Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sunday April 2nd News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 53 Mostly sunny skies. High 53F. Winds at 20 to 30 mph. Higher wind gusts possible 

Kiddush Levana

- לתועלת הרבים the Betty crocker pizza maker sold in Bingo (with the OK) does not require טבילה as the appliance are produced under Jewish ownership.

- Tens of thousands of yidden heading to Orlando and South Florida for Pesach. Those driving have left today coordinating minyanim along the route by sharing their live locations on watsapp groups.

- Some areas in Lakewood got power back on after 4pm. Areas of Jackson still out. Chaveirim bringing freezers for those who need it.

- Shiurei Chag haPessach by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin- Rav Elyashiv's Hagaddah's msg. הרב מיכאל סורוצקין watch Here

- Tonight  gathering and Yartzeit seuda  for the  Novominsker Rebbe zatzal at Tiferes  Bais Yaakov hall 613 Oak street Lakewood 8:15 pm with the participation of  his sons the current admorim shlita

- 14th Yartzeit today 11 Nissan of Rav Elchanan Yosef  ben Shmuel Hertzman Ztl who did not leave over children. He asked that whomever learns moagnayos or says Tehillim he will daven for one of their bakashas.

-If you used your becher for Havdala last night NPGS Jackson will have a later hagolaas keilim from 6:30 pm - 9:300 pm tonight

- Chasdei Dovid chometz drop off locations:
 Jackson: 5 Queens CT (empty lot next door to⁰ #3- Royal Grove), 
Toms River: 1767 Whitesville Rd (KBY parking lot)
 Lakewood: Clifton Municipal Lot between 9th & 10th For more info text: 347-684-3120 Additionally, this year we will have a frozen food drop off location: 311 8th Street

- NWS confirms 2 tornadoes touched down on shabbos one in Howell and one in Jackson "We have confirmed that a tornado occurred in the Howell Township, NJ area.  This is likely separate from the Jackson, NJ tornado as there is a gap in the damage path" no details as to the exact locations.

- Tehillim: Chaya Ita Bracha bas Sarah Sheva a mother in critical condition 

- Local Wawa in Jackson begins to enforce policy to ID Tabbaco purchases ahead of April 17. Wawa stores in NJ will check identification for 100% of tobacco and vape-related purchases. no matter how hold you are begging April 17.

- JCP&L thousands without power "Severe weather is causing power outages. Estimated restoration time will be provided when available

- Hagolaas Keilim for the public at NPGS Jackson 3:00pm - 6:00 pm

- Avos Ubanim grand event today at Bais Faiga for participating boys.

- Shiur at Kollel Nachlas Dovid on Park Ave by Rav Yehuda Leib Fisher shlita 12:45 pm
- Shiur at Lutzk B"M by Rav Yaakov Waxman shlita of BMG at 1:00 pm

- BDE: Petirah of Mr. Nathan Rothchild a"h whose mother passed away a week ago brother of R"zeev ztl and ybl"c Rav Yosef shlita. Levaya this morning in Lakewood at the chapel on 7th st 10:00 am. Shiva at 2 Thyme Lakewood. 

-The organizers of the cancelled Pesach program that was supposed to rake place at the Claridge hotel in Atlantic city say that they were scammed into sending the deposit to hotel via wire to another account that was not to the hotel. They are in touch with the FBI to recoup the funds and return it to their guests. The hotel decided not to go forward with the lesach program they claimed.
-  The Cape May  Zoo is permanently closing its World of Birds aviary this spring, and will relocate the animals across the country, as the building will have to be demolished since necessary maintenance and repairs have become unsustainable after all the tropical storms.


  1. Sounds very weird ... scammed into to wiring into a different account??? What type of business is this? You send a check . a credit card with miles. Wiring a deposit money and scammed into a difernet account? We need some ccalrity omn what happened aa s many people are stuck and money was given

    1. It happens a lot more thank you think. Usually, though I don’t know this specific case, they are watching someone’s emails and at the last moment when wiring instructions are sent they intercept and replace said instructions with their own.

    2. Wire fraud is very common today all transactions by title companies and lawyers say to confirm the instructions with them.

    3. There are certain businesses that transfer large amounts of money on a regular basis. Those businesses have several people worming in the AP department. They stay on top of the latest scam risks and take all the precautions. Nevertheless, these businesses still get defrauded, unfortunately.

      Generally, people running a Pesach program don't have such a department. Their largest individual expense is the hotel fee. By far. The hotel does not want to be paid by miles or credit card. Not the way it works.


