A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur- overcoming challenges. We take no responsibility for comments posted you are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Sunday, April 30, 2023
Oif Simchas י' אייר Lakewood
April 30 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Cloudy with periods of rain. Potential for heavy rainfall. High 62F. Winds at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 90%. Rainfall near a half an inch.
- Tefillos for Rav Meir Herskowitz shlita who is in critical condition, name for Tehillim Meir ben Pessy לרפו"ש בתשח"י
- Flooding in many areas and roadways draining basins overflowing in some developments
- Tehillim: For Rav Moshe Wolfson shlita, Rov of Emunas Yisroel in Boro Park who is in need of rachmei shamayim, name is Moshe ben Freida Rivka. לרפו"ש בתשח"י
- Russian offensive against Ukraine foring over 50 missles from the black sea into Ukraine territory. The Russian Navy sends 11 ships and two submarines to the Black Sea, carrying Kalibr missiles.
- 5:30 pm NWS: Rain likely to continue for the next several hours.
- Tomorrow is the first Monday of בה"ב fore those who are fasting there will be a minyan mincha with krias Hatorah of ויחל at Rav Fircheimers shul 418 5th street 2:10pm.
- Heavy rain and downpours with lightning and thunder this afternoon.
- Faa reports A traffic signal at Chestnut and New Hampshire is closer as the county is expected to award a contract for the construction and full redesign of the Jughandle and intersection in , more at FAA News
- Seasons kosher supermarket announces the closure of the Clifton, New Jersey location due to loss of lease. The company statement said they hope to return to the area. In addition Seasons will be opening 3 new locations with a express store in Teaneck, NJ and a express location in Monsey corner Rt 306 and Grandview. A full supermarket will also open next year 2024 in Toms River, NJ.(GKRF facebook)
- House speaker Kevin McCarthy paid a visit today at the Kosel on his trip to Israel.
- The National Weather Service has issued a flood watch for all 21 New Jersey counties on Sunday with multiple rounds of rain and thunderstorms on the way. Another 1 to 1.5 inches of rain is expected.
- Howell received 4 inches of rain since the start of the weekend
- Flooded basements due to rain chaveirin received many requests to pump out the waters
- Today Hanochas even having groundbreaking event at Yeshiva Torah Temima 3:30 pm 1727 Lanes Mill Rd Lakewood
- Kings Pharmacy @NPGS James st will close as of May 1st all accounts will be transferred to Wetgate pharmacy.
- More bochurim accepted to Brisk R'AY after not taking in new bochurim for the last few zmanim,this zman yeshivas Brisk on Rechov Press took in 400 new bochurim. Aa a result the other yeshivos for American yeshiva boys got less than the previous year.
- Adirei Hatorah shulbrep event tonight at Eagle Ridge. Last night a melava malka event tool place for the rabbonim with the participation of the roshei yeshiva
- Homeland security vehicles were spotted I. Lakewood over shabbos.
- A fire broke at the home of Spinka Rebbe next to the Spinka Shul and Yeshiva on 56th street in Borough Park. Shomrim volunteers managed to remove all Sifrei Torah. Several people were injured including 3 fire fighters.(kol Haolam)
- Skver Rabnonim wrote a letter see below against the use of artificial intelligence to like ChatGPT and other such programs even by calling on the phone as it is full of divrei Keira and pritzus.
- Mir yeshiva yerushalayim main building face-lift as new zman gets underway
Friday, April 28, 2023
Lakewood Zmanim עש"ק פר' אחרי מות/קדושים
Friday, April 28 , 2023 / ז׳ אייר תשפ״ג ערב שבת פרשת אחרי מות - קדושים
וְשַׁבְתִּי אֶת שְׁבוּת עַמִּי יִשְׂרָאֵל, וּבָנוּ עָרִים נְשַׁמּוֹת וְיָשָׁבוּ וְנָטְעוּ כְרָמִים וְשָׁתוּ אֶת יֵינָם וְעָשׂוּ גַנּוֹת וְאָכְלוּ אֶת פְּרִיהֶם. וּנְטַעְתִּים עַל אַדְמָתָם, וְלֹא יִנָּתְשׁוּ עוֹד מֵעַל אַדְמָתָם אֲשֶׁר נָתַתִּי לָהֶם אָמַר ה׳ אֱלֹהֶיךָ
Friday April 28 News Updates Lakewood
- Significant changes will happen on the Garden State Parkway between miles 80 and 83 as exits are renumbered and lanes and offramps are altered. The New Jersey Turnpike Authority, which also oversees the Parkway, put out the plan, asking for feedback from drivers. One of the biggest changes is that there will be a “Collector-Distributor roadway.” This is a few lanes in each direction, separated from the rest of the Parkway by a median. Drivers getting onto the Parkway will first be on this Collector-Distributor until either they get off at another Toms River stop or go on to the rest of the Parkway.
