Monday, April 17, 2023

Monday April 17 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 69° Cloudy skies Slight chance of a rain shower. High 69F.

- According to the report published by Tel Aviv University’, “visibly identifiable Jews, particularly Orthodox Jews, are the main victims of  physical antisemitic assaults in the West, including beatings, being spit on, and having objects thrown at them.

- It was revealed that Governor Phil Murphy spent more than $500,000 on furnishings for the newly renovated Governor’s Office in the State House, including $217,000 for three rugs in his office and an office used by First Lady Tammy Murphy: Senator Ed Durr (R-3) "While the governor enjoys his opulent furnishings, teachers are being fired, students are falling further behind, and property tax bills are rising. It may look good in his office, but it’s not a good look for Governor Murphy.”

- Lakewood, NJ tops the list for voting on new Tesla Supercharger locations. Tesla owners can visit Tesla's website to cast their vote for the next charging station. (Yinfo)

- Dor Yesharim mass screening today for boys at Yeshiva Ktana hall 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm $250

- Pita Hut on Spruce corner River Ave renamed PH modern Grill

- James street repaved at Williams st intersection with new added turning lanes a traffic light will soon be installed.

- Lakewood zoning board meeting today at 7:00 pm watch livestream Here see Agenda Here.Applicatiion To construct a 44,600 sf retail building with associated parking and amenities at the new planned development by Eagle Ridge golf course.

- R' Aaron Lang on Twitter: I'm told the people want me to stay in the district, yet nobody has any influence ... It's all or nothing .... Absolute power can't be tolerated. Rest assured, government of the people, by the people, and for the people will not perish. 

- Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi has BH been released from the hospital 

- Early morning construction road closures White Street Jackson and Washington St off Pine St 


  1. actually anyone can register and vote for the tesla supercharger location, even if not a tesla owner. you just need to enter an email address.

    1. Why would non Tesla owners vote for Tesla superchargers in Lakewood!?

    2. if you don't have the credit line, or aren't insecure enough to need a tesla, the least you can do is help those who are stuck needing a tesla.

  2. I'm considering getting a Tesla, can web browsing be blocked?

    1. Where can I buy the TAG version of Tesla?

    2. I'm considering becoming an acting pretend gvir too, but I don't go public and ask commenters on hefkervelt, I just take a survey in the mikva.

    3. Not if you want all the internet features.

    4. Nope. In fact TAG at one point was offering a big fee to anyone who can develop a filter for a Tesla. This is why many would not consider purchasing such a vehicle.

    5. I'm not asking about filtering, I'm asking about disabling browsing completely.

  3. Tesla is treif don’t get it.

  4. Why would anyone buy a Tesla?? Tag says it’s asur, besides it’s ekeldik.

    1. It's a very boring vehicle, if you are a boring person, by all means, go get a Tesla, it's perfect for you.

  5. someone needs to inform mr musk that with the right connections the township committee members will give him land for free and a grant to build the charging station

  6. Oh Yeah. We've been hearing about the new traffic light at James & Williams for a looong time already.

  7. Why would you want to disable web browsing?

    1. Who needs to browse the web while driving?

    2. Got to be crazy to disable the web browser, best part about owning an EV are you children getting messed up browsing the internet while you save the environment

  8. The primary use of a Tesla is not to drive. It’s for people to see it in your driveway and to see you coming out of one in shuls parking lot. If someone sees you browsing the web in your Tesla in shuls parking lot that’s mamash the shpitz olam haba. So you don’t want to filter anything.

    1. Even better is to drop off your kids at school, after signing the schools form that you don't have internet at home. Technically it's not internet at home, it's Internet in a vehicle, and if you don't park indoors, you never brought the internet into your home.

  9. Sorry. But A Tesla 3 is actually the cheapest car to lease these days. 349 a month for 36 months. You can barely lease a motorcycle today for that price. It's not a gvirs car anymore. It's actually cheaper to lease it than any basic car.

    1. it's only 349/month with $4,500 down (plus fees). While still relatively cheap, it's by far not the cheapest.

  10. Cheaper than a Honda civic

  11. If you consider 349 a month with no tax (as electric cars have no tax in NJ ),a gvirs car ,then what do you consider a Camry or Toyota Minivan etc. Those are much more expensive .

  12. I don’t believe there is anyone who has a Tesla that does not have internet at home. Almost everyone has internet at home even if they don’t drive a Tesla.

  13. Not sure why the schools still make everyone sign that letter. They know everyone has internet at home.

  14. A lot of really jealous people. Btw jealousy is worse than internet, it’s deoiraisah.agav there is a 4k nj rebate so it really is 350 a month. But I heard it’s going away so you really have reason to be jealous. It’s embarrassing how full of hate and jealousy the commenters on this internet website have

    1. Flaunting in others peoples faces to make them jealous is lifnei eiver

    2. Does it need to be jealously , or rather many people here wished originally for a higher life for their families
      choosing to collectively push away those things
      & Your crowd prefer to have happily ruined that forever ?

  15. I guess mr cohen wishes he had a Tesla

    1. All things considered probably-albeit without internet.
      All the rest of anonymous commentors here don't?

  16. Really? Why don’t you start by being mekabel not to go on hefkervelt for a month? That could be your first step for a higher life for your family. I think it’s more important than what type of car you’re neighbor is driving

    1. Halevai.Except you fellows need hadracha
      'Davar b'ito mah tov'

      p.s.People really care what car a person drives?It's kinderish

  17. Mr cohen please don’t leave us. We need your hadracha.
