Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Tuesday April 25 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather:60° partly cloudy. High near 60F.

- KCL rebrands: with name change and new logo. The Kashrus council of Lakewood will be renamed as Kehilas Chareidim of Lakewood and central Jersey and open a website to keep up to date with the explosive growth surrounding Lakewood. (LNN)

- Decision from appellate judges in Eiseman case on the prosecution attempt to appeal will be delivered in 30 days

- Stockton University Poll released today finds that 32% of New Jerseyans say they had used marijuana or other cannabis products in the last year since it became legal in the state

- Trump response to Biden reelection amounment “You could take the five worst presidents in American history, and put them together, and they would not have done the damage Joe Biden has done to our Nation in just a few short years, Not even close.”Thanks to Joe Biden’s socialist spending calamity, American families are being decimated by the worst inflation in half a century,” Trump added. “Banks are failing. Our currency is crashing and the dollar will soon no longer be the world standard, which will be our greatest defeat in over 200 years.”

- New Shabbos siren coming to several Lakewood neighborhoods.  The speakers start playing music 30 minutes before candle lighting and than the sirens go off to remind about the oncoming shabbos. The system is currently operational in the Ridge area and will be set up in other areas.

- Howell OEM director: Chemical barrels present extremely low risk to community. For the residents, there is no immediate danger to get out of their homes in a moment's notice," he said. according to NJ12 news.

- Tehillim was said in all shuls this morning as the  New Jersey Appellate Division court hears oral arguments in the case of Reb Osher Eisemann.

- Biden anounces reelection for president at 6am via video: Every generation has a moment where they have had to stand up for democracy. To stand up for their fundamental freedoms. I believe this is ours. That’s why I’m running for reelection as President of the United States. Join us. Let’s finish the job. http://JoeBiden.com.

-  Lakewood Planning board meeting today at 6pm watch live Here see Agenda Here. Daycare application at Spruce and Vine will not be heard kollel Kodshim application also postponed to May 9th meeting.

- Heavy traffic this morning in the Cedarbridge area after car flups over.

- Jackson planning board gave final approval to the Jackson Trails development  that will included 367 single-family homes and 92 multi-family units, and a house of worship on a site located off South Hope Chapel Road. More at Faanews.

- Satmar Reb Aaron faction adjusts their daily Tehill to avoid saying porker Hallel tomorrow on Yom Haatzmaut


  1. Not a fan of the music 30 minutes before shabbos. Really disliked it last week. Does not feel Shabbosdik and, if you take in Shabbos early, it is the exact opposite of the Shabbos feel.

    1. Well bring at the correct time and you won't have issues

    2. This is what we need in Galut!

    3. Even if you don't take Shabbos in an hour early, it is still hiddur mitzvah to light a little early (10 minutes, or so) and this music interferes with the kedusha of shabbos. it was BOOMING!

    4. Who owns the Shabbos speakers? Is it the Township?

    5. The music shters the people that make early shabbos.

    6. Its sefira music should not be played.

  2. Who chooses the music?

  3. What other neighborhoods?

  4. Oy. Please no music. Another degradation of communal life. We’ve been keeping Shabbos for a long time without it.

  5. Music during sefirah? Either way please don't bring this idea to my neighborhood.

  6. Nobody ever use to make early Shabbos before Shevuos. Especially Bnai Torah. New moderna mishigas!(except for those who have a mesorah to do so year round)

    1. No one used to have loudspeakers blaring music for several minutes straight either...

    2. Or have small or young children

    3. This whole thing is not a Jewish Tradition.
      Will sounds like the 'Inner Hood".
      What if someone is in Availus ? will you supply them with ear plugs enough to drown out the music ?

      Which poskim were consulted on this issue ??

    4. The shofar being blown to signal the arrival of shabbos is from the time of the bais hamikdash. Not sure which tradition you are referring to, but please educate yourself.

    5. The shofar was blown to cease from melacha. Implying that they worked until the last minute. Which we do not do today after 18 min before true Shabbos.
      To some it sounds like the Muslim prayer call that goes off 4:30 am in the summers.

