Thursday, August 1, 2024

Israeli At War Friday August 2

Israel at war day 301

- Pentagon: We are taking steps to enhance our readiness to deploy additional ground-based ballistic missile defenses in the Middle East.The Minister of Defense discussed, in contact with his Israeli counterpart, the destabilizing threats posed by Iran and its partners.

-Kim Jong Un, leader of North Korea:"We will always stand by Iran and respond decisively against any threat against our ally Iran, and we warn the mercenaries of global imperialism, I mean israel, don't make mistakes."

- 20 rockets were launched today by Hamas from Rafah they landed in open areas.

-A joint statement by Houthi, Hezbollah, Palestinian, and Iraqi forces warn citizen of Tel Aviv and greater areas to leave immediately. They warn that Tel Aviv will be hit hard, and residents should move south.

- Biden commented on Thursday evening that the recent killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran was not conducive to achieving a ceasefire in Gaza.

-Hezbollah has begun the Evacuation of Bases and Facilities across the Suburbs of Dahieh in Southern Beirut, include the Command-and-Operations Center in the City also called “The Nerve Center”, with Long-Range Munition and Weapons Systems at Sites in the North and South of Lebanon reportedly being Distributed.

-The Thai government has announced that in light of the Iranian and Hezbollah threats against Israel, it is postponing the arrival of thousands of Thai workers to Israel. These workers are engaged principally in agricultural labor.

- France tells its citizens to leave Iran immediately 

- Many residents of Tzfas headed out for shabbos to areas further south

- Zaka volunteers instructed to lea e their phones and communications equipment on over shabbos

Emergency Satellite Phones have been distributed to Israeli Cabinet Ministers and other Members of Government, so that Functions and Operations can continue if the Israeli Power and Communication Networks suffered a Major Disruption, as a result of a Cyber of Physical Attack.

-Joe Biden says ‘very concerned’ about Middle East tensions, urge #Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to quickly reach a #Gaza ceasefire deal

- CNN: US assessment is that within days there will be an attack similar to the night ofApril 14, but predict that this time it could be larger and more complex - mainly due to the scope of the coordination of the attack from different fronts. The US also estimates that this time there is a greater fear that the US military bases in the area will be part of the targets of the attack. Biden said in his conversation with Netanyahu tonight that the US will deploy new defense measures in the area


  1. No matter what happens rachmono litzlon it's still worth it because we got haniyeh!!

    1. When Haniyeh was alive, Iran and Hezbollah were not constantly threating and looking to start a war over the past few weeks? Would that war be easier to fight with Haniyeh still alive and Iran and Hezbollah thinking that Israel can do little to them?

    2. Rachmono litzlon

      You're a million% correct with those words. When we internalize it, we feel calm and motivated to do Hashem's will and increase kiddush Shem Shomayim.

      (We need to be very happy when each and every rasha is destroyed.)

    3. Why? Haniyeah was the chief negotiator for a ceasefire. There was a plan in place before he was murdered. So why did Bibi kill him? Bibi has no interest in peace but to continue this war. If he truly cared about his citizens and wanted peace, he would not have made such an error in judgement. Now Israelis are in fear of retaliation, r’l.


    4. באבוד רשעים רינה (משלי - י"א י')
      על הפסוק: "וְאִכָּבְדָה בְּפַרְעֹה וּבְכָל חֵילוֹ בְּרִכְבּוֹ וּבְפָרָשָׁיו. וְיָדְעוּ מִצְרַיִם כִּי-אֲנִי ה’ בְּהִכָּבְדִי בְּפַרְעֹה בְּרִכְבּוֹ וּבְפָרָשָׁיו", מסביר רש"י:
      כי כשהקדוש ברוך הוא מתנקם ברשעים שמו מתגדל ומתכבד.

      Iran and their fellow Arab Reshashim were not holding anything back due to being nice. They are muderous with every intent of... The Ribono Shel Olam is the Matzilein miyadam.

      We jave to be thankful and greatful to Hashem for each and every rasha He destroys. Netanyahu cannot do anything.

  2. Right Haniyeah was a pure peace activist. After the proposed ceasefire and the release of many major figures in the Hamas world, life in Israel was going to turn into the epitome of the Zionist dream. Not keeping him alive and in charge of Hamas blew a once in a generation opportunity for peace.

  3. Now that he's gone we're all out safer...... Sort of like a hamster wheel .....going nowhere really quick....... These people really know what they're doing......