News Photos:
Rav Asher Arieli Delivering shiur in the MirThursday, April 27, 2023
Why We Read The Haftorah of Achrei Mos and Not Kedoshim
This Shabbos, something atypical will occur during davening. When it comes time for the haftarah, chances are that the actual reading will not be the previously scheduled haftarah listed in your Chumash, that of Kedoshim, but rather the haftarah listed for the previous parshah, Acharei Mos. In fact, as the reading commenced in the shul where I was davening last year, so did a concurrent dispute with the gabbai, with mispalleleim arguing that the Ba’al Koreh was reading the wrong haftarah! But, to properly understand why the ‘wrong haftarah’ was, it turns out, quite properly read, some background is needed.
Haftarah History
According to the Abudraham and Tosafos Yom Tov, the haftaros were established when the wicked
Thursday Night ז' אייר Lakewood
Thursday April 27 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: 55° Cloudy. Periods of rain this morning. High around 55F. Chance of rain 100%.
- A Ruasian missle hit a apartment building in Uman Ukraine with casualties. Kol mevaser reports it was far away from the Tzion of Reb Nachman M"Breslov
- BDE: Petirah of Reb Mordechai Eliyahu (Mordy) Friedman z”l. He was 64. Originally from LA he lived in Brooklyn and Lakewood. He married Miriam Herzog, a daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Feish Herzog. A talmid of Telz-Chicago, was very close to the Novominsker Rebbe and to Rav Shaul Brus, whose shiurim he would attend. He was a noted baal chesed The levayah will be held at 5 p.m. at the Novominsker Bais Medrash, located at 1644 48th Street in Boro Park, followed by a levayah and kevurah in Lakewood at the chapel off 7th street Matzav
- KCL launches kashrus hotline 732-901-1888. A Website is expected to go live as well. There will be 2 new logos in English and Hebrew
- Hatzolah of Central Jersey announces the appointment if a new medical Dr. Josh Schwarzbaum, the previous director, Dr. Simshi Zimmerman, of Brooklyn. resigned due to distance and time constraints.
- Heavy rain, 60 mph wind gusts in weekend forecast from back to back storms
- Price for playgroup morahs and babysitters goes up again for next year in addition many are not babysitting on Fridays which is another challenge to working parents. Day cares started charging copays after covid funding has ended.
- Jackson Township's Planning Board is set this coming Monday, May 1, to consider the application of Jackson Cheder Boys School on a 12 acres site off Brewers Bridge Road, near the Flair neighborhood. As the news was first broken on FAA News, the Lakewood Cheder recently obtained a $2.1 million mortgage to purchase this 12 acre site. The contract sale remains pending closing. The Planning Board will hold a public hearing on this application on Monday May 1, 2023 at 7:00pm Faa
- Report: Neighbors of the bew BMG development at GCU reached out to the Police department to relay their traffic concerns along 9th street The report says at this week's Planning board public hearing, it became clear that numerous neighbors did have traffic safety concerns. More
-Million man protest tonight in Israel. A dispute broke out between Charedi rabbis, politicians and pundits on Thursday over whether or not to participate in the right-wing protest scheduled on Thursday evening outside of the Israeli Knesset in Jerusalem. Yisrael Friedman, editor of the Yated Ne'eman newspaper, which is affiliated with the
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Oif Simchas Wednesday ו' אייר Lakewood
היום אחד ועשרים יום שהם שלשה שבועות בעומר/לעומר
Wednesday April 26 News Updates
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Tuesday Night ה' אייר Lakewood
היום עשרים יום שהם שני שבועות וששה ימים בעומר/לעומר
-Kiddush Levana
-Parlor Meeting Yeshiva Gedolah of Detroit at Noam Lane with the participation of the Rosh Hayeshiva Rav Yehuda Bakst shlita
Tuesday April 25 News Updates Lakewood
Monday, April 24, 2023
Monday Night ד' אייר
A psak about Opposing Land Use Applications
Monday April 24 News Updates Lakewood
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Oif Simchas ג' אייר Lakewood
Sunday April 23 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: 70° Partly cloudy. Slight chance of a rain shower. High around 70F.
