Saturday, August 31, 2024

Motzei Shabbos Reeh 5784 News Updates Lakewood

- President Biden statement on the death of Hersh Goldberg-Polin: “I am devastated and outraged.” “Make no mistake, Hamas leaders will pay for these crimes. And we will keep working around the clock for a deal to secure the release of the remaining hostages.”-

-Hundreds attend forshpil  tonight ahead of the wedding for Son of Rachmastrivka Rebbe in Lakewood 

- Thousands of yeshiva bochurim gathered tonight in Yerushalayim at the binyanei  haumah in Yerushalayim for a end of summer kings with music and drashos from Tav Moshe Hillel Hitsch shlita and Rav Dovid Cohen shlita see video below 

- A  Hachtara will take place tomorrow at the Jackson 21 development in Jackson  for their new Rav. Harav Yaakov Yehoshua Rothman shlita will be appointed as Mara Dasra of the community. It will take place at the club house 7:30 pm with the participation of local rabbonim.

- New Jersey Health Department says two residents have died from the West Nile Virus, out of a total of now 8 cases across the state.Of the eight total cases, seven were hospitalized with neuroinvasive disease.The two deaths were in Cumberland and Mercer counties.

- Nutmeg kosher supermarket in Lakewood will have an official grand opening tomorrow 

Lakewood committeeman served lawsuit by crossing guatd involving crash at James and Williams, full story on 

- Kamala Harris refuses to accept previously agreed upon rules for ABC debate, pushes for unmuted mics. Hoping to be able to have a comeback at Trump as she did in debate with Pence in 2020.

Video: Welcoming Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch tonight in Yerushalayim 

Israel At War Motzei Shabbos Re'eh

Israel at war day 330

-Update 3 killed R"L in terror attack
 Terrorist attack this morning near Chevron at Terkumiya checkpost,, 3 Israelis shot in serious condition..

- IDF Spokesperson: We assess that the 6 hostages were brutally murdered a very short time before we located them. 101 hostages remain in captivity, 35 of whom are declared dead.

-Update: The IDF recovered the bodies of six Israeli hostages from a Hamas tunnel in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, who according to the military were murdered by their captors not long before they were found.
The hostages are Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23, Eden Yerushalmi, 24, Ori Danino, 25, Alex Lubnov, 32, Carmel Gat, and Almog Sarusi, 25.

- According to the IDF, the six were murdered by Hamas a short while, possibly around a day or two, before troops found them. 

The IDF did not have the exact location of the hostages, but had indications of a general area where the six could be held. The military says it operated carefully in the area, due to the possibility that hostages were being held there.
Troops began to search a tunnel complex yesterday, until they found the hostages dead in the afternoon. Overnight their bodies were extracted from Gaza and brought to Israel for identification. 

- The IDF says there were no clashes with Hamas terrorists inside the tunnel, and the guards who likely murdered the six fled the area. The tunnel in which the slain hostages were found, in Rafah, is about a kilometer away from where soldiers found hostage Farhan al-Qadi earlier this week.

-The 6 bodies that were recovered today were located in a tunnel in Rafah. The same place that Biden/Harris and the world tried so hard to stop Israel from operating in. Live hostages were being held there this whole time, and they were murdered there.

-Disgusting CNN headline makes no mention that hostages were killed by Hamas: "Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin has died"

- President Biden statement on the death of Hersh Goldberg-Polin: “I am devastated and outraged.” “Make no mistake, Hamas leaders will pay for these crimes. And we will keep working around the clock for a deal to secure the release of the remaining hostages.”

- Identities of 6 hostages bodies recovered by Idf after they were murdered in captivity by Hamas last week HYD
Hersh Goldberg
Edan yerushalmi
Carmel gat
Almog sarusi
Alex lubnov 
Ori danino

- Sad update: Hostage hersh Goldberg HYD was murdered in captivity his body was identified as one of the 6 hostages found today by IDF. He is an American/Israeli citizen. Hirsh's parents just publicly confirmed their son's tragic death a few minutes ago. Hirsh was murdered in captivity.
 "With broken hearts, the Goldberg-Polin family is devastated to announce the death of their beloved son and brother, Hersh. 
The family thanks you all for your love and support and asks for privacy at this time."

- IDF finds 6 more bodies underground, likely of hostages. Despite rumors on social media of possible identities of the potential hostage bodies, the IDF will not be able to confirm any specifics until the bodies have been returned to Israel and checked by the relevant professional experts, likely later on Sunday.

- The country will tremble’: Hostage families urge major protests tomorrow, after more captives possibly found dead

- IDF sources say that if the bodies are indeed those of hostages, that they were not killed by any recent fight with Hamas in the area since the military did not use force nearby.

-A massive terrorist attack was just foiled in Jerusalem. Two terrorists were caught with a vehicle full of explosives and small arms at a checkpoint to enter the city. This comes on the heels of the multiple attacks in Judea & Samaria as well as Operation 'Summer Camps'

- An Israeli soldier was killed and three others were wounded during fierce clashes with Hamas gunmen in the West Bank city of Jenin on Shabbos morning, the Israel Defense Forces said. Elkana Navon, 20,, from Petah Tikva was killed he was a header student.

- A report from the Washington Post that Harris is "open to the idea" of imposing restrictions on security assistance to Israel as part of an examination she intends to carry out, if elected president, of the entirety of American policy toward Israel in an attempt to understand "what works and what doesn't."

- Hostage deal: Sources in Hamss tell the Saudi news: "The last round of negotiations in Doha did not achieve any progress or breakthrough between Israel and Hams on any prominent issues. The Israeli side insisted on five observation points along the Philadelphi axis 300-400 meters deep into the heart of Rafah, which Hams rejected. Cairo [the Egyptians] also rejected any Israeli presence in Philadelphi."

- New info on October 7th massacre: Doubling previous numbers, report says 6,000 Gazans – including 3,800 trained Hamas terrorists – broke into Israel on Oct. 7
Twice as many Gazans breached the border into Israel on October 7 than previously reported, Channel 12 says, citing data compiled by the IDF’s Gaza Division.
The report says some 3,800 trained and armed Hamas terrorists smashed through the border fence, among a total of 6,000 Gazans who crossed into Israel that day.
Hitherto, figures made public indicated that some 3,000 Hamas-led terrorists participated in the invasion, massacre and hostage-taking that day.
The TV report also says that the border was breached in 119 places — again, about double the hitherto widely cited figure of 60 breaches in the Gaza-Israel fence.
Additionally, 1,000 terrorists inside Gaza were involved in firing rockets at Israel that day, the report says, meaning that a total of some 7,000 Gazans took part in the onslaught.
Some 5,000 rockets were fired at Israel that day, 3,000 of them in the first four hours of the onslaught.
Channel 12 says the data has been submitted to Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Lakewood Zmanim עש''ק פר' ראה מברכים חודש אלול תשפ''ד שלישי דנחמתא

 שֶׁתְּחַדֵּשׁ עָלֵינוּ אֶת הַחֹדֶשׁ הַזֶּה לְטוֹבָה וְלִבְרָכָה, וְתִתֶּן לָנוּ חַיִּים אֲרוּכִים, חַיִּים שֶׁל שָׁלוֹם

Friday, August 130, 2024 / כ"ו אב תשפ"ד ערב שבת פרשת ראה  

Candle lighting 7:12 pm                                          
Shkiah/sunset 7:30 pm
- Rosh chodesh Elul is Tuesday &wednesdy
-The molad will be Tuesday afternoon, 37 minutes and 12 chalakim after 2:00 pm

-weather shabbos day High 82° Cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy in the afternoon. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. 
                                                 הפטרת פרשת ראה - עניה סערה לא נוחמה                                                                     
                                         הסגולות המיוחדות בשבת הקרובה, שבת מברכין חודש אלול

רבי אהרן מקרלין כתב במכתב לבנו כי "היות ואין מברכים את חודש תשרי בשבת שלפני תחילת  החודש, יש לכוון בברכת חודש אלול גם על חודש תשרי" רבי אלימלך בידרמן שליט"א כותב על כך: "ולפי זה, חיל ורעדה  יאחזון, ביודעם כי הנה עתה מברכין את ראש חודש תשרי – ראש השנה שהוא המשפיע לכל השנה הבאה, ונמצא שבברכת חודש זה נכלל כל שנת תשפ'ה וכל אשר יתרחש בה

"ידועים דבריו של רבי ישראל מסלנט: "מלפנים כאשר ידעתי – כל איש אחזו פלצות מקול הקורא קדוש אלול'"

(אור ישראל איגרת יד)

הכנה לשבת

Getting ready for shabbos

Friday August 30 News Updates Lakewood

Friday, August 30, 2024 /  כ״ו אב תשפ״ד ערב שבת פרשת ראה מברכים אלול

Candle lighting 7:12 pm
Shkiah/sunset 7:30 pm

weather 74° A shower is possible early. Cloudy skies. 
shabbos day 82° Cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 82F
Rosh Chodesh Elul is Tuesday and Wednesday

- The Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok rebbe has BH released from hospital and went home for shabbos

-New Reuters poll reports in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, North Carolina, Michigan and Nevada - Trump has a 45% to 43% lead over Harris among registered voters

-Elon Musk: At current rates of government spending, America is in the fast lane to bankruptcy. 
Government overspending is what causes inflation.