  7. Historically, all Jews made early Shabbos. The idea of making late Shabbos is a newfangled, post-holocaust concept.

    BTs are wonderful. But they shouldn't be telling us our Mesora.

    1. Ridiculously innacurate. In Krakow - the largest Jewish community in the world at the time - they followed Rabbeinu Tam, and lit candles after shkiya regularly.

  8. Can someone please explain this “Reb Shayale” madness? At what point is this straight up עבודה זרה and/or דורש אל המתים? And let’s not even talk about the fact that nobody even heard of him 10-15 yrs ago other than a handful of people.

    1. I agree with you. It's completely Avoda Zara when you can go directly to the source our loving father and king of kings Hashem ruler of the entire world.

      Who do YOU think has a bigger chance of their tefillos being answered directly from Hashem? Go to a Gadol Hador for a Bracha for Children or a Shidduch etc … or go to the corner of your house and call out directly to Hashem? Your right He’s a big Gadol Hador and there’s a famous line called “צדיק גוזר ה מקיים” but the pro of YOU going directly to Hashem is WAY more powerful. What’s the message? Stop depending on Rebbe’s, segulahs, doctor’s & Lawyers and turn directly to Hashem for help as we say in bentching from Tehillim “ודורשי ה לא יחסרו כל טוב” i.e. for one who seeks out Hashem directly lacks nothing that is good.

    2. Many have tried praying and weren't helped yet were helped when they went to R Shayala. People are desperate for yeshuos and will try anything.

    3. Oh, ab - whoops, Dovid Hamelech got it wrong then? Because he says לכל אשר יקראהו באמת, but you added 'at a village in Hungary'.

      See also Mishna Avoda Zara 54b

    4. That has no bearing on a potential issur

  9. Trump is right Biden is destroying America limb by limb

    1. Can someone point to a single policy of Biden's that led to this inflation?
      And if yes, how come other countries have the same, or worse, inflation, without Biden at the helm?

    2. Canceling gas leases significantly raised gas prices, a major contributor to inflation.
      Canceling Trump era policies around red tape that businesses faced leading to increased costs.
      Allowing millions to be on benefits without needing to work, shrinking the labor pool and increasing costs.
      Canceling Trump era corporate tax breaks.
      I could go on but you're not really looking for an intelligent debate. You're trying to sound intelligent without actually understanding the facts.

    3. The fourth is fallacy & counter basic economics

    4. Putting aside guilt which Biden does deserve
      iirc the massive inflation got going during Covid under Trump.
      It was excused or ignored then as temporary and extraordinary
      Once the genie gets out..

    5. 1. Canceling gas leases is half of the story. The fossil fuel industry is desperate to prevent any climate change progress, so they decrease prices every time a serious attempt is made at tackling their hegemony, and increase them later. Biden is the first president not to blink for their tactics.
      2. What you call 'red tape' is really regulations that protect us all. When Trump canceled the regulations around the train industry, derailings increased by a huge amount. It is those regulations that save your life when there is an earthquake, make sure that tornados and other natural disasters only cause minimal damage, and ensure that harmful chemicals are not released into the air. If you want no regulations, move to China and see how you like it.

      3. How exactly did Biden 'allow millions to be on benefits'? The rules weren't relaxed in the last two years, if anything they were tightened.

      4. Corporate tax breaks, as has been proven many times in the past, do nothing to help the middle class or shrink the distance between the rich and the poor. Trickle-down economics has been disproven time and time again, yet it is still pushed by the ideologues on the right, goaded by the self-serving uber-rich, who use the problems that they caused to convince the gullible that others are hurting them.

  10. Where exactly is Jackson Trails development? Who is it being marketed to?

  11. The egel hazahav issue is alive and well

  12. The KCL is trying to prevent the chassidim from opening their own hashgacha in Lakewood. We'll see if it works.

  13. Your missing the whole point, when you go to a corner of the house to daven, you don't get to enjoy 2lb rib steaks, while getting achance to get away from your nagging wife..
