Thursday, April 20, 2023

Thursday April 20 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather:61° Plentiful sunshine
Erev Rosh Chodesh Iyar we do not say Yom Kippur Katan today.

- Undercover LPD ticketing vehicles for cellphone violations on Cedarbridge Ave

- BMG summer zman begins Sunday there are many new bochurim coming and to accommodate  everyone the Yeshiva will be opening the new bais medrash at the Former Woodlake country club off New Hampshire Ave.

- Gov Murphy: Climate change is real, and what we do today will determine the future of our state.

- Today Lakewood township committee meeting  vote to allow 150 feet high rise buildings at Lakewood brick border meeting is virtual only at 5:30 pm  watch live stream Here see Agenda Here Comments may be made via email during the meeting via

- An event for women in Lakewood of the 55+ communities Join Connections for an event this Tuesday, April 25th at Eagle Ridge Country Club, 2 Augusta Boulevard, Lakewood, NJ.
The Meet & Greet Lunch will begin at 12:00 PM, and the program at 1:00 PM, with guest speaker Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro, followed by a mini expo with services geared towards seniors, as well as a raffle.Zahav's new (and free) Senior Guidebook will be given to all participants.

-20 days to Lag Baomer to get a permit for a bon fire fill out a form at the Ocean county fire marshall Here or call  732-370-7360 application fees are $54 and muist be approved 72 hours before Lag baomer fire is to be lit.

 - SpaceX giant rocket explodes minutes after launch from Texas Elon Musk’s SpaceX launched the world’s most powerful rocket, its 500-foot-tall Starship, on a historic test flight Thursday morning — only for it to explode mid-air just minutes later.

- Arthur Lang: See the Commissioner's pathetic testimony on Tuesday before the Senate Budget Committee about her responsibility to Lakewood kids and the Appellate Division at 44:26. It is one thing to delay but quite another to be ignorant. Watch Here 

- NJ senate majority leader Teresa Ruiz Newark expresses concern about Lakewood the traditional public school students seem to be catching the short end of the stick

- FAA: LIC claims they have nothing to do with their proposal for high rise buildings in the township. At their monthly meeting on Wednesday morning, they received two public comment emails opposing this high rise building proposal. The emails urged them to kill the deal before our taxes go sky high, as high as the high buildings. Instead of taking this opposition to heart, or at the very least, denying the potential tax increase, LIC Executive Director Steven Reinman simply waived his hands up in the air, saying "the zoning has nothing to do with us. That lies with the Committee and Planning Board. Our job is simply to sell land for ratables and businesses." 
This is patently absurd. Moreover, the Township's proposed ordinance clearly sets forth the LIC as the ones who are requesting the zone change in order to assist their contract purchaser. There it is. In black and white. The LIC has a contract purchaser who seeks to develop the property with 150 feet high buildings. Therefore, the LIC has requested that the Committee change the zoning to permit 150 feet high buildings here. How in the world can the LIC cry "not involved" and simply point fingers at the Committee and Planning Board??


  1. Why should I get high-rise property taxes because of this?!April 20, 2023 at 9:50 AM

    It's clear that nobody at the LIC or the Committee wants to accept responsibility for making this "150-foot high-rise zoning change" request. They're each pointing their fingers and blaming each other for this very expensive-to-the-taxpayers idea. Apparently, the mystery buyer has got some serious influence over them. It makes you wonder what's really going on behind closed doors??

    1. We need FAA to do an expose’ on the as-yet-unnamed buyer..

  2. Could it be student housing for the research facility Bais medrash?
    Remember they applied for this a few years ago and withdrew perhaps this will be kollel apartments for a yeshiva
    Who else has such a powerful influence over the township committee to create gridlock traffic on rt 70


  4. Cederbridge is backed up from Seasons to Hurley all afternoon and the Chelm lakewood committee plans to build more shopping malls with thousands of more cars off Cedarbridge.

  5. What is the committee doing about climate change? The governor said it is real.
    Abolish plastic bags but legalize marijuana!

    1. Anon 1:48,
      The way you’re talking makes it apparent that you’re suffering from a form of imagined climate change. I don’t think marijuana will makes things any better for you. It will only exacerbate an already pathetic situation.

  6. does anyone know if and when the courtyard has a yom kippur katan today?

    1. אין אומרים יו"כ קטן בערב ראש חודש חטא"ת