- Posek in EY saying that it's permitted for neighbors to oppose, even in court, land use applications which will cause overcrowding. See letter on FAA
- NBC: A toxic cleanup in a New Jersey community (Howell/Farmingdale border) could be a ticking timebomb, and may force families to leave their homes. Schools and homeowners in one part of Monmouth County are being told to be ready to evacuate at a moment's notice, as crews with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are intensely working at a former industrial plant In Howell. Residents must be ready to leave ASAP as EPA cleans up mystery chemical barrels. With some 4,000 students going to school within the one-mile hot zone that reaches into Howell, residents are urged to have a go-pack for an evacuation that could be called at any time if the chemicals catch on fire. "Everybody should have an evacuation plan or get-out-of-here plan just in case," said Howell-Farmingdale OEM Director Victor Cook. More
- Summer zman begins today at BMG the Yeshiva will be learning maseches Bava Metzia perek Hamadkid 1st seder and Hashoel 2nd seder. Aeveral chaburos will be relocated to the new B"M at the Woodlake golf course.
- Undercover LPD patrol cars ticketing motorists on Cedarbridge Route 9 Central area.
- Didn't make it to Keristirer, you can go tonight to Reb Shayalas brother at the Baaron Hirsch cemetery in Staten Island exit 7 off the SI expressway. It will be open 24 hours starting tonight. With lighting and food.
- Tonight Yartzeit of Reb Shayala Kerestir Lakewood area community seuda at Yeshiva ktana hall 120 2nd street 10:00pm with the participation of rabbinic.
- Plans are underway for a new retail shopping center at the congested Lakewood/ Toms River border on New Hampshire Avenue, FAA News reports it will be a single story retail shopping center on New Hampshire Avenue northbound, between Locust Street and Route 70. More
- Rav Gershon Ribner shlita will be serving as the Rav for the Ashkenaz shulbin Tallemawr estates Toms River.
- Flea Market open today at Blue Claws stadium
- Jackson: Yated Ne"eman reports NJ Gov Murphy has yet to call Jackson Mayor Mike Reina following the tornado that touched down in Jackson a few weeks ago causing heavy damage in the township. The mayor has been critical of the governors policies in the past regarding covid lockdowns and gun control
- Judaica auction todqy April 23, 1:00pm live at Estreia, 978 River Ave, Lakewood NJ
- bde: The body of Reb Yisroel Kessous z”l, of Elad, was found on Shabbos in the Kinneret after he had been reported missing. He was 23. (Matzav)
Bde: Chazzan Moshe Stern ZL famed cantor was niftar Thursday at the age of 87 Levaya was held I Yerushalayim kevura in Har Hamenuchos.
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Shortage of Wedding Halls
As the community grows there currently is a shortage of wedding halls n the Lakewood area and newly engaged couples are finding it hard to find dates for the chasunah. The wait now is 5-6 Months out for most halls which is a serious issue as the general litvish community don't have long engagements. There are about 10 new halls expected to open within the next few years but it's not a fix for the current time.
People are booking halls outside Lakewood to make simchas
Several factors have contributed to the halls being booked up. Lakewood has become the prime destination to host weddings for the frum community due to affordability and location with many family members living there. Chasidim who have long engagement get to book wedding dates 9 months in advance and many are living in theakewood area.
As a result of the shortage the second half of sefira which was not typical to make weddings is now fully booked every night as rabbonim do not like long engagements for couples who get engaged after the freezer opens and can't find a wedding date until July or August.
