Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Tuesday January 2 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 42° Plentiful sunshine. 

- BDE: Petirah of R Leiby Minzer Z"L of Lakewood at the age of 39. Levaya was held early Wed morning. He worked at NPGS. Leaves behind wife and 4 children. 

ברוך דיין האמת Rav Mattisyahu Solomon Zatzal
Levaya tomorrow at Lakewood yeshiva

- TEHILIM: BMG Mashgiach, Rav Matisyahu Solomon Shlita is in critical condition after suffering a cardiac arrest The Tzibur is asked to please Daven for R’ Matisyahu Chaim Ben Ettel.

-Petiirah of Mrs. Toni Berger, longtime manager of the kosher restaurant Mermelstein Caterers in Crown Heights, which provided food to the Rebbe's house, passed away. The levaya is today at the Lakewood  chapel 4:30pm.  She was 101. Mrs. Berger was born to the Mermelstein family in Vienna, Austria, in 1922. The family was connected to Bobov and Kapishnitz Chassidim. Prior to the outbreak of the Second World War, she went on the Kindertransport, the organized rescue effort of children from Nazi-controlled territory in 1938–1939. More at col

- Petirah of Mrs. Miriam Szmidt a”h, a longtime Monsey resident who recently moved to Lakewood She was 75. She is survived by her children – R’ Yitzchok Uri, R’ Nachum, R’ Shneur,  R' Eli, Mrs. Ziva Altman, and Mrs. Adina Haldorson. The levaya will take place tomorrow afternoon Wednesday in Lakewood.

- Harvard President resigns: Claudine Gay will resign Tuesday afternoon, bringing an end to the shortest presidency in the University's history.

- BDE: Tragedy in Yerushalayim a wall collapsed in a apt of  Mir Yeshiva bochurim in the bais Yisrael neighborhood on rechov Habesht due to illegal construction next door, as a result a 25 year old yeshiva bachur was niftar R"L he was learning in Silvers yeshiva his name is Itzik Steinberg Z"l he was staying with freinds who were at the Mir yeshiva.

- NJ monitor: In Shore district, incumbent-toppling rabbi brings a fresh voice to the Assembly Rabbi Avi Schnall will join the Assembly on Jan. 9 as the first Democrat to represent the 30th District in decades
“My vote in Trenton is what the district I represent wants me to vote. It’s not about what Avi Schnall feels as a personal, private individual. I no longer am a personal, private individual; I’m now an assemblyman representing 250,000 voters,” he said. “Every bill has to be judged on its own particular merits, with lots of dialogue from all sides.”
“The Democrats don’t need him in order to pass a bill. He’s not the 41st vote. They have 52 total votes. If he strays away from the party position, it’s not the end of the world,” Dworkin said. Moee

- Accuweather: Major winter storm brewing with snow, ice and rain to blast Northeast including those along Interstate 95, this weekend. Travel conditions will deteriorate due to snow, ice and rain. The Jersey shore area will likely have rain.

- The Sadigura rebbe from Bnei Brak will be spending next shabbos in Lakewood at the B"M on Holly Street rhe renbe will be in the US from Rosh Chodesh Shevat until 7 Shevat.

- Toms River Mayor Dan Rodrick discussed his plans to stop development and cut $500K in positions in town hall App reports " For the last eight years, the township has been rolling out the red carpet for developers," he said. "But when residents want to improve their property, they are tangled up in bureaucratic red tape....The special deals for politically connected developers ends today as well." Rodrick noted that the first item on the new council's agenda was repealing the controversial home inspection law, which  was causing delays and difficulties with property sales. (APP)


  1. Repeat

    The Mayors salary will increase from $88,000 to $108,000. It was $71,000 in 2021 and in 2018 it was $34,00.

    1. township committee and mayor are not employees they are elected officials for a part time job they have no right to keep raising their own salaries even worse they put themselves on other boards and commissions anyd get paid for that too through benefits and compensation
      Why won't they give those jobs to others instead of double and triple dipping

    2. I am horrifyed by the arrogance spoken by these leaders. The Mayor thinks anyone believes that zoom is more accessible and that he's at home depot to talk to people in person! Mr Miller position that the fact we reelected him is that we like the behavior and policies of the township commitee.
      WE DO NOT like the township committee- we vote for them because we respect out rabbanim. If the rabbanim said to vote a different way- they would lose in a second.

  2. "The Democrats don’t need him in order to pass a bill. He’s not the 41st vote. They have 52 total votes. If he strays away from the party position, it’s not the end of the world,” Dworkin said"
    But it stymied the potential several voting swing of several nearby districts
    How shrewd of them.
    The Democrat puppeteers & Murphy long grasp the frum have influence all way out of proportion

    The GOP had momentum. With possibility of sweeping into Assembly majority as per egNJ.com

    The same Ben Dworkin, director of the IPP and C at Rowan University, said shortly after the Democrats’ night was “stunning, not just a surprise.”