-BDE: Petirah of Rav Yosef Magid ZTL of Boro Park at the age of 97 he was the most senior Gerer chosid in the US

- BDE: Petirah of Rebbetzin Rochel Baila Taub A"H the Almana of the previous Modjitz rebbe ztl the Nachlas  Don and mother of current rebbes of  Modzitz and Kuzhmir she was 91 

- New Construction costs takkanos in Monroe: Satmar rebbe Rav Aaron Tetlielbaum in a speech last night on the 45th yartzeit of Satmar Rov, he called out greedy developers in Kiryas Yoel palm tree for charging $600 per square foot, while saying they could still profit by charging $300 a aq foot. the rebbe announced new protocols that would have the village only issuing permits to those who limit their pricing to 300. The rebbe said he went through the numbers and 300 per square ft would include closing costs too as several builders already agreeing to the new pricing.
No such Takana has been implemented yet in the Lakewood area.

- Tefillos for the Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok rebbe has has been hospitalized again upon his return to EY. Name is Shmuel Yaakov ben Yenta.

-Labor day weekend gov offices closed on Monday
- yeshiva bochurim back from camp

-Nutmeg Kosher supermarket  official grand opening this Sunday in Lakewood

-For those in Catskills Gourmet Glatt in Kiamisha will be closing for the season on Sunday 1pm

- LSTA has yet to notify parents of some schools in Jackson if there will be busing as school start next week Wednesday

- VIvaser daily that news bulletein distributed in the lakewood area will be unergoing a rebrand of the profuct

- No Yated Ne'eman newspaer this last week of bein Hazmanim

- A Kumzitz kinus will take place to close out bein Hazmanim this motzei shabbos inYerushalayim with the participation of Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita and Rav Dovid Cohen shlita at Binyanei Hauma with singers Bentzy Stein and Shmuel Sukkos

-Ben Shapiro: The bar for our politics has been set so low that Kamala not physically....herself during an interview is now considered a brilliant performance. But in reality, she's a mess. Platitudes mixed with lies mixed with nonsense. With saccharine slathered on by Dana Bash.

-Vivek Ramaswamy: Kamala’s interview last night was a reminder that we’re not running against a candidate. We’re running against a *system*. They require a candidate they can control, which means having original ideas is a disqualification. That’s exactly why we get Biden, then Kamala, and so on.

- Kever of the Satmar Rebbe in Monroe has reopened for his yartzeit today after it was briefly closed last night 

- Giyus update: Both Satmar factions are working on a massive Atzeres in NY to protest the Geziras Giyus

 - Asian supermarket H Mart is opening its new food hall at American Dream mall to kick off Labor Day weekend. The 16,860-square-foot food hall is set to open its doors Friday and will be the company’s largest in the Northeast. H Mart’s food halls are collections of local, national and international chefs and food concepts.

Israel At War Friday Aug 30

 Israel at war  day 329

- Over 40 rockets were fired into the Golan tonight by Hezbollah landing in open areas

- Palestinian terro attacks in the west bank today IDF says it killed two Palestinian terrorists as two suspected car bombs were detonated in the Gush Etzion area of the West Bank this evening, in the first incident, a car exploded at a gas station near the Gush Etzion junction. Two men were moderately and lightly wounded by gunfire amid the incident, medics say, likely as a result of friendly fire while forces shot the alleged terrorist dead. In the second incident, a Palestinian terrorist rammed a car into a guard at the entrance to the settlement of Karmei Tzur, lightly injuring him, according to medics. The IDF says troops dispatched to the scene shot dead the terrorist, and are continuing to search for additional possible suspects.

-A senior source in Hams told the Lebanese al-Mayadeen channel: "The round of talks in Doha has failed and is on the verge of collapse. The meetings failed to dissuade Israel from its insistence on remaining on the Philadelphi corridor and removing the veto on 65 Palestinian prisoners who were sentenced to life imprisonment."

- Lebanese media reporting the ceasefire talks with Hamas in Qatar have collapsed.

- On CNN, Kamala Harris refuses to answer whether or not she supports an arms embargo against Israel.

-IDF wraps up 3-week raid in south Gaza; 250 terrorists killed, 6 km of tunnels destroyed

-IDF says is carried out joint drill with security forces to prepare defense of north

-Cabinet approves IDF remaining in Philadelphi Corridor, Gallant objects

- The IDF, Shin Bet, and police eliminated Wissam Hazem, the commander of Hamas’s military wing in Jenin, during clashes and drone strikes earlier this morning. 
Hazem and two other terrorists were killed after troops spotted them in a car in Zababdeh

Thursday, August 29, 2024

אלו ואלו

"אֵלּוּ וְאֵלּוּ אוֹמְרִים אַשְׁרֵי מִי שֶׁלֹּא חָטָא וּמִי שֶׁחָטָא יָשׁוּב 
וְיִמְחוֹל לוֹ"

Oif Simchas 26 Av

Kohn - Roth Neemas Hachaim
Nussbaum - Roseman Fountain Ballroom 
Fishoff - Rajchenbach Kesser Moshe Yehuda 
Biegeleisen -  Bertram Lake Terrace 

Farbrengen at Mordys shteibel with R Moshe Leventer at 10pm

End of summer bash to benefit Minyan avreichim sefardi  at 205 Cathy lane Lakewood 7:30pm with live musical performance

Thursday August 29 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 77°Partly cloudy

- Trump rips Kamala Harris’ first sitdown interview since Biden dropped out: ‘Rambled incoherently’

- Pundits: Kamala Harris blamed Trump while copying his policies 
Recap of Kamala Harris' interview with CNN's Dana Bash:
1. Kamala said Trump is to blame for why she didn't take action on the southern border for three years.
2. Kamala says she wants to Drill Baby Drill.
3. Tim Walz says he is proud of his service after getting called out for lying about it.
4. Kamala says the US needs to "close the page" on the last 10 years. (She was VP for 3.5 of those years)
5. Kamala says she is proud that she and Biden "lowered" inflation to a level that is still way higher than before they took office.
6. Kamala says she has no regrets about covering up Biden's mental decline.

- Tonight 26 Av yartzeit of Satmer Rebbe  thousands to visit the kever in Monroe 

-Tzedek org advocacy Trump will cover IVF treatments 
 Donald Trump vows that his administration will either cover IVF costs 
"I am announcing today that under the Trump administration, your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment."

- Trump now leads Harris by 5 points post-DNC convention, via Nate Silver.
Trump 52% (Chance) Harris 47%

- WSJ poll today Harris Has Taken Narrow Lead Over Trump with 48% Harris 47% Trump

- UN says Iran has "further increased" its stockpile of uranium enriched to "near weapons-grade levels." — AP

- Trump: Dana Bash of CNN has a chance at greatness today. If she gave a fair but tough interview of Comrade Kamala Harris, she will expose her as being totally inept and ill suited for the job of President, much as I exposed Crooked Joe Biden during our now famous Debate. How cool would that be for Dana and CNN

- Congressman Rep. Clay Higgins
Once again, the FBI is lying. It is 100% NOT “standard procedure” to cremate a body at the center of a major criminal investigation BEFORE a following investigative authority has had an opportunity to examine that body, when the FBI is VERY MUCH AWARE that a following investigative authority is coming right behind them. Same thing with a crime scene. The FBI is acting like they’re royalty. They. Are. Not.
But that’s all right, it’s cool. Best served cold, actually. I’ll have these oppressors of truth before Congress.

- Bochurim and boys are back home from sleep away camp expect traffic at bus drop off locations, a few days left for bein hazmanim as the zman begins Tuesday night

- App reports Lalewood Township residents will see an average municipal tax hike of $220 next year -- twice as much as this year’s increase after the committee votes to approve the proposed $159.4 million municipal budget.  Officials blamed much of the increase on staffing and salary increases, as the township population and demand for services has grown.
Faa reports In total taxes for the average Duplex in Lakewood will increase by Year-over-year, the total increase will be $695, of which $309.96 will go to the municipal budget, $11.54 will go to the school budget, $61.18 will go to the fire budget, and $311.69 will go to the county budget.