B"H theses are challenges from bracha but still an issue that needs. Fixing.
- There is a apartment shortage as well now with couples desperate to find where to live.
Friday, April 21, 2023
Zmanim Lakewood עש"ק פר' תזריע -מצורע שבת ר"ח אייר
Friday, April 21, 2023 / ל׳ ניסן תשפ"ג ערב שבת פרשת תזריע-מצורע ראש חודש אייר
-Candle lighting: 7:23 pm-Shkia/Sunset 7:41 pm

-Weather shabbos day 69° Mainly cloudy. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 69F.
-Pirkei Avos Perek ג
Friday April 21 News Updates Lakewood
Lakewood Committee Meeting Recap
Township Committee meeting recap.
The meeting was virtual despite all covid restrictions lifted, committeeman Mike Delua was a no show. Deputy mayor Menashe Miller who is currently deployed said he would have not been able to attend if not for the virtual meeting. Interestingly, Miller made no public mention previously to resort to in person meetings when he is home in Lakewood. Members of the public have repeatedly asked for a hybrid system of in person meetings with the option of joining virtually.
The committee as usual ignored public comments about several issues such as, traffic in Lakewood or the daily gridlock, the not involving the community on big construction projects, lack of infrastructure and the condition of Mike Delia. The mayor did respond to a favorable comment about a drainage issue thanking the resident and a guardrail lawsuit on Cedarbridge Ave.
The committee tabled the ordnance to allow high rise buildings after conflicting comments from the fire commissioners and chiefs about the cost to tax payers. No traffic or quality of life issues were mentioned. The mayor asked that it be sent back to the fire bored of fire commissioners for clarification and abide by their recommendation next meeting May 18.
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Oif Simchas ר"ח אייר תשפ"ג
Hashkafa Q&A
Hashkafa with Reb Gershon Ribner shlita
Thursday April 20 News Updates Lakewood
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Oif Simchas Wednesday כ"ט ניסן
Wednesday April 19 News Updates Lakewood
Taking a Haircut or Shaving on Friday Rosh Chodesh Iyar This Year
QUESTION: For those who began observing the sefirah restrictions on the second night of Pesach, is there any special dispensation to take a haircut or a shave on Rosh Chodesh Iyar when it falls on a Friday [and Shabbos] – as it does this year?
DISCUSSSION: Mishnah Berurah,(1) followed by almost all of the poskim,(2) rules that when Rosh Chodesh Iyar falls on a Friday, it is permitted to take a haircut or a shave that Friday, even for those who are already in the midst of the sefirah mourning restrictions. This exception (which is for haircut and shaving only – not for other sefirah restrictions such as listening to music) is permitted in honor of the double occasion of Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh.(3)
Mishnah Berurah, however, does not clearly address whether or not this also applies to those who follow the special restriction recorded in the Will and Testament of Rabbi Yehudah Hachasid never to take a haircut or a shave on any Rosh Chodesh throughout the year, even if Rosh Chodesh falls on Friday.(4) Other poskim, however, do discuss this issue directly: Some hold that Rosh Chodesh Iyar is an exception and permit taking a haircut or a shave on Friday, Rosh Chodesh Iyar;(5) others maintain that Rosh Chodesh Iyar is not an exception and is no different from any other Rosh Chodesh;(6) while a third opinion suggests that one should take a haircut or a shave on Thursday afternoon after chatzos.(7) One should consult his rav as to which opinion to follow.
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Tuesday April 18 News Updates Lakewood
Monday, April 17, 2023
Tehillim For the Mashgiach Shlita
Urgent Tefillos for the Lakewood Mashgiach Rav Mattisyahu Solomon Shlita who is in critical condition. All Botei medrash of BMG are reciting Tehillim. Name is Mattisyahu Chaim ben Ettel. לרפו"ש בתוך שאר חולי ישראל
Monday April 17 News Updates Lakewood
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Oif Simchas 25 Nissan Sunday evening Lakewood
Sunday April 16 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: 71° Mostly cloudy skies with some morning fog. High 71F.
- 6:30 pm update all cleqr given. Newark Airport Baggage Claim terminal has been evacuated due to a vibrating bag, people told to go across to the parking lots..