  3. Another phenomenal Shiur from Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlit"a with an outstanding educational and powerful message he heard from Moran Horav Elyashiv ztz"l which is learnt from the opening of the Hagaddah.

    Unique and special !

  4. Why can't you do hagalas keilim (libun kal) when using the becher for havdalah? The reason for waiting 24 hours is that the issur should become pagum. Grape juice is not issur (chametz) nor is it hot that it has blius. The reason we kosher our becher is because we use it on a chalets table and maybe hot chometz touched it.

  5. Stay home for pesach and you won’t have such problems. מרבה נכסים מרבה דאגה.

  6. It’s a ton of wasted money and not what pesach should be. It is not condoned by any gedolim and was condemned by all. Hard to feel bad.

    1. No need for your last sentence. Something very wrong with not feeling another Yid's tzaar. To turn it into some sort of righteousness, is so wrong.

    2. I’ve always stayed home, as I am again this year, and I feel for those yidden. Often there are legitimate considerations to not stay at home for such a long yom tov. The hotel alternative is a perfect solution for these situations.

      So before knocking others, please be mindful that ישראל כולם קדושים. You should always be דן לכף זכות and feel sorry for yidden that get their yom tov arrangements cancelled at the last minute. May we all be zoich to ושמחת בחגך this pesach.

    3. For some,ok
      For others,they may have already lost that entitlement

    4. I challenge you to back up your statement.

      Which 'Gedolim' condemned hotels on Pesach? Show me one. Not private statements at home, but actual condemnation.

      The only way you can back it up is be redefining the word Gedolim to mean 'pulpit Rabbis' who are upset that their Shuls empty out when their sons in law come for Yomtov. Of course, when they nab a job as Rabbi-in-residence the condemnation is somewhat muted.

    5. Rav Avigdor Mill ZT"L, among others, was very clear about it.

      It's unfortunate that you view Gedolim as people who are interested in pulpits. Do you know how many times Rav Avigdor Miller was fired from his post as Rabbi of Young Israel OR? Quite a few, but it never bothered him. He wouldn't back down from making clear what is right.... They always hired him back, since he was their cheapest option. He refused to take a salary from them. Period.

      Anyone who is interested in the opinions of serious talmidei chachomim, should kindly seek them out and ask them. It makes for a rewarding experience.

  7. Only the Betty Crockers that have the OK on them don’t need tevila. They sometimes have both versions. If the box doesn’t say that it doesn’t need tevila then it needs tevila!

  8. There are plenty of reasons why people go away for pesach. Elderly folks, families with an ill child, a Mom that either just gave birth, has too many young children underfoot or whose work sched simply doesn't allow for rigorous pesach prep, broken families, mourning families, large extended families that cant all fit elsewhere etc etc and yes there are families that go because they prefer to and can afford it. Shelling out thousands for pesach is also an impressive thing. Judasim has enough going on. Not sure why (green eyed?) folks need to add an issur on hotels. Maybe you should all stay home all pesach long and not go to your parents/in-laws or children since it's so important to you to do it all by yourself in your own homes. And dont forget to make your own wine and mayo while you're at it . . what kind of modern nonsense buying ready made from the store.

  9. 5:43 am
    Are you clueless how to find out info in today’s google age?

    Just google “gedolim against pesach hotels” and see the results.

    Specifically rabbi avigdor Miller response

  10. If the Betty Crocker was bought from a goy or goyishe middleman it needs tevilla and even if wasnt not every holds of the mechira better to ask ones rov than to rely on a website for halacha

  11. Actually R Chaim Epstein was known to condemn going to hotels for pesach every year by neilas hachag. No need to redefine the word gedolim and this wasn’t “some rabbi” who was upset his shul was empty. That’s just one example.

  12. It’s pretty funny reading your comment. 1. That’s not the majority of people going. 2. Comparing buying mayo in the store to going to a hotel for pesach is laughable and too dumb to warrant a response.

    1. Dumb? There's clearly an issue with way too many unnecessary products for Pesach. It's always easier to focus on someone else's excesses, instead of looking inward. You and I can both look inward, instead of just focusing on hotels.

  13. Yes it’s dumb to compare buying mayo in the store to going to a hotel for pesach. Many unnecessary products for pesach? Could be but mayo is not high on that list.

  14. The point is that mayo is something that at some point in time was frowned upon because it was different and is now acceptable, same with hotels . .

  15. Uh no it’s not the same hence why it’s a dumb comment.

  16. Btw mayo wasn’t frowned upon it simply was not around. In those times it was much harder to make such products, they simply did not have the resources we have today.