- Township committee blames tax increases on necessary salary increases and make no mention of millios lost via tax abatements they give out. The part time committeemen have meetings once a month via zoom only for an average of 10 minutes. Officials always say they get phone calls at 3am and work round the clock.
Heres how much the township committee increased their iwn salary which resulted in higher taxes on poor lakewood residents.
Early this year Lakewood township committee increased their salaries a 4th year in a row this time by $20,000 after raising taxes on Lakewood residents by over 4 million this year alone.
The Mayors salary went up from $88,000 to $108,000. It was $71,000 in 2021 and in 2018 it was $34,00.  Members of Township Committee salary increased from $73,500.00 to $93,500.
The deputy mayor salary is $88,250 from $68,250 last year

- Jackson Township school district will begin charging families when their high school and middle school children takes buses home from after-school activities, officials said after facing a $18 million budget shortfall 

- Continued tefilos for Rav Zucker shlita R"Y Ohr Yisroel in Flatbush who sustained a severe head injury on Sunday and underwent a lengthy surgery. Please daven for Refoel Avrohom Nesanel ben Masha Liba 

-A Superior Court Judge has ordered Atlantic City Councilman Muhammad Zia to be removed from office immediately after finding that he didn't meet the city's residency requirement in advance of last year's election

-ABC News rejects Kamala Harris last-minute bid to change Trump debate rules, will keep muted mics - NYP

- Viral video from Last night a group of boys showed up at a Lakewood eatery  blasting secular music and dancing in the aisles, with girls cheering them on while families were their eating. Store patrons asked them to please turn off the music

- Photo: Gedolei Roshei yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel meet in Bnei Brak at a kinnus for Ichud Kollelim of Europe under Lakewood Yeshiva Bais Medrash Govoha. Those in attendance Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman, Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, Rav Aaron Frmdman, Rabbi Shimon Galei, Rav Yaakov Eliezer Schwartzman, Rav Avrohom Dinner, Rav Shlomo Kanievsky. The guest speaker was R' Aaron Kotler

Israel At War Thursday Aug 29

Israel at war day 328

- IDF sources say 80% of Hamas tunnels in Philadelphi Corridor neutralized

- British airways and Iberia expected to resume flights to Israel 

- 5 Palestinian gunmen, including top commander, killed by IDF at West Bank mosque
Islamic Jihad chief in Tulkarem area among dead; another operative detained; one soldier lightly hurt; Palestinian death toll since start of operation rises to 17

-Qaid Farhan Alkadi, the Bedouin-Israeli hostage who was rescued from the Gaza strip on Tuesday, revealed he was held in captivity for two months with Aryeh Zalmanovich, a former hostage from Kibbutz Nir Oz who died in Hamas captivity, according to a KAN report on Thursday. Alkadi testified that he witnessed Zalmanovich's death in captivity in December 2023, KAN added.

- CIA Deputy Director David Cohen emphasized that Hamas’s leader holds the key to resolving the Gaza hostage crisis and ceasefire.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Oif Simchas Wed 25 Av

Weingarden - Ungar Ateres Reva
Weiss - Lowy Ne'emas Hachaim 
Katz - Heyman Kesser Moshe Yehuda 
Goldstein - Weinberger Toras Menachem Fischman - Taub Lake Terrace
Sklare - Levine Fountain Ballroom  
Levi- Rennert Bais Faiga

Wednesday August 28 News Updates Lakewood

Weather:  96° Mostly sunny. Hot and humid
There is a possible risk of severe weather today. Wind and hail are possible, but wind is the greatest threat.

- The U.S. Supreme Court has just now Struck down the Biden-Harris plan to use taxpayer funds to pay off student loans.

- Lebanese media reports that senior US defense officials have recently informed several Arab countries, including Lebanon, that a large-scale Iranian attack against Israel is now imminent and is expected to occur within the next 48-72 hours, with the attack expected to be limited. To avoid an all-out regional war.

-Israel agrees to humanitarian pause to allow polio vaccination in Gaza

- Today: DWD pre Yom Tov clothing sale this Wednesday in Tiferes Bais Yaakov 613 oak street 1-5 selling shabbos clothes for girls and sweaters for boys robes weekday clothing socks yarmulkas and  tzitzis 

- Hatzolas nefashos serving the greater Lakewood community has produces a jingle to meorize their number for those who want to use their services 732-917-0000

In response a letter by Hatzolah of central Jersey States:  The organization (HN)has intentionally chosen to market itself in a way that closely mimics hatzolah of Central Jersey creating a significant risk of confusion in a moment of crisis the confusion could result in a potentially critical delay in obtaining the appropriate medical response with potentially devastating consequences as their resources experience and medical oversight are not known to us...

- Shiva for Mrs. Esther Levenberg A"H is a t425 8th street getting up Friday morning 

- Price of eggs over $5 at local stores 

- Mir Rosh Yeshiva Rav Lazer Yudel Finkel aske Harav Moshe Sternbuch  shlita what to tell American bochurim who are concerned to return for the zman due to the current matzav Rav Shternbuch responded there were always  tough times for klal yisroel but if the bochurim comer back just to learn Torah then there's nothing to fear as the Torah protects. 

- The US State Department announced sanctions on the Hashomer Yosh organization and Yitzhar civilian security coordinator Yitzhak Levi Filant on Wednesday. "As part of the United States’ efforts to address the extreme levels of instability and violence against civilians in the West Bank, we are taking additional actions today against those who engage in or provide material support for violent activities there," the department stated.

-Lakewood officials express concern for the need for a new Code Blue warming center in Lakewood, it was actually the township committee who demolished the previous warming center to make way for the shopping plaza read more here 

- Lakewood Vaad spokesperson tells APP he would be open to seeing what the public wanted to change the form of govt to a full time mayor “If the community wants to do a referendum to see if they want to change I would not be against that.

 - Lakewood’s Mayor and Committeeman Lichtenstein say they do not want to go to a full-time mayor or a city council form, in a interview with thevAPP. claiming the current operations work well.“The first thing you look at is whether this is working now,” said Coles, “The township is running well, people seem to be happy. We are not New York or Newark where they have thousands of employees. The mayor and committee set the tone and the rules and the professionals making sure the needs are met.”
Township Committee member Meir Lichtenstein “Our township committee form of government works very well right now,”

 - Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles works on a part-time basis and earns $75,000 per year, while his fellow committee members each pocket $64,000 annually.Marc Pfeiffer, associate director of the Bloustein Local Government Research Center at Rutgers University, said Coles' current $75,000 annual pay “strikes me as high for part time.”

Getting Ready for Elul Zman

Witness the incredible growth and expansion of BMG as it moves into its 11th building this Rosh Chodesh Elul!" Video by Efraim Feder realty  Today, BMG boasts 11 buildings, each filled with Witness the incredible growth and expansion of BMG as it moves into its 11th building this Rosh Chodesh Elul!"

1. Yoshon (Bendheim Bais Medrash/Maon Zafir)
2. Mizrach & Maariv (Israel Henry Beren Hall)
3. Binyan Herzka/Bais Medrash Bais Yitzchok
4. Bais Sholom
5. Bais Aaron

Israel At War Wed Aug 28

 Israel at war  day 327

- Lebanese media reports that senior US defense officials have recently informed several Arab countries, including Lebanon, that a large-scale Iranian attack against Israel is now imminent and is expected to occur within the next 48-72 hours, with the attack expected to be limited. To avoid an all-out regional war.

- Israel agrees to humanitarian pause to allow polio vaccination in Gaza

- Another IDF soldier was killed in Gaza Strip  bringing the death to 342, his name is  Yochai Hay Glam, 32, from Netanya.  

- The IDF last night rescued the body of hostage Sergeant Shaked Dahan, a fighter in the 77th Armored Battalion who was killed in battle after his tank was attacked near kibbutz Nir Oz on October 7th.

- British report: Sinwar has surrounded himself with 22 handcuffed hostages.

- Another soldier killed in Gaza bringing death toll to 341.
Amit Friedman, 19, from Or Yehuda.

- At least eleven  Palestinian terrorists were killed in a series of drone strikes and clashes with the IDF in the northern West Bank early Wednesday, as the Israeli military said it had launched a large-scale counterterrorism operation.

