Monday, April 24, 2023

Monday April 24 News Updates Lakewood

62° cloudy this afternoon. High 62F. 

- Video Divrei Chizuk a story about Reb Mottel Pogrmansky zatzal said over by Reb Michoel Sorotzkin shlita 2 days ago in Kerestir at the kever of Reb Shayala. Watch Here 
דברי עידוד לשבורי לב מציונו של רבי ישעיהל'ה מקערסטירר מהרב מיכאל סורוצקין Horav Michoel Sorotzkin

- Shabbos goy services: A ad in local Lakewood papers for a shabbos goy service  for a fee you sign up and receive a flag that you place on your front door or window if you need the service, They drive by the route a few times over shabbos and if needed they will stop by all you have to do is give the hint and they do the rest. 

- Tucker Carlson is out of Fox news effective immediately  and has agreed to part ways his last show was on Friday. Fox will have interim replacements until a new host is found.

- Several establishments giving free coffee or discounts on the yahrzeit of Reb Shayala Kerrrstirre others are going into groceries to pay off the grocery bills for those who are struggling to pay off their balance, 

- At the legacy Judaica auction held yesterday in Lakewood at Estreia 978 River Ave a copy of Chidushei Rabbeinu Chaim Halevi  first edition from Brisk 1936 was sold for $500. A copy of the 2 volume Making of a Gadol first uncensored edition 2002 was sold for $2250. A complete set of Talmud Yerushalmi first edition Venice 1523 sold for $20,000. A letter of the Baal shem Tov from the Kherson Geniza starting bid at 10k did not sell. 

- Five people were wounded as a result of a car-ramming terrorist attack in the heart of Yerushalayim on Monday. The terror attack occurred in the area of Davidka Square, between Kiah and Agrippas and a block away from the Machane Yehuda market.  The victims include a man in his 70s who is in serious condition, a woman in her 30s in moderate condition, and a man in his 50s and two 25-year-old men who are only lightly wounded, The terrorist , a 39-year-old resident of Beit Safafa in east Jerusalem, was shot and killed by a civilian who was at the scene. 

- Food and tents set up at the Barron Hirsch cemetery in Staten Island at the kever of the older brother  of Reb Shayala Rav Yehuda Tzvi Steiner who would send money from America to pay for the Kitchen to feed the hungry. Open tonight untill shkiah 1125 Richmond Avenue, exit 7 off the SI Expressway.

- Rabbi Eisman prosecution appeal Hearing before the Appellate Division is scheduled tomorrow Tuesday morning name for tehillim Osher ben Chaya Frummet 

- Traffic Alert: New-No left turn from Rr 9 North  in Lakewood onto Ford Road (Yudels)

- Hachtara of Rav Dovid Shanik who will serve as the Rav at the  the Horizons senior community off Joe Parker he is a son of  lakewood pediatrician Dr Shanik (LNN)

- Tomorrow Planning board meeting will hear the application for a day carer center at Vine Avenue and Spruce st. 
Yartzeit Seuda for Reb Shayala Kerestirr at Mordy's  shtiebel tonight 9:45 pm

- The Charge Up New Jersey program that gives state residents up to $4,000  to buy or lease an electric vehicle is putting the program on pause due to high demand and all earmarked money will be dispersed. 
Video at the MDY Daf  Yomi shiur atvl Temple Beth- El in Boro Park
Video:Adirei Hatorah event for Roshei Chabura


  1. A unique emotional vort of supportive divrei chizuk and idud from the tziyun of Reb Shayal'e in Kerestirer, Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlit"a is sharing the gevaldiker insight from Hagaon Hatzadik Reb Motel Pogermansky ztz"l after the churban of Telz Yeshiva in the holocaust.
    ( Hebrew)

    1. Wow! Showed it to my father שיחיה A survivor . He loved the moiredike vort from Reb Motel זצ"ל. it was a real chizuk for him. A fabulous video. Post on front pg. Will be a chizuk to others. Sure.

  2. A copy of the 2 volume Making of a Gadol first uncensored edition 2002 was sold for $2250 Wow. Did the guy who bought it hear so little Loshon Hora in his life that he is so desperate for some more?

    1. Chazal say הוי דן כל אדם לכף זכות. As the sefer is not to be found anywhere, maybe the buyer bought it to take it off the market so no one will have a copy in order to decrease and eliminate the Loshon Hora out there? I happened to know the buyer. He told me that he is not going to read the book!!!
      Chachomim- hizoharu be'divreicem!!

    2. There is no Lashon Hara in that book. It is a wonderful book for everyone who wants a full picture of pre-war Yeshivos. Nobody else did such a job.
      But it is widely available in PDF, why pay so much for the printed copy?

    3. These books for show, not reading, the winner is probably illiterate

    4. Anon 10:41,
      Do you get a high from your snarky little comments. You always have to find something negative to say. I bet you didn’t ask any posek - neither in the USA or E”Y - if your putting down another’s action was ok. I feel sorry for you.

    5. Where can i get the PDF?

    6. Reb Hillel Zaks, a Talmid of Reb Aaron Kotler, said that the only problem with the book is that he didn't publish the other volumes that he was planning.

  3. It has nothing on Rabbi Yaakov Emdens megilas sefer, everyone's becomes so soft nowadays . .

  4. Now we have a shabbos goy service. I mean come on are we not done being over the top? Is the fact that the economy is crashing not enough. We in Lakewood have blown enough money on so many narishhaaa zachen and now we need this? Have we just lost our minds? Please Abershter Tatte Zisse in Himmel Please bring Moshiach and end the madness!

    1. maybe hint that you want moshiach and the shabbos goy will bring him

    2. Spending money at another yids business is not blowing money. It’s called spreading the wealth bh.

    3. i was under the impression that this service was being offered by a goy with ah yiddishe kup!

  5. Atzeres Teifilah tonight at 10:30 for Osher ben Chana Frumit at Ateres Esther (basement of the BMGs Hertzka building).

  6. Now the Telzer Litvaks are onto the R Shiala bandwagon!? What a joke, LOL

    1. BTW- The Mir Yerushalayim Rosh Yeshiva Rav Finkel goes to Reb Shayale EVERY SINGLE MONTH!

    2. Why are you laughing out loud. I am crying

  7. So for all those bashing chasidim, why is Rebbetzin Kanievsky's segulos or Vaad Harabanim any different?

    1. Pretty sure the same chevrah bashes those too.

    2. Vaad harabanim is a segula of giving Tzedaka על מנת שיחיה בני, which is brought down in the gemara. Although many appose the aggressive marketing that VH and KH do, at least there is a good mekor.
      Reb. Kanievsky, I don't know of any segulos other than perek Shira and hafrashas challah, also which have a good mekor. And still most rabonim play down the importance of them.
      Eating and saying the name of a gadol, was not even heard of 15 years ago, let alone the fresserei that dominates this holiest of holy days which goes against the Yiddishe mesora that we got from our grandfather.
      Any rav, chassidish or litvish, that goes along with this fad has lost my respect.
      BTW does anyone still go to Lizhensk?

  8. Rambam holds nothing will change when mashiach comes, apparently folks will still offer this service.

    1. At most that is the earlier stage of mashiach our tradition

  9. Are they also auctioning a set of peshuto shel mikro


    True story.
