Monday, August 12, 2024

Monday August 12 Erev Tisha B'Av News updates Lakewood

 1956 years since the churban bais Hamikdosh Fast of תשעה באב begins 7:56 pm tonight is over 8:40 pm tomorrow night

Weather: 83° Mostly sunny  Tisha B'Av high 82

-Estimated magnitude 5.0 earthquake in Syria also felt in Turkey and Lebanon  

Los Angeles residents were shaken by a 4.4 magnitude earthquake.

- Israel has put its military on high-alert for the first time this month after observing preparations by Iran and Hezbollah to carry out attacks, a person familiar with the matter says. - WSJ 

- Newly released records reveal that Trump would-be assassin, Thomas Crooks, spent months engaging in rifle training at Clairton Sportsmen’s Club, the same training ground used by DHS, FBI, and local police. US Senator Chuck Grassley obtained records showing Crooks went through intense preparation leading up to the assassination attempt. Crooks joined the Claritin Shooting Range on Aug 10, 2023 he had since visited the gun range 43 times, even spending holidays there, he made one final visit to that range the day before the attempt.

- Continued tefilos for the Skulenner rebe shlita of BP who is in critical condition in need of rachmei shamayim Yeshaya Yaakov ben Raizel 

- Road closures begin to day across Lakewood at 7th street near the Rail road crossing at Marys lane and Park Avenue. There Will be closure of Cross street bet Massachusetts ave and Augusta Blvd for the next week. 

- The end of an Era WCBS news radio 880 AM will be no more as the all news radio station will become ESPN sports starting August 26.
It leaves one all news radio outlet in 1010 WINS in NYC. ESPN says they will stay committed to local programming on the station, which pending FCC approval, will switch from WCBS to WHSQ-AM
The parent companies of WFAN and ESPN New York have agreed a deal that gives ESPN New York a stronger signal, while ending the nearly60-year run of the all-news format WCBS-AM 880 radio station, Audacy and Good Karma Brands have announced today. (Sschoor)

- Russian President Putin says there will be no more peace talks with Ukraine. "What is there to even talk about with those who attack civilians and nuclear facilities?"

- Continued tefilos for the Skulenner rebe shlita of BP in need of rachmei shamayim  Yeshaya Yaakov ben Raizel 

-Gourmet Glatt open today until 7pm and on Tisha Bav from 1:00 pm

- Bingo closes today at 7 reopen tomorrow  at 1pm

- Evergreen open today until 7:00 pm tomorrow reopens  1pm

Kinnus events tonight 

- BMG: Maariv begins 8:47pm in most Botei Medrashim, Rav Chaim Ginsburg shlita will recite megilas Eicha in the Yoshon B"M
 there will be a tikkun chatzos in the chabura rooms

- B"M Lutzk will have a drasha tonight fromnThe Yerushalmi magic Rav Asher Druk shlita 10:00pm

- Ateres Yeshaya kinnus 10:15pm with Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita Rav Yisroel Neuman shlita Rav Yitzchock Basser shlita 908 E. County line Lakewood (Ezras Noshim open)

Kinus tonight  at KZY Rav Gissijger shul, drasha byvRav Yitzchok Sorotzkin shlita

Mordys shtiebel tonight kinus with R" Yotzchok Feldheim followed by drasha by Rabbi Avrohom Chaim  Samuels starting 8:45pm


  1. Rabbi Gissinger shul is also having a kinnus tonight.
    Please post details

  2. By the 6 day war Rabbi Goren pushed for taking Har habayis, destroying the mosque and building the bais hamikdash, he reasoned that during the chaos of war it would overlooked and that it was now or never, he was overruled

    1. Countless yidden were saved from kares by his being ignored

    2. If true B'H!. There is no way you can destroy one of the most sacred and oldest sites in the entire world for Muslims and expect to have it overlooked due to the chaos of war

  3. Thank God Sane minds prevailed

  4. Too bad we could have had the boys shlishi with Ben gurion as the Cohain gadol

    1. Yes ben gurion as kohen gadol and goren as rosh hasanhedrin and rav kook as moshiach! What a loss!


    2. Wrong day for such leitzunis

  5. Roberts Shul Shacris is at 8:55
    Kinnos is led by Reb Aron Kotler , Reb Simcha Kalish , Reb Moshe Chaim Lerner Reb Menashe Miller followed by a drasha on the Matziv in Eretz Yisroel by Reb Aron Kotler.