- Lower-level Israeli delegation to attend hostage talks in Doha on Wednesday
Talks also expected at working-group level in Cairo in coming days as mediators try to close gaps; Netanyahu said to exclude top defense officials from preparatory meeting

- Namibia blocks vessel suspected of carrying 'explosive material destined for Israel'
Namibia barred the MV Kathrin from docking over suspicions of carrying military cargo for Israel, aligning with its support for Palestine during the Gaza conflict.

- Israeli air strike hits truck in Lebanon carrying military equipment, security source says

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

כשיבוא מלך המשיח

  וואס וועט זיין ווען משיח וועט קומען

Oif Simchas Tuesday 24 Av

Roberg -  Ungarischer  Bais Faiga
Geller - Weisz  Toras Menachem 
Gleiberman  - Mezei Kesser Moshe Yehuda 
Abrams - Ehrlich Fountain Ballroom 

Tuesday August 27 News Updates Lakewood

Weather:  85° Sunny. High near 85F
Heat Advisory From Wed 11:00 am until 8:00 pm Heat index values up to 103 expected.

- Trump responds to Indictment: For them to do this immediately after our Supreme Court Victory on Immunity and more, is shocking. I’ve also been informed by my attorneys, that you’re not even allowed to bring cases literally right before an Election – A direct assault on Democracy! This is an unprecedented abuse of the Criminal Justice System. The case has to do with “Conspiracy to Obstruct the 2020 Presidential Election,” when they are the ones that did the obstructing of the Election, not me. They cheated on the Election, and they go after me for “cheating on the Election.” Interestingly, this comes at the exact same time as Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook has admitted to concealing massive amounts of information, such as Hunter Biden’s Laptop from Hell, which is a direct acknowledgment that the 2020 Presidential Election was MANIPULATED and RIGGED by the DOJ. What they are doing now is the single greatest sabotage of our Democracy in History…

- BDE: Petirah of Mordechai Boehm z”l of Woodmere. He was 49 who tragically passed away while on vacation in Pennsylvania in an incident on the Delaware River.

- Trump indicted a second time in election subversion case brought by special counsel Jack Smith. The Superseding indictment is unlikely to go to trial before the November election The new charges narrow the allegations against the Republican "presidential nominee" following a Supreme Court ruling that conferred broad immunity on former presidents.

- Trump Assassination Attempt
The FBI Cracked into 2 of the 3 Foreign Encrypted Apps but Won’t Tell the Public what they Found. They found 700+ messages found on Social media, but sources say it may not have been written by Crooks, but instead maybe his father

- The US State Department released a security alert warning Americans not to Travel to Uman, Ukraine for Rosh Hashanah. (Belaaz)

- Robert F. Kennedy Jr: "Looks like Mark Zuckerberg has joined the ranks of the crazed conspiracy theorists who claim that the Biden administration pressured Facebook to censor dissent during Covid".

- US: Iran is preparing for an attack on Israel.

- Many Back to school sale items at Bingo 

- Last day of boys day camp in Lakewood 

- Trump has tapped Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard, both former progressive Democrats, as co-chairs of his presidential transition team.

-White House's Kirby warns that Iran appears "ready and positioned" to launch an attack on Israel.

- Soft opening of Nutmeg supermarket Grand Opening t in Lakewood Sep.1st

- Shweky concert in Deal today to benefit the center.   Jeapest Tickets  for $54

- Shiva at Mishpachas Ziemba is at 3 Natures way in Ocean point off Rt 88 Shachris 8:20 Mincha 7:15 Maariv 8:30 pm  people are asked not to come bet 4-6 pm

- DWD pre Yom Tov clothing sale this Wednesday in Tiferes Bais Yaakov 613 oak street 1-5 selling shabbos clothes for girls and sweaters for boys robes weekday clothing socks yarmulkas and  tzitzis 

- Feeling pressure from social media platforms that have become popular with affreaibg the current issues, several frum websites have begun to post  anonymous letters addressing the cost of living crisis affecting frum life, the debates  and conversations have been going on over whatsapp and other forums such as dans deals and other popular forums

- Media reports on tragic drowning of Reb Boruch Ber Ziemba Here 2

- Lawsuit against lakewood township's "banquet halls in schools" ordinance heads to the appellate division the Township's taxpayers have already forked up over $240,000 for the Township's legal fees in defending Lake Terrace and the banquet hall ordinance. more 

- Trump:  I have reached an agreement with the Radical Left Democrats for a Debate with Comrade Kamala Harris. It will be Broadcast Live on ABC FAKE NEWS, by far the nastiest and most unfair newscaster in the business, on Tuesday, September 10th, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Rules will be the same as the last CNN Debate, which seemed to work out well for everyone except, perhaps, Crooked Joe Biden. The Debate will be “stand up,” and Candidates cannot bring notes, or “cheat sheets.” We have also been given assurance by ABC that this will be a “fair and equitable” Debate, and that neither side will be given the questions in advance (No Donna Brazile!). Harris would not agree to the FoxNews Debate on September 4th, but that date will be held open in case she changes her mind or, Flip Flops, as she has done on every single one of her long held and cherished policy beliefs. A possible third Debate, which would go to NBC FAKE NEWS, has not been agreed to by the Radical Left. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Israel At War Tues Aug 27

 Israel at ear day 326

- Sources in Israel security system: the operation in the Jenin and Tulkarm area is expanding towards the Jordan Valley, helicopters have been flown in to assist our forces.

- White House says Iran is still ‘postured and poised’ to carry out attack on Israel

- Initial reports Dr. Mojtaba Amani, the ambassador of Iran in Lebanon escaped to Israel! He's been missing since last night!

- The rescued hostage Farhan walked around the tunnels and spoke Arabic with Hams terrorists, and the Shin Bet received intelligence that is golden.

-An Israeli hostage was rescued by IDF troops from a tunnel in the southern Gaza Strip earlier today, the military announces. The rescued hostage is Qaid Farhan al-Qadi, 52, from a Bedouin community near the southern city of Rahat, who was working as a guard at a packing factory in Kibbutz Magen on October 7. Al-Qadi was abducted by Hamas terrorists from the nearby community of Mivtahim.
Al-Qadi was found inside a tunnel by commandos of the Navy’s elite Shayetet 13 unit.

- The near-term risk of a broader war in the Middle East has eased somewhat after Israel and Lebanon’s Hezbollah exchanged fire without further escalation but Iran still poses a significant danger as it weighs a strike on Israel, America’s top general said on Monday.

-Following the killing of an Israeli Arab man by IDF troops overnight, Hamas calls for a day of “anger and mobilization” in the West Bank, urging Palestinian residents to “confront the settlers by all means.”

-IDF drone eliminates five terrorists in Tulkarm operations room in the west bank.

- Their Last Day of Reciting Kaddish
Some 1,200 families will soon finish saying the Mourner’s Kaddish for their loved ones who were murdered on Simchas Torah. As it is 11 months since the massacre.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Oif Simchas Monday 23 Av

Scheiner - Herskowitz Ateres Reva
Haverfeld - Lederer Fountain Ballroom 
Hess  - Wolpin Bais Faiga
Obadia  - Obadia Kesser Moshe Yehuda 

Monday August 26 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 85°  Scattered thunderstorms developing this afternoon Chance of rain 50%.There is a marginal risk of severe weather today.

- Mark Zuckerberg, in a letter to Chairman Jim Jordan and the House Judiciary Committee, writes that he "regrets" working with the Biden-Harris administration, which "repeatedly pressured" Meta's teams "for months" to censor COVID posts, including satire and humor, among other major subjects.  Zuckerberg: "I believe that government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it."

