Sunday, April 16, 2023

Sunday April 16 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 71° Mostly cloudy skies with some morning fog. High 71F. 

- 6:30 pm update all cleqr given. Newark Airport Baggage Claim terminal has been evacuated due to a vibrating bag, people told to go across to the parking lots..

- Several flights returning from Orlando to NY have been delayed due to mechnical and crew member issues. Some people have been at the airport since 8:30am this morning.

- Tefilos for Tav Baruch Mordechai Ezchi shlita who is hospitalized after doctors discovered an infection in his body. They treaters him and hope he can come home in a few days. Name is ברוך מרדכי בן הינדא

- Hachnosas sefer Torah at Arlington shul 3:00 pm

- Bracha on blossoming fruit treee 1140 Forest Avenue Lakewood corner Carey street. Clifton Ave corner 9th street.

- 2023 post pesach shopping  guide by AKO - The Association of Jewish Kashrus Organizations HERE

- Vehicle car crash report i. Lakewood for March 2023 Total Crashes 544 resulting in 55 injuries including 18 Pedestrians struck. Since January there's been over 1300 crashes and 43 pedestrians struck averaging 4 per week. Town officials have remained quiet and issued no statements. Faa

- Faanews Lakewood's Zoning Board is set this coming Monday, April 17, to review a proposal for construction of a large shopping center as part of The Parke development at the Eagle Ridge golf course. Many questions are waiting to be answered. See more

- Hachnosas sefer Torah today in Lakewood going to Teitelbaums B"M procession leaving at 2:30 pm from 15. 14th street to the BM 1375 Princeton Ave.

- Update: one of the victims from the chol hamoed ride accident in Lakhas B"H returned home from the hospital. Other still hospitalized.

Yeshivos Bein hazmanim programs this week at several shuls until bochurim return for summer zman.

- new COVID-19 variant is causing concern in India and it may be 1.2 times more infectious than the Kraken variant. The new strain, dubbed Arcturus, has increased 13-fold in the last month in the country. The WHO is monitoring the spread in the UK and US a symptom is itchy ed eyes

- BD”E: Legendary Singer Reb Michoel Schnitzler, Z”l he was niftar late on Friday afternoon at the age of 62. He suffered a massive heart attack in the Monsey area on Friday afternoon, after he returned to New York from Eretz Yisrael, where he spent Pesach. For several decades, the name Reb Michoel Schnitzler was synonymous with entertaining and inspiring Yidden, through his musical abilities and his sterling middos. He was born in California to his father, Reb Meshulam Zusha Schnitzler, z”l, who was also niftar young. Reb Meshulam Zusha was the son of Harav Shraga Shmuel Schnitzler, zt”l, the Tchaba Rav.Levaya this morning in Monsey Airmont bais olam watch live Here (Hamodia)


  1. Next Sunday, there is a sale of rare/antique Seforim in Estreia in Lakewood. One of the items on auction is 'making of a godol'.
    Chutzpah! How dare they sell that in Lakewood?!

    Agav, they are also auctioning off a letter of the Baal Shem Tov from the Kherson Genizah. Hahaha

    1. The joke's on you. How about an intelligent comment, not your stupid yeshivish reid.

    2. Haha. So funny. OMg (lower case g intentional, since referring to Avodart zara).

    3. ab - are you suggesting that the Kherson Geniza is not a forgery? Because not only does no serious historian believe so, the proofs to its authenticity, as printed in Hatamim, are easily debunked by anybody. And the proofs that it is a forgery are too many to ignore. Including one letter, purportedly from the Ba'al Shem Tov, written to the Gra and his talmid Reb Mendel of Shklov, asking him to stop fighting them. This is historically impossible, as Reb Mendel of Shklov was barely born in the lifetime of the Ba'al Shem Tov.

    4. No, I was not trying into that debate, and someone who wants to spend money on it, who cares.

  2. Anywhere to get hand matzah?

  3. Anyone knows why trees are going down on Sunday on oak Street in the Oak and Vine neighborhood

    1. When do you want them to go down, on Shabbos ?

  4. What company hand matza you want and why you want to buy that now?

  5. Where could u drop off leftover hand matzah

  6. I would take hand matzah. I like to eat it

  7. Ten minutes fire department response time isn't too shabby for Evergreen plaza.

  8. At my house. From which bakery?

  9. Anyone has extra hand matza matzo meal ???

  10. There is plenty of matza meal in all the grocery stores.
