Thursday, April 27, 2023

Thursday April 27 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 55° Cloudy. Periods of rain this morning. High around 55F. Chance of rain 100%.

- A Ruasian missle hit a apartment building in Uman Ukraine with casualties. Kol mevaser reports it was far away from the Tzion of Reb Nachman M"Breslov

- BDE: Petirah of Reb Mordechai Eliyahu (Mordy) Friedman z”l. He was 64. Originally from LA he lived in Brooklyn and Lakewood.  He married Miriam Herzog, a daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Feish Herzog. A talmid of  Telz-Chicago, was very close to the Novominsker Rebbe and to Rav Shaul Brus, whose shiurim he would attend. He was a noted baal chesed The levayah will be held at 5 p.m. at the Novominsker Bais Medrash, located at 1644 48th Street in Boro Park, followed by a levayah and kevurah in Lakewood at the chapel off 7th street Matzav 

- KCL launches kashrus hotline 732-901-1888. A Website is expected to go live as well. There will be 2 new logos in English and Hebrew

- Hatzolah of Central Jersey announces the appointment if a  new medical Dr. Josh Schwarzbaum, the previous director, Dr. Simshi Zimmerman, of Brooklyn. resigned due to distance and time constraints.

- Heavy rain, 60 mph wind gusts in weekend forecast from back to back storms

- Price for playgroup morahs and babysitters goes up again for next year in addition many are not babysitting on Fridays which is another challenge to working parents. Day cares started charging copays after covid funding has ended.

- From yeshiva student to one of Ocean County’s most powerful political movers and shakers more

- Weddings are getting booked at the new Toras Menachem hall in Lakewood expected to open after the 3 weeks in the summer.

 - Adirei Hatorah event for the Albert community tonight

- Jackson Township's Planning Board is set this coming Monday, May 1, to consider the application of Jackson Cheder Boys School on a 12 acres site off Brewers Bridge Road, near the Flair neighborhood. As the news was first broken  on FAA News, the Lakewood Cheder recently obtained a $2.1 million mortgage to purchase this 12 acre site. The contract sale remains pending closing. The Planning Board will hold a public hearing on this application on Monday May 1, 2023 at 7:00pm Faa

- Report: Neighbors of the bew BMG development at GCU reached out to the Police department to relay their traffic concerns along 9th street The report says at this week's  Planning  board public hearing, it became clear that numerous neighbors did have traffic safety concerns. More

-Million man protest tonight in Israel. A dispute broke out between Charedi rabbis, politicians and pundits on Thursday over whether or not to participate in the right-wing protest scheduled on Thursday evening outside of the Israeli Knesset in Jerusalem. Yisrael Friedman, editor of the Yated Ne'eman newspaper, which is affiliated with the

Lithuanian Degel Hatorah faction within the United Torah Judaism party (UTJ), wrote a harshly worded editorial against participation in the protests. The other faction that makes up UTJ is the Hassidic "Agudat Yisrael". Agudat Yisrael has its own affiliated newspaper, Mishpacha, or Jewish Family Weekly, edited by Aryeh Erlich. Erlich criticized Yated Ne'eman for speaking in the name of all haredim."Yated Ne'eman will not revoke haredi citizenship, and Yisrael Friedman will not determine who is one of us and who is part of our community. Every person should decide whether or not to go to the protests or not," Erlich wrote, adding that "the warped culture of selectors sitting at the gates of haredi society and deciding who is legitimate and who is not" has passed from the world. (Jpost)


  1. Let's see if they even get anywhere near HALF a million people.

  2. Hamodia - not Mishpacha - is the Agudah official newspaper. Mishpacha is independent.

  3. Were these not the same neighbors who came out to support the overdevelopment on route 9 south saying how they "Kvell" watching all the "yeshivaleit" head to yeshiva!!