- UPDATE: The levaya of Rav Boruch Dov Ziemba Z"L will take place tonight 10:30  in BMG inside the Yoshon beis medrash in Lakewood. Live hook up 712-432-4305

- The levaya of Rebbetzin Mattel Zaks a"h almana of Hagaon Rav Gershon Zaks zt"l R"Y Chofetz Chaim Monsey will take place Tomorrow Tuesday August 27 from her home 97 W. Carlton Rd. Suffern N.Y. at 1:30 PM

- BDE: Petirah of R' Boruch Ber Ziemba ZTL who passed away after he was pulled under water after he jumped in to rescue his child while  boating in the poconos. Rav Boruch Ber was a choshuva youngerman at BMG and a rosh Chabuta. He leaves behind his wife Mrs. Temi and 7 children.  He is a son of  Reb Moshe Avigdor and rebbetzin Sara Zembeh menaheles of Bais Yaakov of 18th Ave in Boro Park and a son in law by Rav and Mrs.  Moshe Shimon Luria shlita the rav of Khal Ohr Yechezkel in the Ridge  neighborhood of Lakewood. 
Levaya details TBA

- Tehillim: Baruch Dov ben Sara  A 39-year-old father of 7 from Lakewood is in critical condition after being pulled from the water he was initially  reported missing in a lake in Lehman, Pennsylvania in the poconos. Initial reports suggest that he entered the water from a boat to save a child and then went missing. Rockland Chaverim is en route to the scene, while Haztalah has dispatched members from Monticello to assist.(Belaaz)

- DWD pre Yom Tov clothing sale this Wednesday in Tiferes Bais Yaakov 613 oak street 1-5 selling shabbos clothes for girls and sweaters for boys robes weekday clothing socks yarmulkas and  tzitzis 

-Tehillim: a name has been added to the R"Y rav Avrohom Zucker name is Refoel Avraham Nesanel ben Masha Leeba

- The average tax hike in Lakewood has jumped from $5873 in 2014 to $7908 in 2023 a 34% increase in 10 years.
APP reports on how more development and residents in Lakewood results is more spending  by township who are increasing their salaries and taxing more. Here
No mention of loss if revenue by tax abatements

- Should Lakewood have a new form of govt? Several New Jersey local government experts say Lakewood's government set-up is unusual for such a growing, highly populated municipality. “If you are a town over 100,000 people you should have a full- time mayor,” said Alan Zalkind, director of the Center for Government Services at Rutgers University APP

- In response to the Township's threats to file a Fair Housing Act lawsuit against Prime Apartments, the landlord is now seeking to bring in non-Jewish black and Hispanic tenants to every floor to avoid any litigation. The building contains 100 apartments over 4 floors. To ensure compliance with the Fair Housing Act, the landlord is seeking to fill 25 apartments across every floor with non-Jewish black and Hispanic tenants. This could be coming to other multi housing developments in Lakewood  see full story at Faanews

- Texas Governor Greg Abbott has ordered the removal of one million ineligible voters off the state's voter rolls, including 500,000 dead people 

-Russia launches massive missile and drone attack on Ukraine: hitting cities of Kyiv,Lutzk, Lvov and others 

- It’s been more than a month since former President Trump’s near assassination, yet the FBI has still not offered Congress or the public any real insights into Crooks’ motivation,” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told The Post.
“The FBI ought to stop dragging its feet and provide a serious update on their investigation. Every day the FBI, as well as the Secret Service, keep the American people in the dark is another day wasted.”

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday August 25 News Updates. Lakewood

 Weather: 85° Plenty of sunshine. High 85. Middle of week will be in mid 90's

- Tehillim: please daven for the Rosh Yeshiva of Ohr Yisroel in Flatbush, Rav Avraham Nesanel Ben Masha Leeba Zucker, who is undergoing surgery after he sustained a head injury in a serious car accident earlier today

- Couple and infant seriously injured earlier today from a scar accident on the I95 in Virginia
Names for Tehillim are:
Avraham Mordechai ben Rochel Tziporah
Chasya Bracha bas Rivka Shira Miriam
Chava Basya bas Chasya Bracha

- Lakewood township retaliation after the exposure of their abolishing the rent control Board??  SEE Here

-Parnassah podcast launched Here challenges not crisis.

- Trump on Twitter today:
Who is negotiating for us in the Middle East? Bombs are dropping all over the place! Sleepy Joe is sleeping on a Beach in California, viciously Exiled by the Democrats, and Comrade Kamala is doing a campaign bus tour with Tampon Tim, her really bad V.P. Pick. Let’s not have World War lll, because that’s where we’re heading!

- Nutmeg kosher market will open iyh Tuesday August 27

- Back to school shopping long lined at shoe stores, and busy at uniform stores.

- Shadchan meet today in Lakewood for looking for short term learning or working boys up to age 30 call  or gext to rsvp 9084146927

- Over 75 engagements b"H since end of summer zman

- Giyus update: Hisachdus harabonim of US and Canada joins the call to world Jewry to do all they can about the IDF draft of yeshiva students and the charedi community. The letter asks everyone to Daven against the general.

-One-third of non-Jewish college students in US are hostile to Jews or Israel – study
Brandeis U researcherfound that about 15 percent of students surveyed were hostile to Israel, with many believing, for example, that Israel has no right to exist. It also found that nearly a quarter of non-Jewish students overall said they did not want to be friends with people who support Israel’s existence as a Jewish state, a stance the survey said had the effect of “ostracizing nearly all of their Jewish peers.”

- Tonight at 12:01 am At 12:01 a.m. Monday morning, WCBS will become ESPN. Or rather, pending FCC approval, it will become WHSQ-AM — an ESPN station, the familiar anchors, news features, sports stories, "traffic and weather together" updates that were part of our lives and ou will be gone.

- Polls show RFK Jr. voters breaking towards Pres. Trump, says Trump campaign senior advisor. RFK says This is only the beginning. Wait till you see the next additions to President Trump’s Unity Government

- BDE: Petirah of Mrs. Esther Rivka Levenberg A"H of Lakewood wife of Ybl"c Hagaon Harav Yehuda Levenberg Shlita and daughter of Rav Mordechai Schwab Zatzal.She was in her 70"s Levaya will take place at BMG Bais Yitzchok Bais Medrash tomorrow Sunday 12:00pm with kevura in Lakewood.

- Why is Agudath Yisroel not making the fight for school funding in New Jersey as they made in New York. This is the very fight which R' Aron Lang has single-handedly and selflessly been fighting over the past decade with little to no fanfare. Curiously, Agudath Israel has not joined the bandwagon. They haven't even bothered to put out fancy press releases "urging the state to resolve the deficiency at its heart." Full story Here

Israel At War Sunday August 25

Israel at war day 324

-According to a new Intelligence report, Hamas yea terrorist Sinwar has abandoned the tunnels after almost being captured and is more recently hiding amongst civilians, disguised as a woman.

- Another soldier killed in Gaza bringing death toll to 340, Shlomo Yehonatan Hazut, 36,  from Ashdod.

Another soldier was seriously wounded in the incident.

According to an initial IDF probe, the soldiers were hit by an explosive device planted on a road in Gaza City’s Zeitoun neighborhood.

-Hamas fired rockets into Gush Dan region,they were launched from Khan  younis, rockets fell in open area.

- Sirens sound in Rishon Letziyon

- Israeli delegation returns from Cairo talks; officials said optimistic despite Hamas claiming to reject latest proposal

- BBC report the second wave of retaliatory attacks against Israel is expected to come from "another country."

- IDF announces the death of a navy sailor Yisrael David Moshe Ben-Shitrit,21 from Adam,who was killed after rocket remnants or shrapnel hit his patrol boat up north, off the Nahariya coast according to reports. 2 other soldiers were injured.

- Netanyahu says Israel’s preemptive strike on Hezbollah in Lebanon this morning was not “the end of the story.” “The IDF destroyed thousands of short-range rockets, and all of them were aimed at harming our citizens and our forces in the Galilee,” he adds. “In addition, the IDF intercepted all the drones that Hezbollah launched at strategic targets in the center of the country.”

NYT reports on the hunt for Sinwar

 In January, Israeli and American officials thought they had caught a break in the hunt for one of the world’s most wanted men.
Israeli commandos raided an elaborate tunnel complex in the southern Gaza Strip on Jan. 31 based on intelligence that Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas leader, was hiding there, He had been, it turned out. But Mr. Sinwar had left the bunker beneath the city of Khan Younis just days earlier, leaving behind documents and stacks of Israeli shekels totaling about $1 million. The hunt went on, with a dearth of hard evidence on his whereabouts.

American and Israeli officials said Mr. Sinwar abandoned electronic communications long ago, and he has so far avoided a sophisticated intelligence dragnet. He is believed to stay in touch with the organization he leads through a network of human couriers. How that system works remains a mystery.

Officials have set up a special unit inside the headquarters of Shin Bet, Israel’s domestic intelligence service, and American spy agencies have been tasked with intercepting Mr. Sinwar’s communications. The United States has also provided ground-penetrating radar to Israel to help in the hunt for him and other Hamas commanders.

Killing or capturing Mr. Sinwar would undoubtedly have a dramatic impact on the war. American officials believe it would offer Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel a way to claim a significant military victory and potentially make him more willing to end military operations in Gaza.

Israeli officials said that all Hamas operatives hiding underground, even Mr. Sinwar, must occasionally come out of the tunnels for health reasons. But the tunnel network is so vast and complex — and Hamas fighters have such good intelligence about the whereabouts of Israeli troops — that Mr. Sinwar can sometimes come above ground without being discovered.

Mr. Sinwar eventually moved south to Khan Younis, the city where he was born, Israeli and American officials believe, and probably occasionally traveled from there to the city of Rafah through a stretch of tunnel.

