Monday, August 5, 2024

Monday Rosh Chodesh Av 5784 Aug 5 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 93° A good deal of sunshine. Rest of the week is a rainy forecast 

- Media buzz is rising that Kamala Harris is selecting Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her VP choice.

- Kamala Harris has narrowed her search for a vice presidential running mate to two finalists, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, she is expected to announce her selection by Tuesday.

- The Jackson Planning Board tonight granted Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan approval to Congregation Mikvah of Jackson for a single-story 11,679 Square Foot Mikvah building at 155 South New Prospect Road. The property is owned by Khal Bnei Yaakov. The mikvah will have separate areas for men, women, and keilim. (Faanews)

- Yoshon update: There are NO concerns about Chodosh in any manufactured products or grains until after Sukkos. An update is expected from the AKO (All Kashrus Organizations of the USA) in mid August. I will send it out when possible.(Guide to Chodos Y. Herman)

- Vivek: Kamala is changing her policy positions daily to appear more centrist. The media will cover for her at every step; the fact she said some crazy stuff in the past won’t really matter by comparison to what she’s saying & how the press portrays her now. The best attack is the one that’s most TRUE: she’s just another pawn in a corrupt system. Biden, Kamala, Buttigieg, Shapiro, it doesn’t matter. We’re not running against individual candidates. We’re running against a *system*. We seek to restore self-governance over managerial oligarchy. 

- The Jackson Township Planning Board is set tonight, Monday, August 5, 2024, to consider an application for a shul, banquet hall and mikvah on Hyson Road, and a second application for a mikvah building on South New Prospect Road. faanews

- Joe Biden’s senior economic advisor, Gene Sperling, has resigned to work on the Harris campaign

-Josh Shapiro on Pro-Israel College Op-Ed: ‘I Was 20" I Favor a Two State Solution’

- Delta airlines canceled all flights to Israel until September 1

- Yartzeit of Aaron Hakohen today Rosh chodesh Av the only yartzeit date mentioned in the Torah. Yiddem travel to his kever in Jordan

- Panini Cafe Jackson is temporarily closed a sign onm the door directs customers to the Lakewood location at 503 River Ave 

- Ottimo Cafe in Howell launches brand-new 9-Day Menu! 

- Kalamata Cafe is open till 10pm during the 9 days.

- Donald Trump gifted a Cybertruck with a wrap of the legendary photo with his fist raised.
 Former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle wanted to destroy White House coca*ne evidence according to Real Clear Politics. According to the report, an agent was taken off the case after he wanted to "follow a certain crime-scene investigative protocol."Cheatle & then-deputy director Ron Rowe reportedly wanted to cover up evidence.

- SCOTUS refuses to delay Trump NY September sentencing in his NY trial until after the election 

- Giyus Update: Only around 15 bochurim out of 500 that were sent draft notices showed up to the recruitment office. Demonstrators  for the Eidim hacharadeis say the daily protests are discouraging people from enlisting.

-Next generation of Lakewood yeshiva hanhala as the children and sons in law of current roshei yeshiva of Bais Medrash Govoha will be joining on as chavrei hanhala in a leadership roll beginning with delivering shiur klali in BMG. Starting with Rav Aaron Olshin, long-time rosh chabura and son of the Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yeruchom olshin who will deliver shiur klali today Monday at 12:45pm today in the Bais Yitzchok B"M with the attendance of the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva and his shver  Harav Yossel Mermelstein shlita R"Y Novominsk. The shiur is on the sugya of Yesh Yad Lekidushin. The other children and sons in law will follow with delivering shiur klali. They will receive the title of R"M.

- At the shabbos retreat for Lakewood area rabbonim, the Lakewood roshei yeshiva addressed the attendees on the jobs of rabbonim to their kehilos. They stressed the importance of elevating the mispalelim to encourage them to add sidrei limud and become Toraso umnaso. It was mentioned that lakewood balei batim are on a higher level. There was also a pan for the rebbetzins guiding them in their roll in the shul. The Roah Yeshiva brought up the issue of lace top shaitels. 

