Thursday, August 1, 2024

Hashkafa Q&A

 Containing and controlling greed in contemporary times

How a responsible rav took the initiative to restore shalom bais Concerns Gedolei Yisroel voiced regarding translation of the Talmud


  1. Mr Lichtenstein pulled out a few trump cards in his latest monologue, amongst them showing that R Aharon (R Ribners wifes grandfather) already assured smoking way back when. He also got R Forscheimer to come on (about abuse in camp) which can also be seen as sticking it to R Ribner that gedolim vtovim mimenu have no issue with him and his podcast.

    1. Rabbi Ribner never permitted smoking. Listen again to what he said.

    2. Shrewd move.
      R'Forcheimer always was an innocent

  2. Ploini of August 1st at 853.
    I see your big meivinus? Don't say anymore because your katnus will come pouring out! A mazel you're hiding under a screen name. It's bichlal not a good idea to start up with a talmid chochom.
    If that's what you are busy with oy veavoy to you!

    1. You need to get your meds adjusted. I can recommend some excellent psychiatrists, if need be.

  3. Take it easy, nobody takes R Ribner too seriously

    1. My son's rebbe (a close talmid of Rav Schnuer and a major talmid chocom) warned his mesivta shiur not to view everything Rabbi Ribner says as the posek achron in haskafa and to ask their own shaalo before doing anything important b'nogeah l'maashe based on these clips. Rabbi Ribner himself would almost certainly say the same thing.

  4. Whoever is mezalzel in talmidei chachomim doesn't get away scot free

    1. you mean like ribner did on Rav Yoshe Ber?

  5. I see which camp you belong to! I guess you either belong to the old modern orthodox camp led by Paulsie Levovitz or you can go back to Manhattan to YU of Norman Lamms Ladies and Gentelmen or even Avi Weiss.