He stayed one step ahead of his pursuers, who sometimes made boastful comments about how close they were to finding him. In late December, as Israeli military units began excavating tunnels in one area of the city, Mr. Gallant bragged to reporters that Mr. Sinwar “hears the bulldozers of the I.D.F. above him, and he will meet the barrels of our guns soon.”

It appears Mr. Sinwar fled the Khan Younis bunker in some haste, leaving the many piles of Israeli shekels behind.

The United States, which considers Hamas a terrorist organization, and Israel established channels to share information about the location of Mr. Sinwar and other top Hamas commanders, and the hostages.

the Americans have deployed ground-penetrating radar to help map the hundreds of miles of tunnels they believe are under Gaza, with new imagery combined with Israeli intelligence gathered from captured Hamas fighters and troves of documents to build out a more complete picture of the tunnel network.

One senior Israeli official said American intelligence support had been “priceless.”

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Israel At War Motzei Shabbos Eikev

Israel at war day 323 refresh page for updates

- Israel believes  the primary target of the Hezbollah attack, which they claim to have foiled, was the area containing Mossad’s headquarters and the base of Unit 8200, responsible for clandestine operations in the Gelilot region. It’s thought there was no intention to target the Kirya military base in Tel Aviv, headquarters of the IDF.

- Israel says not interested in all-out war after it thwarts major Hezbollah attack

Amit Segal: Some reports indicate Hezbollah was not planning to hit Tel Aviv or civilian population but rather sensitive military targets, the IAG destroyed launch sites that were to become operational in a few days.

- A pro-Hezbollah news station reports that Hezbollah’s reprisal against Israel for the assassination of top commander Fuad Shukr was carried out exactly as it was supposed to.
The report claims explosive drones hit a “high-value military target,” without providing details.

- US says military presence in the Mediteranian is  to defend against Iranian attack, Israel is acting alone in attacking Hezbollah

- Hezbollah planned to launch nearly 6000 missiles and drones against targets all over Israel, including the Center. Over 100 IDF aircraft struck thousands of launchers simultaneously in the preemptive strike.

-Report: Some of the Hezbollah targets were supposed to be the Kirya, Ben Gurion Airport, and the power station in Chadera, among other strategic and civilian targets. 

- Another IDF soldier killed in Gaza  the 5th since Thursday  bringing death toll in Gaza to 339. He was the 700th IDF casualty since October 7th.
Amit Tsadikov,20, from Beit Dagan.

-Ben- Gurion airport will reopen 7am to air traffic  El AL resumes regular flight schedules diverted flights that landed in Ramon air base will return to Be Gurion.

- Hezbollah issues statement that they launched 320 rockets so far 

- Hezbollah had launchers scheduled to fire at 5:00 am, Israel struck first and destroyed them all at 4:45 

- Home front command instructions: From Gush Dan to the North - gatherings of more than 30 people outside or 300 inside are prohibited.
All the beaches from Rishon LeZion to the North are closed. Cultural events and summer events in open spaces will be canceled.

- NYT per a "Western intelligence source": Israel's pre-emptive strike in Lebanon hit missile launchers that were poised to fire at Tel Aviv at 05:00. The source added that all the launchers were destroyed and that Israel expects a major reaction from Hezbollah.

- Hezbollah: this is only the 1st part of our response to the assassination of Hezbollah's No. 2: These military operations will take some time to complete

- Hezbollah in an official statement: The response to the assassination of Hezbollah Chief of Staff Fuad Shukr has begun.

- EL AL diverting current flights to Ramon Airport in the  south, all other flights canceled for now. Ben-Gurion closed at least until 10am.

- Defense Minister Gallant has declared a "special" or "emergency" status for the entire Israeli homefront. 

- Explosions heard in Chaifa

- Massive drone swarm and rocket attack on Northern Israel right now. Dozens if not hundreds of projectiles crossing into Israel

- Residents up north including Teveria are told to stay need shelters and protected rooms as major rocket attack expected after IDG bombing of South Lebanon 

- All Flights to and from Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv have been Suspended, due to the possibility of a Large-Scale Missile and Rocket Attack by Hezbollah against Central Israel in the coming hours, any Arriving Flights will be Diverted to other Airports in the Region.

- Tonight IDF attacksLebanon in preemptive stroke. "We have detected preparations by the terrorist organization Hezbollah to launch missiles and rockets at the State of Israel, we are attacking proactively to remove the threat
Fighter jets are now attacking targets of the Hezbollah terrorist organization that posed an immediate threat to the Israeli home front"

- Another 3 reserve IDF soldiers killed in Gaza from a explosive device and gunfire bringing Gaza death toll to 338
Danil Pechenyuk, 27, from Bat Yam
Nitai Metodi, 23, from Ashkelon
Yaniv Itzhak Oren, 35, from Ein Gedi

IDF bracing for ‘significant week,’ as Hezbollah strike expected within days regardless of outcome of negotiations on hostage-ceasefire deal. According to Ynet, the attack will come “in the coming days” and is coordinated with Hezbollah’s patron, Iran. The Iranians, however, are not expected to strike alongside Hezbollah.

- Talks are expected to continue at an anticipated high-level summit in Cairo on Sunday. A Hamas delegation arrived in Cairo ahead of an anticipated high-level summit there on Sunday for a Gaza hostage and ceasefire deal, led by CIA Director William Burns.
An Israeli delegation headed by Mossad chief David Barnea is expected to return to Cairo on Sunday for those talks, which have been described as a last ditch effort to reach a deal based on a framework proposal US President Joe Biden unveiled on May 31.

 -The IDF performed multiple targeted eliminations of several Hezbollah commanders in Lebanon and Syria, attacked Iranian backed militias in Syria and bombed Lebanon extensively. After Hezbollah fired over 100 rockets.

- In France a Synagogue was attacked by a bomb at the Beth Yaacov synagogue in La Grande Motte.  Police guarding the synagogue injured, fire started, 2 cars burned - one likely being the source of the explosion.  The potential suspect seen in CCTV footage was brandishing a Palestinian flag and armed.

Motzei Shabbos Parshas Eikev News Updates

- BDE: Petirah of Mrs. Esther Rivka Levenberg A"H of Lakewood wife of Ybl"c Hagaon Harav Yehuda Levenberg Shlita and daughter of Rav Mordechai Schwab Zatzal.She was in her 70"s Levaya will take place at BMG Bais Yitzchok Bais Medrash tomorrow Sunday 12:00pm with kevura in Lakewood.

- Hundreds of Lakewood kollel families  spend shabbos in the Poconos  at a resort retreat arranged by Igud Bnei Torah.

- Residents up north including Teveria are told to stay need shelters and protected rooms as major rocket attack expected after IDG bombing of South Lebanon 

- All Flights to and from Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv have been Suspended, due to the possibility of a Large-Scale Missile and Rocket Attack by Hezbollah against Central Israel in the coming hours, any Arriving Flights will be Diverted to other Airports in the Region.

- BDE: Petirah of Admor M'Porisuv of Yerushalayim Rav Chananya Yosef Akiva Rabinowitz ZTL at the age of 85. The levaya took place motzei shabbos in Yerushalayim 

- Boeing & NASA are forced to rely on Elon Musk's Space X to save the day as two astronauts are stranded on the International Space Station. The astronauts will *not* return on Boeing's troubled Starliner & will instead be returning on a SpaceX capsule. Unfortunately for astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore, they may be stuck until 2025
- Ttaffic studies conducted again in Lakewood over bein Hazamanim. With schools closed and many families away, it seems that some developers thought it was the perfect time to do traffic counts in Lakewood! More Here

- CNN analyst says RFK Jr dropping out and endorsing Trump will give Trump a boost in swing states

- This morning, a terrorist wrapped in a Palestinian flag and with a pistol tucked into his belt carried out a terrorist attack on a synagogue in La Grande-Motte, which is a resort town in Southern France. The terrorist lit two cars on fire with hidden propane tanks inside of them. The cars exploded and injured a French police officer; thankfully, no one else was hurt.
This attack was timed to try and kill Jews coming to synagogue on Shabbat morning. By a miracle from Hashem, only the Rabbi and a few other congregants were in the synagogue around 8 AM when the cars exploded, and no one was hurt.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Lakewood Zmanim עש"ק פר' עקב

כי ה' אלהיך מביאך אל ארץ טובה ארץ נחלי מים עינת ותהמת יצאים בבקעה ובהר ארץ חטה ושערה וגפן ותאנה ורמון ארץ זית שמן ודבש ארץ אשר לא במסכנת תאכל בה לחם לא תחסר כל בה ארץ אשר אבניה ברזל ומהרריה תחצב נחשת  

Friday, August 23, 2024 / י"ט אב תשפ"ד ערב שבת פרשת עקב-  שני דשבעה דנחמתא

Candle lighting 7:23 pm 
Shkia/sunset 7:41
Weather Shabbos day Sunshine  High 85F

 כִּי נִחַם ה׳ צִיון נִחַם כָל חָרבֹתֶיהָ וַיָשֶם מִדְבָּרָה כְּעֵדֶן וְעַרבָתָה כְּגַן ה׳ שָׂשׂוֹן וְשִמחָה יִמָצֵא בָה תּוֹדה וְקול זִמרָה

הפטרת עקב


Shabbos Kodesh


Friday August 23 News Updates Lakewood

 Friday, August 23, 2024 / י״ט אב תשפ״ד ערב שבת פרשת עקב
candle lighting 7:23 PM-'
Shkiah 7:41 pm
Weather 83° Sunny
shabbos day 85° Sunshine and clouds mixed.