-Kollel Chazu opens for bein hazmanim with learning programs at neighborhood shuls including a complimentary breakfast

- Fleishig Stores with full parve and fish menus for the 9 days

-Yartzeit of Bobov Rebbe zatzal today Rosh Chodesh Av, Minyanim will take place at the ohel in the bais olam Deans, NJ.

Stocks around the world are tumbling as fears about a US economic slowdown sent shockwaves of fear through global markets.
The Dow opened more than 1,000 points lower, the S&P 500 was down 4.25% and the Nasdaq Composite plunged by more than 6%. All three indexes recovered slightly in morning trading.
That comes after Japanese stocks suffered their biggest ever daily loss Monday. The Nikkei 225 index in Tokyo closed more than 12% lower.

- Trump: Stock markets are crashing, jobs numbers are terrible, we are heading to world war lll, and we have two of the most incompetent “leaders” in history. this is not good!!! Of course there is a massive market downturn. Kamala is even worse than Crooked Joe. Markets will NEVER accept the Radical Left Lunatic that DESTROYED San Francisco and California, as a whole. Next move, THE GREAT DEPRESSION OF 2024! You can’t play games with MARKETS. KAMALA CRASH!!! 

- 3 new day care centers seek approvals at the Lakewood planning board tomorrow 
a day care application for New Central Avenue Block 11.29, Lot 2 near west gate
another application for a school and daycare at 301 Essex Ave, and Vine Avenue   
A 3rd one by Ocean Avenue, LLC application for a day care at Vine Avenue and Washington and Spruce

- Cost of Matzah for Pesach will sky rocket for next year as New York’s controversial environmental regulation and decree targeting all the frum community's kosher Matzah bakeries has gone into effect.
The new rule introduced a few months ago by the NYC Department of Environmental Protection would require coal and wood-fire pizza stores and eateries—including matzah bakeries—to install a very costly emission control system to cut their smoke pollutants by 75%. The very costly filters would raise the cost of matzah much higher, matzah bakeries warn. Likely leading to the closure of most New York City Matzah Bakeries and having them relocated to more business friendly territories.. Read more at frumnews 

- Giyus update: Protests continue daily at the recruitment office at Tel Hashomer as the Eidah Hacharedis and Sefardi Roshei yeshiva look to discourage bochurim from even showing up after receiving draft notices.

-Satmar rebbe Rav Aaron spent shabbos in Sighet Romania, and rhan went to  Sanz  with an emotional visit at the kever of the Divrei Chaim.

-The Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok rebbe is traveling to the US this week to raise funds for his mosdos

- The body of a 29-year-old man who disappeared after his kayak capsized on a Jackson Township lake Saturday was recovered Sunday afternoon, police said. The victim, from Old Bridge, was found just before 4 p.m. by rescuers at Prospertown Lake, The man’s identity was not immediately made public.


  1. Rav Aaron is looking for another community for his chassidim to move to.
    Sighet might be good, but Krakow-Sanz forbids shechita.

  2. Where's the musical Hallel today?

    Can't go to Pizza store today, that's not the Lakewood derech. Rav Aharon (K) forbade pizza stores in Lakewood . He had no objection to Meat Boards. (He couldn't believe what it is.)

    1. He forbade seating in restaurants, not pizza stores in general.

    2. I think you need a good neurologist?

    3. Can someone please explain, why did Aaron Satmar build a brand new Shul in Sighet? Does he not believe in we are in Galus? Going back is one thing, but to build a new Shul in a place where Jews got kicked out of? What's the point, really.

    4. Yidden were also kicked out of England (and many ,many other places) If is a shul is beneficial in any of those places it should be built.

    5. He forbade pizza stores cause then talmidim will eat pizza, bad atmosphere, etc.
      Why parents will bring their children, younger talmidim will bring dates (there was no freezer during Rav Aharon) or meet without benefit of a shadchan.
      Sooner or later they'll go to Uman, , stop off in sighet and daven a nonyeshivish davening, skipping tachanun
      Meat Boards, different types of kugel (only potato is allowed), Chinese food not the mesorah, eventually people will get married in catering halls far from the yeshiva (at least the Lakewood halls are cheaper)

    6. You know that never happened, Reb Aaron never said a word about pizza stores in Lakewood, or anywhere else.

      Some people invent mesoiras for their own purposes. Reb Aaron was not busy with nonsense like pizza stores, lace sheitels, or hooey.

