rav Michel Feinstein Zatzal. Levaya at Gur Bais Medrash in Yerushalayim he was 92.

-The New Jersey State Education Commissioner -guided in court by the Murphy Administration - is once again fighting in court against R' Aron Lang's tireless advocacy over a decade for fairer school funding for Lakewood. A key point argued by the Commissioner is Board of Education Attorney  high salary, a result of which "legal expenses per pupil in Lakewood are significantly higher than comparable districts as a reason why Lakewood does not need more funding 

-On Friday night, a bochur suffered a stabbing in Crown Heights, an incident deemed a hate crime, taking place within 100 feet of Chabad’s 770 Headquarters when a black male  encountering a group of bochurim,started to harass and provoke them, shouting “free Palestine!” along with other anti-Semitic insults and than stabbed a bachur, he was hospitalized and expected to make a full recovery. The bochurim gave chase and held the attacker until police arrived.


  1. The fire Cedarbridge was not a home it was an apartment building.

  2. Do you also list every time process go up at the supermarkets

  3. This is an old story base Rochel and base layah have always had the highest tuition and took pride in threatening the parents that they will embarrass their girl by not letting her come into the classroom if they do not pay any outstanding bills

  4. When grocery prices go up it’s not news. That’s almost daily. If it ever went down that would be breaking news. Even TLS would have that!

  5. Most schools rely on tuitions to make payroll. Unlike men who are willing to work for cheap because they want to be marbitz Torah, ladies are no longer willing to work for cheap. They look at the salaries that young 19 year olds get in offices and say that they with 30 years experience in teaching deserve more ,or they will leave teaching. So schools costs go up drastically and tuitions need to go up. Everything else in Lakewood doubled over the last few years housing, food ,etc etc so why exactly is it so hard to understand that tuitions must also go up substantially. It is obvious that Lakewood has become not affordable for Bnei Torah. Can't afford a house and can't afford tuition . The schools didn't create this monster of Lakewood becoming the new business center of the frum world ,which in turn doubled and tripled the salaries for women,which in turn is tge cause for teachers to refuse to work for low wages like they did in the past . Somebody created an office park which employs thousands of frum women at higher salaries than in NY and that is what's causing all of this .

    1. It's time for an organization on the scale of Tomchei Shabbos to help families struggling with tuition. No bas yisroel should suffer because her parents cannot afford to pay.

    2. Great idea. But until you make such an organization or convince women teachers to work for lower salaries , tuitions will need to go up a lot every year. We are all waiting for the new Tomchei tuition organization to he created by you. It will need tens of millions every year .

  6. B'kitzur, the State IY"H will not prevail in our appeal because, 1) none of its expert evidence is admissible because there was no cross examination, 2) the State did not address the SFRA in the report as ordered by the Court ( there was just a conclusory argument that we don't need a change in the formula because the BOE is incompetent and at fault), 3) it does not matter who's at fault, the law in NJ is that a BOE is only a shliach of the state, and providing a thorough and efficient education is the responsibility of the State , 4) The state has the burden of proof since we already got the T & E (Abbott district) court ruling. There is more.

    We already proved that special education and transportation (mandated) cost the district $79 million in 2018. It likely is more now but it should be the state's burden to show the formula is adequate. Even Judge Scarola said the case is all about the numbers yet the state produced none. Just like when I filed, the excuse to not fix Lakewood was thatc courtesy bussing that cost $4 million a year, the excuse why Lakewood needs to borrow $100 million a year is the incompetence of the BOE, the superintendent and her administration. AL

    1. AL - thank you again for your tireless work on behalf of the Klal.