- RFK just said he’s “throwing his support to President Trump”

- Price of eggs expected to spike next due to bird flu.

- Chabad of Jersey shore flies banner plane over lakewood  with candle lighting time. 

- Girls day camps finish second half today 

- WCBS 880 am will go off air midnight on Sunday

- Jackson officials gathered  Wednesday morning to address the 2024-2025 school bus routes and ensure the safety of students and residents to review bus stops throughout the township, with the Traffic Safety Unit actively assessing and adjusting locations to ensure they are placed in safe areas ahead of the school year.

- A prominent market analyst at Fundstrat, suggests that financial markets are beginning to believe in a higher probability of Donald Trump’s success in the 2024 presidential election than current polling might indicate. 

- Shabbos Kestenbaum: I didn’t want to say anything publicly until Friday, but as thousands of Jewish American students face unprecedented illegal discrimination by their universities, the Democratic National Convention deliberately chose not to platform a single one of them.

-More from the book "Tablets shattered" about visiting BMG" he  writes about visiting the famous Beth Medrash Govoha with his brother-in-law. Leifer is “jealous” of how close the students at the prestigious kollel feel to God, but what’s perhaps even more charming than what he finds in the study hall is what’s outside in the crowded parking lot. There, Leifer took note of the students’ dedication to communal living and their casual, but deep, implicit trust in one another. When he and his brother-in-law arrived and parked, they “blocked in several other cars and left the key in the ignition,"

- Amazon will hold a second Prime Day in 2024 marking the third time that it held the mega sale twice in one year.

- Rockland Cheveirim team leader Yossi Margareten recounts rescue of  missing boy
 Volunteers split up into groups and went into the woods, screaming Tzion’s name in the hopes that he would answer, while back in Monsey, Chaverim members gathered at the tzion of the Ribnitzer Rebbe and davened for the boy’s safe return. By Margaretten’s estimate, his members had been searching for an hour and forty minutes when Tzion heard their cries and answered them. The Chaverim team raced over to the boy, who was lying on the ground and weak, but otherwise in good health. Despite the many hours that had passed, Tzion was just over a half a mile from the entrance to the caves when he was found. “He told us that he thought he was following his father out to the parking lot and that his mother was behind him, but he missed a turn,” said Margaretten. “It was only a five minute walk to the parking lot, but he ended up in the woods. He was walking around, but didn’t know where to go. Eventually, he got tired and just lay down on the ground.”  There was a joyful family reunion as Chaverim brought Tzion out of the woods, with the Marons sharing hugs and tears.

Lang Lawsuit Response to State Opposition

R' Aron (Arthur) Lang, who has tirelessly devoted countless hours over a decade advocating for a fairer school funding for Lakewood, has recently filed a reply brief to the State Education Commissioner’s opposition to Lang's hard efforts.  See full response here

Faanews reports: Mr. Lang is also renewing his efforts to get the court decision to be expedited. Mr. Lang's long time 2 arguments are; 1) Lakewood's students are not receiving a constitutionally sound education (known as a Thorough and Efficient education, or T&E), and; 2) the fault of this lies squarely in the fact that New Jersey's School Funding Formula (SFRA) is unconstitutional as applied to Lakewood's unique demographic situation (which has many nonpublic students who need transportation but whom are not counted towards funding).

Succeeding on both of these arguments is key to be able to force State officials to finally provide fairer funding to Lakewood.

 Here is an excerpt:

Israel At War Friday August 23

 Israel at war day 322

 Residents of several towns up north were told to not gather in large minyanim over shabbos and to keep crowd size small as theres a threat of Hezbollah rockets to civilian areas 

- Another soldier killed in Gaza today and 4 more injured by an explosive device bringing the death toll to 337 
Evyatar Atuar, 24 from Rosh Haayin.

- Hezbollah fires missile attack on  Mount Meron base in northern Israel. with a direct hit, there's damage but no injuries.

- IDF killed 7 Hezbollah terrorists today in Lebanon in seperate strikes.

- The IDF eliminated dozens of Hamas terrorists and destroyed terrorist infrastructure across central and southern Gaza, the IDF said on Friday.

- Lufthansa cancels flights to Israel until Sept 2.

 -Israeli negotiators hold talks in Cairo amid deep disagreements over Philadelphi Corridor
Sources say progress on hostage-truce deal in jeopardy over Netanyahu’s insistence on continued IDF deployment along Egypt-Gaza border; PMO denies he’d accept international force there

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Oif Simchas Thursday 18 Av

Iny - Kohanteib Kesser Moshe Yehuda 
Rand - Kaufman Fountain Ballroom 
Benmoshe - Gold Cedar Palace
Berliner  - Yanes Bais Faiga 

Thursday August 22 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 79° Plentiful sunshine

- Kamala Harris  comments on Gaza and Israel at the DNC.
"I will always stand up for Israel's right to defend itself and I will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself ... at the same time what has happened in Gaza over the last 10 months is devastating."

- Kashrus: Jerky beef and fish requires Bishul Yisroel.
Jerky beef and fish requires Bishul Yisroel. For Sfardim, requires Bais Yosef beef and Bais Yosef drying as well. The non-Jew may not put it into the drier or turn it around in the dryer (yudelstake)

-  A Call for Rabbinic Intervention and Community Action Addressing the Elevated Pricing of Cholov Yisroel Products more

- President Trump just announced a “special guest” will be joining him tomorrow at his Arizona rally expected to be RFK Jr, who is expected to drop out and endorse Trump

- George Bush allegedly scheduled to speak at DNC.

- The Vizhnitz  avreich from Bet shemesh who was accused of spying for Iran was released today to just house arrest as the case was not what they initially charged him with

- B"H the mohel who was arrested in Ireland has been let out on bail to return home tefilos still  needed.

- A new book by journalist Joshua Leifer claims that Lakewood’s wealth has weakened its “resistance to the values of the secular world.” the book claims that Lakewood’s Charedi community has faced a “rise in conspicuous consumption” inconsistent with the values with which it was founded decades ago. The book, Tablets Shattered,  published on Tuesday by Penguin Random House explores the past and future of American Jewish political life, looking, among other things, at changing demographics and shifting views about Zionism.

- Update: Chasdei Hashem the boy was found  safe and sound by Rockland chaveirin.

The Maron family rov arranged for a minyan to go to the kever of the great tzaddik Rav Michoel Forshlager zt"l in the Bnei Israel Cemetery in downtown Baltimore to daven Mincha and say Tehillim at 1:45 p.m. Then, shortly after 2 p.m. today, during that tefillah gathering, news arrived that Tzion had been found. Chasdei Hashem!
- Search expands with volunteers from LA for Tzion Maron a 8 year old boy from Baltimore  who went missing in Flagstaff Arizona  near a cave located inside a forested area on Wednesday afternoon name for tehillim is Tzion ben Chaya Rivka 
A team of volunteers from Baltimore headed out this morning to join in the search. News media picked up the story asking the public to help.

Earlier today another 8 year old boy went missing in grand canyon park but was found a few hours later

- Ishtabach restaurant opens at The Row shopping mall in Toms River 

- Lakewood R'Y Rav Yisroel Neuman was in his native  Baltimore  at the Yeshiva Ner Yisrael during being hazmanim.
Lakewood  Vizhnitz Toldos Mordechai Rebbe is spending the summer in Cracow poland

- Following two undercover operations, Howell Police issued 21 violations for underage and illegal sales of flavored vape products at vape shops, gas stations, and convenience stores throughout the town.