    1. Before the election they told us Schnall would have so much power because he is the swing vote who the Democrats need. Now they tell us that Schnall will have so much power becuase he is NOT a swing vote. Schnall did not affect the voting patterns in any other district. But whatever. Just remember that he promised us tuition relief and widening Route 9 . Over and over and over again. When is that happening?

    2. What exactly was the "momentum" that the GOP had? It was just bad polling. Probably will be hard to get anything passed in large majority - as no one single member is ever needed - complicated to scratch each other's backs

    3. That's a poor attempt at Monday morning quarterbacking.
      It was real & far from "just bad polling".
      Though it could seem too hard for avg. joe to digest. So okay. Your reaction is typical for your station.
      Something Happened.Dynamic.Now connect.

      p.s. Hold off till they spill the inside scoop, once everybody involved is long retired.

    4. One day, you and many with your view will wake up and discover that most of what you believed to be conspiracies were not. It will be a very uncomfortable feeling, realizing that this belief was just cover for complex internal issues that you are not dealing with. So probably makes sense to take some hard looks in the mirror and work on being happier in your life, even if that is a difficult process.

    5. Anon 2:22 - fantastic answer.
      Nobody ever lies to us, because 'look in the mirror'. Even when the lies are obvious, 'look in the mirror'.

    6. Oh dear sweet " innocence is bliss" folks.
      As long as it keeps you & yours content & warm
      We've all been there before, we've fortunately moved on upward from that
      We'll need to prepare therapists for when the inevitable wakeup crash comes as it will
      Have had too many relatives & interactions within Govt to have remained like that

  3. What a move
    Roped in by Moetzes, Moetzes miphleget haDemocrats

  4. The adirei askanim and Schnall campaign played the Lakewood olam as a fiddle and are not done yet watch how in the next election they will flip the next assembly eat with their bully tactics that was done last time. As brilliantly pointed out in the YTT video no one is falling for the free tuition promises the talking points of joining the democrats and having a seat at the table is only to kiss up to Murphy and the democrats machine in NJ by flipping a republican stronghold and maybe some yechidim will get favors.
    Important to remember despite all the media and websites making the assembly elect as the man of the year and other back slapping PR articles , the majority of registered voters in Lakewood did not show up to vote

    1. Statistically, it is the same thing. Had 50% or 70% shown up, the result would have been approximately the same. Unless you believe that specifically all the people that really cared about AS not getting elected decided to sit it out instead of doing the easy thing and voting against him??? Really find the grousing distasteful.

  5. Chevra first things first get the committee to have open public meetings. Insanity...

  6. I got a phone call from Adirei Hatorah this week asking me to donate. I told the poor fellow to get lost. I don't donate to Democrats.

    1. See the shmutz the Yated introduced.
      Someone was asked to give money for Bnei Torah and he refused, not because he didn't have the money, not because he had a better cause, but because the person fundraising was affiliated with someone, who pushed someone else to get elected on a certain party platform.
      You extremists are a churban, and those that push this extremism are עתידין ליתן את הדין for every such story.

    2. Which extremists? Those who make sure Judaism doesn't turn vapid & stays real(as some might suggest it is)


    3. As the purpose only of having an institution is going through the motions,& then continue getting fundraising to stay on that treadmill , is what matters to your type,you are very welcome to join a different branch of orthodoxy before you continue to spoil what we have.

      As far as thos of us ehrliche & the standards of those who preceded us are concerned
      let him give to Breslau,JTS, or YU, or Skokie, Heichal Shlomo before you turn this place into that category

    4. If that's extremism you're trying to refer us to: if we weren't considerate for your children's safety,
      עתידין ליתן את הדין please yes together

    5. It's a big,big nisayon for so many.Some have passed.Some fail.Lots of fancy moguls would give[n] us enormous sums as long we allow the removal away the relevance of torah for the real world

    6. The ones that ensure that Torah doesn't turn vapid are the Bnei Torah who horeve in learning and are supported in part by Adirei Hatorah.

      Not by those who chase goyishe hashkafaos on the internet and radio, and try and dress them up with a Stetson and goatee, calling them a beard and peyos.

    7. Ahh..shady .Where's your red pitchfork?
      The mizrachi used to make the very same claim to keep the ehrliche shtill.They had even a better trade off.They had full offered guaranteed support from a whole jewish state.

      Chassidim finagle like this too.
      & you're scared.Because you're well aware inside that as long as we stay straight,like Hillel & yoseph we're mechaayav you all