  4. As it relates to nekimah and netirah, popular conception is that any of it is assur, however see the following Meiri, which is based on the sugya in yoma 23a, which sets down the guidelines : נקימה ונטירה בכל ענינים שבממון אסורה שנאמר לא תקום ולא תטור ואיזו היא נקימה אמר לו השאילני מגלך והלה אומר איני משאילך למחר בא זה שלא רצה להשאיל אצל זה ואמר לו השאילני קרדומך והוא משיב איני משאילך כדרך שלא השאלתני זו היא נקימה ואיזה היא נטירה אמר לו השאילני מגלך אמר לו לאו למחר בא הלה ואמר לו השאילני קרדומך אמר לו הילך ואיני כמותך שלא השאלתני זו היא נטירה וכן בכל דברים שבממון שאין בהם סרך מסירת ממון חבירו למלכות אבל כל שציער את חבירו בגופו הן בהכאה הן בקללה הן באיזה צד של קלון אם האחר מפייסו על זה כראוי לו אף הוא ראוי למחול מלב ומנפש שכל המעביר על מדותיו מעבירין לו על כל פשעיו ואם הלה אינו מפייסו מותר לו בנקימה כל שרואה בה מקום אלא שאם רצה שלא לנקום עליה הוא בעצמו מקומו מושכר לו והוא בכלל העלובים ואינם עולבים שומעים חרפתם ואינם משיבים שנ׳ עליהם ואוהביו כצאת השמש בגבורתו כלומר שלא נתמעט אורו לקטרוג הלבנה כמו שהתבאר במסכת חולין ס׳ ב׳ ולא עוד אלא שאם רצה למחול מכל וכל ולהעבירה מלבו כל שהוא אדם בינוני תבא עליו ברכה הא מ״מ ת״ח ומלך וכיוצא באלו אע״פ שאינם משתדלים בנקימה מ״מ ראוי להם שלא למחול מכל וכל אלא יהא שמור בלבם לכבוד תורתם ומעלתם ויניחו הענין למי שאינו מקפח שכר בריאה עד שיהא זה נענש עליה על ידי מי שיזדמן וכשיזדמן לא יהא הוא מוחה בדבר ויבין שמאת ד׳ ומהשגחתו יארע לו כן אחר שלא מחל החכם ולא העביר צערו מלבו שנמצא המקלה מעמידו כל יום ויום בצער וע״ז אמרו כל תלמיד חכם שאינו נוקם ונוטר כנחש כלומר שמערים למצוא מקום למי שבא לקום עליו כדכתיב הוא ישופך ראש אינו ת״ח כלומר אין מדתו כמדת ת״ח שראוי לו ליקר תורתו וע״ז אמרו מפני מה נענש שאול על שמחל על כבודו שנאמר ובני בליעל אמרו מה יושיענו זה ויבזוהו ולא הביאו לו מנחה ויהי כמחריש כלומר שלא רצה לנקום מהם ולא היה העונש ממה שלא רצה לנקום מהם אלא מדכתיב בתריה ויעל נחש העמוני וכו׳ והוא הציל את ישראל מידו ואירעה תשועה גדולה לישראל ע״י ורצו קצת מהם לפגוע בהם כדכתיב מי האומר שאול ימלוך עלינו כלומר שהיו תמהים על מלכותו ומבזים אותו לומר מה יושיענו זה וכו׳ תנו האנשים ונמיתם והוא מיחה ואמר לא ימות איש היום הזה והיה לו להתבונן שממשפטי יושר השם היה מזדמן בכך:

  5. Why do the Morahs zicher the baby sitters charging so much$$$? The baby only needs a diaper change and a bottle. It's napping half the day. It's out of control but let's just keep paying like sheep!

    1. Because that is what the market will bear. They have a right to make a parnassah like everyone else. No business give services away at cost.


  6. "Mishpacha, or Jewish Family Weekly, edited by Aryeh Erlich."

    Aryeh "Ehrlich" of Mishpacha belongs to the Chabad-Lubavitch faith.

  7. Chs for daycare killed it for the middle class who can't afford it.
    It is crazy to charge $750 for 2 yearl old. It is very nice that the daycare industry has exploded in Lakewood were the govt is paying up to 1300 per child for those eligible but everyone else is suffering

    1. Nu nu if no one stands up we're sheep

    2. Actually, a year or 2 ago when Murphy gave a windfall to CHS claiming he is helping make childcare affordable I was the lone person who responded to his tweet writing that he is highering the cost of daycares for all those not eligible..

  8. Is it true that ray coles is now mayor of central jersey?

    1. He's not the mayor of Lakewood, yet he calls himself Mayor, so he must be the mayor of Central Jersey

  9. As a community we are forced to face the question of how we can continue to entrust the education of our children to people who lie publicly at zoning and board meeting and many other issues for their own personal selfish interests.

    1. Anon 3:18,
      You bring up a very important point. I and many others share the same concern.

    2. Yes they shamelessly lie about parking and Simcha halls knowing that they are fooling and not planning on keeping these promises and then they are the ones we entrust with the chinuch of tinokos shel bais raban
      Ehrlichkeit and Emes should preclude anything else

    3. How does it work? Every few hours you comment on your prior comment?

  10. So why do you send your kids to those schools ?

  11. Remember when Reb Chaim Kaniyevsky said that we should not vote for a Yid married to a goyte? Someone denied it then, when he knew it was true. How can anyone respect such a person?

    1. How can you write such a thing about a member of the Mo'etzes?

  12. The original mass protests against bagatz was by the charedim. Irony
    How they wished others would've joined them & some would

    First they came for , and I did not speak out – because I was not a . Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak for me.