- Several flights returning from Orlando to NY have been delayed due to mechnical and crew member issues. Some people have been at the airport since 8:30am this morning.
- Tefilos for Tav Baruch Mordechai Ezchi shlita who is hospitalized after doctors discovered an infection in his body. They treaters him and hope he can come home in a few days. Name is ברוך מרדכי בן הינדא
- Hachnosas sefer Torah at Arlington shul 3:00 pm
- Bracha on blossoming fruit treee 1140 Forest Avenue Lakewood corner Carey street. Clifton Ave corner 9th street.
- 2023 post pesach shopping guide by AKO - The Association of Jewish Kashrus Organizations HERE
- Vehicle car crash report i. Lakewood for March 2023 Total Crashes 544 resulting in 55 injuries including 18 Pedestrians struck. Since January there's been over 1300 crashes and 43 pedestrians struck averaging 4 per week. Town officials have remained quiet and issued no statements. Faa
- Faanews Lakewood's Zoning Board is set this coming Monday, April 17, to review a proposal for construction of a large shopping center as part of The Parke development at the Eagle Ridge golf course. Many questions are waiting to be answered. See more
- Hachnosas sefer Torah today in Lakewood going to Teitelbaums B"M procession leaving at 2:30 pm from 15. 14th street to the BM 1375 Princeton Ave.
- Update: one of the victims from the chol hamoed ride accident in Lakhas B"H returned home from the hospital. Other still hospitalized.
Yeshivos Bein hazmanim programs this week at several shuls until bochurim return for summer zman.
- new COVID-19 variant is causing concern in India and it may be 1.2 times more infectious than the Kraken variant. The new strain, dubbed Arcturus, has increased 13-fold in the last month in the country. The WHO is monitoring the spread in the UK and US a symptom is itchy ed eyes
- BD”E: Legendary Singer Reb Michoel Schnitzler, Z”l he was niftar late on Friday afternoon at the age of 62. He suffered a massive heart attack in the Monsey area on Friday afternoon, after he returned to New York from Eretz Yisrael, where he spent Pesach. For several decades, the name Reb Michoel Schnitzler was synonymous with entertaining and inspiring Yidden, through his musical abilities and his sterling middos. He was born in California to his father, Reb Meshulam Zusha Schnitzler, z”l, who was also niftar young. Reb Meshulam Zusha was the son of Harav Shraga Shmuel Schnitzler, zt”l, the Tchaba Rav.Levaya this morning in Monsey Airmont bais olam watch live Here (Hamodia)
Friday, April 14, 2023
Lakewood Zmanim עש"ק פר' שמיני מברכים חודש אייר אסרו חג תשפ"ג
Friday, April 14, 2023 / כ״ג ניסן תשפ״ג ערב שבת פרשת שמיני
Friday אסרו חג פסח 5783 Isru Chag Lakewood
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Motzei Pesach Lakewood 5783
היום שמונה ימים שהם שבוע אחד ויום אחד לעומר/בעומר
- Post pesach chometz bonanza at ShopRite Howell will be open all night motzei Yom Tov 4594 Route 9 South.Saker Shop Rites are fully owned by Saker family and has no חשש of חמץ שעבר עליו הפסח
-2023 post pesach shopping guide by AKO - The Association of Jewish Kashrus Organizations HERE
- Minhag schlissel challah this shabbos
- A fire broke out in the garage of the Armon Conference Center in Stamford, CT early this morning, destroying several vehicles. The hotel was evacuated and B"H no injuries were reported(yinfo)
- Gelbsteins bakery will be open tonight at 12:00 am
- The Belzer Rebbe, who underwent surgery on Pesach, was discharged from the hospital to his home in Kiryat Belz, Yerushalayim.