- qRav Moshe Sternbuch shlita spoke out strongly against the provocative actions of MK Ben Gvir

-Trump: The highly overrated Jewish Governor of the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro, made a really bad and poorly delivered speech talking about freedom and fighting for Comrade Kamala Harris for President, yet she hates Israel and will do nothing but make its journey through the complexities of survival as difficult as possible, hoping in the end that it will fail. Judge only by her actions! Yet Shapiro, for strictly political reasons, refused to acknowledge that I am the best friend that Israel, and the Jewish people, ever had. I have done more for Israel than any President, and frankly, I have done more for Israel than any person, and it’s not even close. Shapiro has done nothing for Israel, and never will. Comrade Kamala Harris, the Radical Left Marxist who stole the nomination from Crooked Joe, will do even less. Israel is in BIG trouble!

- Giyus update: israel police call for an internal investigation after Some protestors were severely beaten by police yesterday at a hafgana in Yerushalayim against the draft. A judge released all protestors who were arrested on condition they stay away from the recruitment office for 60 days unless they are called to enlist.

-Lakewood Firefighters Receive $75,000 Grant for Essential Protective Equipment

-Trump says his advisors have told him to 'stick to policy' and avoid getting personal with the Democrats constantly attacking him and asks the crowd what they think He says he's going to respond in kind

- Several Secret Service agents from the USSS Pittsburgh Field Office have been placed on leave after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, according to a new report from Real Clear Politics.

-ABC cuts the live feed off as J.D. Vance is talking about welcoming the endorsement of RFK JR

- Six New Jersey hospitals ranked among best in the USA 
Hackensack University Medical Center, Jersey Shore University Medical Center in Neptune  receiving awards for excellence in cardiac care, stroke care and patient safety, Morristown Medical Center,  Overlook Medical Center  in Summit ans Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital and The Bristol-Myers-Squibb Children’s Hospital 

Bein Hazmanim at The Beach

 Please note going in water without a life guard is dangerous. This is for those looking for fresh ocean air or to play in the sand.

Lakewood is close proximity to the Jersey shore but for obvious tznius reasons most beaches are not accessible.  However there are some spots one can go to during off peak hours usually on the weekdays or in the evenings.

Israel At War Thursday August 22

Israel at war day 321

-Israeli media reports that Gazan sources claim that HAMxS has decided to retaliate for the assassination of their leader, Haniyeh, in Iran by targeting Jews and Israelis abroad..

- Israeli delegation to Cairo presenting new offer for Philadelphi Corridor including UN monitoring force

- Iiranian officials are signaling this week that an attack on Israel may not be imminent, nearly a month after the targeted killing in Tehran of Hamas politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh. Iran’s mission to the United Nations also suggested that an Iranian attack could take place in a different manner than what is expected. “The timing, conditions and manner of Iran’s response will be meticulously orchestrated to ensure that it occurs at a moment of maximum surprise,” the statement said.
“The good news is that Iran seems to have been deterred by a massive American show of force. The bad news is that Tehran is goading its proxy Hezbollah to attack, U.S. officials fear,” Post columnist David Ignatius wrote on Wednesday.

- Another soldier killed in Gaza bringing death toll to 336 Ori Ashkenazi Nechemya, 19, from Ashkelon

- IDF confirms signs of bullet wounds found on hostage bodies recovered from Gaza this week indicating they were shot in captivity by Hamas as they heard IDF operations in the area fearing a rescue attempt 

-IDF and Shin Bet closing in on Yahya Sinwar as assassinations take their toll - security official
According to security sources, Sinwar's movement area, like other senior Hamas officials in the organization, is getting smaller and smaller.

- Hezbollah fires 115 rockets at Israel after IDF hits weapons depots in east Lebanon
None hurt in barrages; firefighters battle blazes sparked by impacts;

- Gallant: Israel’s ‘center of gravity’ gradually moving from Gaza to the northern front

- IDF launches ‘extensive’ strikes against Hezbollah in 10 areas of southern Lebanon
Attacks follow day of rockets raining on Katzrin in Golan,

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Oif Simchas Tuesday 17 Av

Krohn - Basser Ne'emas Hachaim
Deutsch - Hammond Kesser Moshe Yehuda 
Kaganoff - Wolpin Fountain Ballroom 
Blau - Rosenbaum Cedar Palace
Gartenhause - Kaneut Bais Faiga

Wednesday August 21 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 76° mph Plenty of sunshine. 

- Tehillim a search is underway for a missing 8 year old boy from Baltimore while on vacation on Flagstaff Arizona after visiting a cave at a national park. He took a different direction and disappered. Name is Tzion ben Chaya Rivka

- Independent Presidential Candidate Robert Kennedy Jr will address the nation live on Friday about the present historical moment and his path forward. Reported indicate he will end his campaign and endorse Trump

- The parents of American-Israeli hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin are greeted to a standing ovation and chants of “Bring them home” as they want onto the stage on the third night of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago

-At DNC, former president Clinton praises Biden’s dedication to Gaza ceasefire deal.

- A woman fainted in the stands at the Trump rally today, and Trump walked out from behind the protective glass to make sure she was ok

- Giyus update: The IDF says that just seven charedi men showed up at induction centers today to complete screening processes ahead of enlistment. This is due to a large hafgana that rook place today in Yerushalayim organized by the Badatz eidah Hacharedis.

- Delta  airlines Confirms Israel Suspension Until November

-American Airlines extends suspension of Tel Aviv services to March 29

- The US House Committee on Education and Workforce has subpoenaed Columbia University for documents related to an ongoing investigation into antisemitism on campus,

- El Al announces fixed ticket costs for 4 locations amid price hike accusations. Flights to Larnaca, Athens, Vienna and Dubai to be at set prices through December as it’s accused of exploiting war to pad profits
The fixed price for a roundtrip ticket will be $199 to Larnaca, $299 to Athens, and $349 to both Vienna and Dubai.

- The Seminary Insanity, and Why a new seminary in Israel Proves We’re Being Ripped Off Matzav

- Miznon Kosher, Mediterranean Street Food restaurant coming soon to NJ at Bellworks  Located at: 101 Crawfords Corner Rd, Holmdel NJ 07733.  35 minutes from Lakewood

- Bike 4 Chai 2024 is underway as riders left from the Kalahri resorts in PA, headed to camp Simcha  team Lakewood has raised $2,300,548.05 out of the $2.5 million goal 

- LSTA charging Jackson parents $80 per application  to see if they can arrange busing for those who opt in. The fee does not get returned regardless.

- Stage coach bistro open 310 5th street, former falafel n chips location 

- RFK Jr is rumored to be  dropping out of presidential race

-NJ Rep Bill Pascrell has died at the age of 87 he served 14 terms in congress as a Democrat. He is the 2nd NJ congress member to die in office this year following the death of Rep Sheila Jackson.

- Rutgers University has suspended the New Brunswick chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) due to repeated violations of university policies and disruption of campus activities.

- Biden admin admits inflating job growth. Largest Jobs Revision In 15 Years: Government Overstated 818,000 Jobs. Biden’s administration falsely inflated job growth by 818,000 jobs in March 2024, obscuring a grim reality where 68,167 fewer jobs were added monthly since April 2023, marking the largest downward revision in 15 years.
Despite Democrats’ claims of economic strength, 37% of Americans struggle with housing costs, gas prices surged by 22% in 2024, and real wages haven’t kept up with inflation, leaving families stretched thin.

- The helicopter crash in which Iran's late President Ebrahim Raisi was killed in May was caused by weather conditions and the aircraft's inability to handle the weight it was carrying, Iran's semi-official news agency reported on Wednesday,

- The Toms River Jewish Community Council issued a statement this week regarding the retirement of Toms River Police Chief Mitch Little expressing  deepest gratitude to  for his unwavering dedication and service to the Toms River community. Throughout his tenure, Chief Little has been a true leader, exemplifying the values of unity, safety, and mutual respect that are the cornerstones of a strong and vibrant community,

- N.J. Drivers Will Be Able To Write Off Their E-Zpass Tolls lawmakers introduce a proposal to allow E-ZPass users to deduct toll payments from their state income tax.

- Social nedia users reapond to Gov Murphy tweet about his visit to Agudah at DNC Murphy wrote "Our Orthodox community is a vibrant and growing force in American politics. From combating antisemitism to supporting school safety, we’re committed to working closely with the community. Some took issue with it
'Phil, you’ve done nothing to combat antise-itism in NJ. It’s running rampant on the campus of Rutgers. Gas station attendants in Lakewood are refusing to serve Jews. Hate crimes against Jews are up. But yeah, you post this and pretend you’re standing up for the community."