Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thursday August 29 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 77°Partly cloudy

- Trump rips Kamala Harris’ first sitdown interview since Biden dropped out: ‘Rambled incoherently’

- Pundits: Kamala Harris blamed Trump while copying his policies 
Recap of Kamala Harris' interview with CNN's Dana Bash:
1. Kamala said Trump is to blame for why she didn't take action on the southern border for three years.
2. Kamala says she wants to Drill Baby Drill.
3. Tim Walz says he is proud of his service after getting called out for lying about it.
4. Kamala says the US needs to "close the page" on the last 10 years. (She was VP for 3.5 of those years)
5. Kamala says she is proud that she and Biden "lowered" inflation to a level that is still way higher than before they took office.
6. Kamala says she has no regrets about covering up Biden's mental decline.

- Tonight 26 Av yartzeit of Satmer Rebbe  thousands to visit the kever in Monroe 

-Tzedek org advocacy Trump will cover IVF treatments 
 Donald Trump vows that his administration will either cover IVF costs 
"I am announcing today that under the Trump administration, your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment."

- Trump now leads Harris by 5 points post-DNC convention, via Nate Silver.
Trump 52% (Chance) Harris 47%

- WSJ poll today Harris Has Taken Narrow Lead Over Trump with 48% Harris 47% Trump

- UN says Iran has "further increased" its stockpile of uranium enriched to "near weapons-grade levels." — AP

- Trump: Dana Bash of CNN has a chance at greatness today. If she gave a fair but tough interview of Comrade Kamala Harris, she will expose her as being totally inept and ill suited for the job of President, much as I exposed Crooked Joe Biden during our now famous Debate. How cool would that be for Dana and CNN

- Congressman Rep. Clay Higgins
Once again, the FBI is lying. It is 100% NOT “standard procedure” to cremate a body at the center of a major criminal investigation BEFORE a following investigative authority has had an opportunity to examine that body, when the FBI is VERY MUCH AWARE that a following investigative authority is coming right behind them. Same thing with a crime scene. The FBI is acting like they’re royalty. They. Are. Not.
But that’s all right, it’s cool. Best served cold, actually. I’ll have these oppressors of truth before Congress.

- Bochurim and boys are back home from sleep away camp expect traffic at bus drop off locations, a few days left for bein hazmanim as the zman begins Tuesday night

- App reports Lalewood Township residents will see an average municipal tax hike of $220 next year -- twice as much as this year’s increase after the committee votes to approve the proposed $159.4 million municipal budget.  Officials blamed much of the increase on staffing and salary increases, as the township population and demand for services has grown.
Faa reports In total taxes for the average Duplex in Lakewood will increase by Year-over-year, the total increase will be $695, of which $309.96 will go to the municipal budget, $11.54 will go to the school budget, $61.18 will go to the fire budget, and $311.69 will go to the county budget.

- Township committee blames tax increases on necessary salary increases and make no mention of millios lost via tax abatements they give out. The part time committeemen have meetings once a month via zoom only for an average of 10 minutes. Officials always say they get phone calls at 3am and work round the clock.
Heres how much the township committee increased their iwn salary which resulted in higher taxes on poor lakewood residents.
Early this year Lakewood township committee increased their salaries a 4th year in a row this time by $20,000 after raising taxes on Lakewood residents by over 4 million this year alone.
The Mayors salary went up from $88,000 to $108,000. It was $71,000 in 2021 and in 2018 it was $34,00.  Members of Township Committee salary increased from $73,500.00 to $93,500.
The deputy mayor salary is $88,250 from $68,250 last year

- Jackson Township school district will begin charging families when their high school and middle school children takes buses home from after-school activities, officials said after facing a $18 million budget shortfall 

- Continued tefilos for Rav Zucker shlita R"Y Ohr Yisroel in Flatbush who sustained a severe head injury on Sunday and underwent a lengthy surgery. Please daven for Refoel Avrohom Nesanel ben Masha Liba 

-A Superior Court Judge has ordered Atlantic City Councilman Muhammad Zia to be removed from office immediately after finding that he didn't meet the city's residency requirement in advance of last year's election

-ABC News rejects Kamala Harris last-minute bid to change Trump debate rules, will keep muted mics - NYP

- Viral video from Last night a group of boys showed up at a Lakewood eatery  blasting secular music and dancing in the aisles, with girls cheering them on while families were their eating. Store patrons asked them to please turn off the music

- Photo: Gedolei Roshei yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel meet in Bnei Brak at a kinnus for Ichud Kollelim of Europe under Lakewood Yeshiva Bais Medrash Govoha. Those in attendance Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman, Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, Rav Aaron Frmdman, Rabbi Shimon Galei, Rav Yaakov Eliezer Schwartzman, Rav Avrohom Dinner, Rav Shlomo Kanievsky. The guest speaker was R' Aaron Kotler


  1. What does BMG have to do with ichud kollelim of Europe??

    1. Why are you jealous of the lakewooder yeshiva?

  2. This may be the most important message in Lakewood township since it split away from Brick.

    Bottom line, the money the state lends Lakewood is taxation. Plain and simple. It is just deferred.