- Crews have contained 100% of the 3,900-acre wildfire burning through Manchester Township, Ocean County, NJ. Manchester Township officials said that the Forest Fire Service staff would remain on the scene "to continue improving containment lines and monitor the area to ensure public safety."Smoke conditions could remain for several hours. Fortunately, no one was injured.On Wednesday afternoon, another brush fire broke out near a highway in West Milford, New Jersey. The fire has reached 140 acres in size and is 0% contained, according to the New Jersey Forest Fire Service.(ABC)
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Lakewood Zmanim ערב שביעי של פסח תשפ"ג
Lakewood Zmanim ערב שביעי של פסח תשפ''ג
Fourth Day Chol Hamoed Erev Yom Tov Tuesday, April 11, 2023 / כ׳ ניסן תשפ״ג ערב שביעי של פסח
Segulah for shidduchim, Parnassa, Refuah today after chatzos see below
- Check shabbos clothing for Muktzah items
- (yizkor Lecht) בשביעי של פסח אומרים תפילת יזכור (Achron in חו"ל)
Weather: -Shvii Shel Pesach: sunshine and some clouds high 81. Achron shel Pesach High 85f
- Shiras hayom at Satmar Rockwell 12:00 am Shvii Shel Pesach
-Sterling Forest Krias Yom Suf 11:15 'Bizas Hayam 'All Night long
-Lev Avos Krias Yam Suf 11:15
-N'eelas Hachag at BMG Beren hall Achron shel Peach Mincha 7:00 pm
חסל סידור פסח כהלכתו, ככל משפטו וחוקתו, כאשר זכינו לסדר אותו, כן נזכה לעשותו לשנה הבאה בירושלים
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Chol Hamoed Pesach 5783 Lakewood
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
א כשרן פרייליכן פסח
Erev Pesach 5783 News Updates Lakewood
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Tuesday April 4th News Updates Lakewood
74° Sunny along with a few clouds. High 74F. Winds 10 to 20 mph.
- Eric trump: Alvin Bragg has shut down the entire city, called up 38,000 NYPD police officers, closed down the FDR Drive and is spending an estimated $200 million of city funds, all for a $130,000 NDA. I never thought I would see this level of corruption in the United States.
- Pundits calling the case very weak is hoping the jury will pick something He’s not disqualified even if he was convicted of everything
- Trump pleads not guilty to 34 felony counts
- Shiur by the R"Y Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita at B"M Central Court 12:45pm
- Those traveling the I80today to the midwest BBQ open from 1-9 at the flyingJ rest area exit 173 Lamar, PA
Texting while driving ticket blitz underway in these 157 N.J. police departments including Lakewood through the end of April. The township received a grant of $14000 for “U Text. U Drive. U Pay” campaign. Jackson and Toms River did not receive funding or participating.
- Lakewood township plan to allow 150 feet skyscrapers in Lakewood near Airport road and GSP without community input see vide on bottom of post
- Trump arraignment today Trump’s lawyer says he will maintain innocence and plead not guilty clashes breakout in front of courthouse with supporters and protestors. Lakewood resident and Trump supporter R' Rafi King is at Trump tower showing support for the former president.
- Jackson Township's Planning Board last night unanimously endorsed Ordinance 14-23 which the Township Council introduced last week to lighten the property area and setback requirements currently imposed on Houses of Worship and shuls in the Township. faa
- Gov Phil Murphy hosted a pesach seder yesterday attended by members of the Jewish community from NJ including Lakewood. Rabbi Abe Friedman, law enforcement chaplain and personal advisor to the governor brought a group of Lakewood politicians including new BMG CEO, to present the gov with boxes of matzah thanking him for his leadership. No reports or any mention of the Rabbi Eismann case was brought up with the gov.
- PSA: The public chametz burnings do not burn everything that goes into their dumpsters. Come to them at 1pm and you will see them brimming with chametz. Which is not a problem for chametz. But for challah, that is not sufficient. The challah must be burned. Either place them in the boxes for Sreifas Challah all over town, like outside Aisle 9 in Jackson. Or take a coal grill and make a fire with coal, and dump the challah inside. In that case, the grill will become treif. If you want to keep it, find a large can or metal baking tin and place it on top of the coals. After some hours, it should be burned to a crisp. Best if you cover most of the fire (not all) that the heat stays inside.(Submitted)
- A state inspector has been asked to review whether Yeshiva University, which is in a court battle with a group of L.G.B.T.Q. students over whether it must recognize their campus club, should have received $230 million in taxpayer funds after the university has said that it is a religious institution.