    7. It was R Nosson Wachtfogel who was strongly apposed to seating at pizza shops. He would personally call them.
      Anyone who remembers the old days when Luski's (Pizza Plus) and Gelbsteins only had a few stools by a counter, not tables. Only when Pizza Mann (J2) opened did the takana die out

    8. Why call the pizza shops?
      Just call the vaad to pull the hashgacha.

    9. Pizza (non-kosher) in the USA became a thing in 1958 when the first pizza hut opened.

      The first kosher pizza shop opened a few years later. Rav Aaron was nifter in 1962.

      Anyone who has any historical context and is in any way honest, will clearly recognize that no proprietor would consider opening a pizza shop in Lakewood in 1962. And if someone would have done so, who in Lakewood would ever patronize them?


      Until today, many civilized and acultured adults won't eat an oily and greasy food with their bare hands. Especially if it has tomato sauce and cheese oozing out. Try serving and eating that at a wedding reception.

    10. 4:54PM
      Amnon's predecessor opened on 13th Ave early 1950s. You think Pizza Hut controls the business? There's that famous Italian pizza shop on Ave J (not kosher) that opened right after WWII.

    11. 1:05PM.

      Please cite a reliable source that Amnon's predecessor opened in the early 1950s. It's simply not the case. While someone (unreliable) claims it opened in 1959, others claim it opened in the early 60s.

      Di Fara pizza on Ave J opened in 1965.

      No one would seriously consider opening a pizza shop in Lakewood prior to 1962, or even much later. Who would patronize them?


  3. Y Herman via Chodosh
    5:54 PM (34 minutes ago)
    to chodosh

    Dear Chodosh Subscribers,

    1. There are NO concerns about Chodosh in any manufactured products or grains until after Sukkos.

    2. An update is expected from the AKO (All Kashrus Organizations of the USA) in mid August. I will send it out when possible.

    3. A full Yoshon guide similar to the guide that has been published in the past, will be published by the AKO and distributed through local distributors.

    4. The Chodosh textline will be operational to help everyone through the transition from Project Chodosh to the new system. (914-522-0096). This is a textline only and voice messages are not saved.

    Please do not respond directly to this email. All responses can be sent to

  4. We need many pizza shops in Sighet.

  5. how was the shiur klali?


    1. א היסטארישע שריט האט זיך אפגעשפילט היינט צווישן די פיר ווענט פונעם ריזן תורה אימפעריע ישיבה בית מדרש גבוה אין לעיקוואד, ווען די שיעור כללי איז איבערגעגעבן געווארן דורך הרב הגאון ר' אהרן אולשין שליט"א, עלטסטע זון פונעם ראש ישיבה הגאון הגדול רבי ירוחם אולשין שליט"א.
      הגאון ר' אהרן אולשין שליט"א איז באקאנט אלס א גרויסער תלמיד חכם און מרביץ תורה, און ווי עס שיינט וועט ער צוביסלעך אריינקומען אין די הנהלת הישיבה, אינאיינעם מיט די קינדער פון די אנדערע ראשי הישיבה, נאך וואס די ראשי הישיבה עלטערן זיך אין פריידן בליעה"ר, און זענען שוין ווייט פון א יונגע עלטער.
      הגאון ר' אהרן איז אריינבאגלייט געווארן צום שיעור דורך זיין גרויסן פאטער הגאון הגדול רבי ירוחם אולשין שליט"א ראש הישיבה, אינאיינעם מיט די אנדערע ראשי הישיבה, הגאון ר' מלכיאל קאטלער שליט"א, און הגאון ר' דוד שוסטאל שליט"א, וועלכע האבן מיטגעהאלטן דעם גאנצן שיעור אינאיינעם מיט די טויזענטער תלמידים. 

    2. ממש היסטאריש!
      אלס האט זיך יעצט געטוישט. פלוצלונג וועט אלסדינג זיין בעסער, און דער וועלט וועט זיך איבערקערן לטובה.

  6. It was great. Nobody seems to know why he gave shiur and if there are being any changes in bmg leadership.

  7. Tuesday morning Vine Street traffic enforcement once again

  8. Welcome back mr cohen. It’s been a while