    On Prof. T. and my playing field, mismanagement, whomever you elect, who controls the district, whether it is our BOE or the State, is not our issue. It is the state’s argument and it is destined to fail, just as it failed with Newark, Jersey City, and the Abbott districts in the 1990 NJ Supreme Court ruling.

    We already won of the first phase. We got the ruling that makes us an Abbott district. Now all the court has to determine is if the funding formula is at fault. It clearly is.

    If you learn the issues, we are dealing with a double gap in our finances. Our school tax levy is a little over $100 million a year but we have to borrow another $100 million.

    We pay back 10% a year.

    The state has been tricking the people of Lakewood Don’t think for a second that the loans are not a form of taxation that ultimately our children and we will pay for decades. Judge Scarola called it a Ponzi scheme.

    It has the potential to bankrupt the town, abolish home rule, and obliterate some of the equity in our homes.

    Over $400 million a year flows through the BOE. It behooves the people of Lakewood to make sure the most competent people supervise that revenue rather than those receiving favors measured in the tens of thousand. This is more important than the Township Committee or any legislative office. And short of a way, it is more important than who becomes President of the United States.

    The state accuses us of mismanagement.

    Then take over the district. Takeover and fork up!

    Ultimately, it is all a smokescreen, blaming the people of Lakewood, just like the courtesy bussing ten was the excuse two decades ago. As the district business manager, Robert Finger, said during the trial in 2018, “You can trim at the edges, you can save a couple million a year. But expenses grow 10% a year."

    The state has to start paying its share. It is the responsibility of the State under the NJ Constitution to make sure the schools are financed. AL

    1. Typo: "Short of war..." In other world, who become president is not as important to the people of Lakewood as creating a stable fiscal structure. We are headed to bankruptcy. The only reason that has been prevented is the NJ Constitution that puts the responsibility for the public schools on the state, not the local BOE, despite the state's arguments.

      At any rate, so much is spent on other issues on this blog, the township is a molehill compared to the mountain at risk with our BOE and school funding. The school tax is our greatest burden and education is the largest industry in Lakewood. It all flows through the BOE. In fact, the BOE is about 20% or more of the aggregate income of all 150,000 people in Lakewood. Speak up. Make my day!

    2. Just checked the 2023-24 State Aid printout. It list our later aggregate income as $2,483,480,657. The latest budget lists BOE revenue, including federal funding flowing through it , as $415,260,389. That is 17%, close to 20%.

      So why are all of you seemingly more concerned about the Township, federal elections, the voucher pipe dream, Schnall, Democrats and Republicans, when the tower is looming to crash?

      I asked three people to run for BOE this year. Hopefully they will run next year. And the following year until they win. Not that it will make a difference in the great cause to save this town, nay, every NJ town with large numbers of nonpublic students, and create stable public finances, and so that by far the greatest industry in this town, education, continues to thrive, but it sure will make a difference in how much my 21 years of public service for the BOE will have been worthwhile to Lakewood's future and our posterity. AL


  3. We keep on embracing secular society into our camps and slowly are values are eroding and slipping away. The message to our children is that the yeshiva world has become modern Orthodox.

    Why is it ok to have a biking tour fundraiser where frum men and ladies dress like goyim in a untzniusdig way and it is accepted as normal and the media pushes this garbage

    Why is it ok when a frum chasidish singer with gekrazelteh Payos is singing a secular Israeli love song at a chasuna and people are raving and fawning over it

    Podcasts moderated by individuals that have no rabbinic or hashkafick backing interviewing married ladies calling them by first name and flirting while this garbage gets blasted and pushed by frum media

    The full acceptance of the zionist IDF culture by frum kehilos post Oct 7

    We have become Modox in yeshivish garb

    1. It is all good as long as no english is taught in mesivtas, no kumzits concerts for bachurim- 'past nisht'

    2. Most of what you are talking about is news to the average person in Lakewood. You don't need to listen to these podcasts or have anything to do with these things.

      Those that do, send their children to mesivots with limudei chol

    3. 11:49painful but on target
      Every violation is mutar as long as we won't call it modern orthdox.
      This is a society that pats itself on the back & whose rabbis laud it incessantly,but is actually sliding in decline.Better to honestly call a community lifestyle by it's name

    4. The frum media complacent for prompting this garbage content.
      The frum organizations who hire the performers who act goyish are also responsible
      There is no accountability or consequences
      We are living leaderless and bullied by agenda driven media and advocates who hide behind sensitive topics to pushband promote their treiff agenda on klal yisroel.

    5. Even the free print magazines and weeklies go right into the garbage

    6. Why are we leaderless? Who worked hard to block anyone from any leadership position in town? In the early 80s, when Rav Shach pushed Lakewood to appoint a Rav, who stopped it? Why are we a town in which anyone can open a mossad, and then those 'just anyones' get to dictate life for future mosdos?

      The answer is uncomfortable, but true.

  4. Its not About salary increases. Its about cedarbridge development! None of the building on ave of states pay taxes! Why not ???More then enough to cover any increases....

    1. The VAAD does not allow any such questions. Everything is great , people are so happy here, trraffic flow is amazing, taxes are very low.

  5. Aaron Kotler just fits in great with everyone at the meeting