- Gov. Murphy Signs Law Decried as a ‘Frontal Assault’ on Good Government The bill doubles New Jersey’s campaign contribution limits and quashes investigations by a watchdog agency.
R; Hershel Herskowitz Discussing skyscrapers in Lakewood
Pesach Guide and info 5783 Lakewood
Monday, April 3, 2023
Lakewood DPW Satellite Locations to Bring Trash
Monday April 3 News Updates Lakewood
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Sunday April 2nd News Updates Lakewood
Weather: 53 Mostly sunny skies. High 53F. Winds at 20 to 30 mph. Higher wind gusts possible
Kiddush Levana
- לתועלת הרבים the Betty crocker pizza maker sold in Bingo (with the OK) does not require טבילה as the appliance are produced under Jewish ownership.
- Tens of thousands of yidden heading to Orlando and South Florida for Pesach. Those driving have left today coordinating minyanim along the route by sharing their live locations on watsapp groups.
- Some areas in Lakewood got power back on after 4pm. Areas of Jackson still out. Chaveirim bringing freezers for those who need it.
- Shiurei Chag haPessach by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin- Rav Elyashiv's Hagaddah's msg. הרב מיכאל סורוצקין watch Here
- NWS confirms 2 tornadoes touched down on shabbos one in Howell and one in Jackson "We have confirmed that a tornado occurred in the Howell Township, NJ area. This is likely separate from the Jackson, NJ tornado as there is a gap in the damage path" no details as to the exact locations.
- Tehillim: Chaya Ita Bracha bas Sarah Sheva a mother in critical condition
- Local Wawa in Jackson begins to enforce policy to ID Tabbaco purchases ahead of April 17. Wawa stores in NJ will check identification for 100% of tobacco and vape-related purchases. no matter how hold you are begging April 17.
- JCP&L thousands without power "Severe weather is causing power outages. Estimated restoration time will be provided when available
- Hagolaas Keilim for the public at NPGS Jackson 3:00pm - 6:00 pm
Saturday, April 1, 2023
Motzei Shabbos Hagadol 5783 Lakewood
-NWS: One tornado may have struck the Ramtown section of Howell Township in Monmouth County, where heavy tree damage was reported and video footage appeared to show a funnel cloud in between flashes of lightning.
- Reports of a fire at the Lakewood Matzoh Bakery in Lakewood, NJ has been confirmed to be nothing more than increased smoke condition, possibly related to nearby power outages. The bakery will resume its regular operations Sunday morning at 9 a.m. (Matzav)
- long lines at pizza shops
- Listen live Rabbi Moshe Elefant of the OU answers questions pesach products HERE on talkline.
- NWS: The severe weather threat has ended and all convective watches have been dropped. Breezy winds are still expected overnight, and a Wind Advisory remains in effect until 2 AM. Gusts above 45 MPH are possible.
- News 12 possible Tornado may have touched down in Jackson at Prospect rd & Aldrich rd. Areas without power
- Motzei shabbos before Pesach Lakewood supermarkets open until 2:00am. Judaica Plaza open tonight until 12:30 am
- Tefillos for Rav Avigdor Nevenzal shlita who is weak after getting covid and coming down with pneumonia. Name is אביגדור יחזקאל בן שיינכא הילדה
- Attorney for Trump, Joe Tacopina, said his client would not consider taking a plea deal “There’s no crime,” Tacopina argued.
A Tornado warning and watch was issued for the Lakewood area until 8pm as well as issued for parts of Monmouth and Ocean County. During shalosh Seudos time a powerful wind and rain storm hit the Lakewood area.
Since it was shabbos, residents did not see the alerts on phones of a potential tornado. The weather was nice and calm before quickly getting dark as the storm clouds moved in very quickly. Itbwent from 0- 70 in a few minutes. Powerful wind gusts had knocked down trees sent debree flying and shingles flying off roofs. It was followed by a hail storm, and more rain with thunder and lightning. The storm has moved North with tornado warnings in Newark,NJ. NWS says the winds were up to 70MPH. A possible tornado may have touched down in Howell. There are trees and wired down on the roadways, led says residents should be careful.
Damage below in Jackson,NJ photo OC Sherrif