Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Bnei Torah Who Work – A New Hashkafic Emphasis

Delivered By Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, Rosh Yeshiva of Slabodka in Bnei Brak

Recently, in light of the economic situation brought about by the Gaza War, the Rosh Yeshiva delivered at an assifa in Binyanei HaUmma, a new emphasis on an important point of Hashkafa

Prior to Matan Torah, Hashem told Moshe Rabeinu, to convey to Klal Yisroel (Shmos 19:5), “And now, if you obey Me and keep My covenant, you shall be to Me a treasure out of all peoples, for Mine is the entire earth.”

Chazal, in Mechilta D’Rabi Yishmael (Parshas Yisro) interpret the phrase “והייתם לי” to mean that the bnei yisroel should be entirely devoted to Hashem and engage solely in Torah study, and not in other matters.

Based upon this, Harav Aharon Kotler zt”l, said that ideally, the ideal situation is for all of klal yisroel to study Torah all their lives and not be involved in anything else but Torah study. However, since this is not attainable, since people need to earn a living and engage in worldly matters in order to sustain themselves.  However, in order to ensure the survival of klal yisroel, it is essential that at least a significant part of them be engaged in Torah study with no other concerns.

In Eretz Yisroel, for the past century, it was known that her Bnei Torah were engaged in Torah study for their entire lives. Even though there were also some kollelim and yeshivos abroad, when people came to Eretz Yisroel, they knew that the primary goal was to study Torah all their lives without being involved in other matters.

However, in the past twenty years, it has become clear that it is no longer possible for all avreichim to learn for their entire lives even in Eretz Yisroel, as Harav Aharon Kotler, zt”l mentioned regarding the general population of Klal yisroel. Obviously, there are those who need to be involved in other aspects to earn a living, etc.

Although initially there was no special focus on these individuals, and many fell between the cracks. However, today, this matter has expanded, and although Baruch Hashem the great majority of the Bnei Torah population remain within the category of “והייתם לי סגולה”, likewise, there are those who also work and are unable to engage solely in Torah study for their entire lives.

It is imperative, however, that our attitude toward them should not be that they are balei batimwho merely have a connection to the Torah, rather, our attitude must be the exact opposite:

They are Bnei Torah who had to engage in earning a living. This is both how they must view themselves, and this is how they must be viewed by all Bnei Torah.

This is not merely a turn of phrase or a characterization in semantics or language. They are truly Bnei Torah and that must be seen and expressed in three ways:

In thought: Understanding and knowing that these bnei torah wish they could study Torah all their lives, and what other activates they engage in besides Torah study is only a necessity because they have no choice.
In the observance of Halacha: The observance of Halacha at home and at work should be exactly like a full-time Ben Torah, including all other matters such as tefilah, tznius, and other Halachic issues. Regarding material matters, those who work for their livelihood can elevate their conditions according to their means above the simplicity that avreichim There is no reason for any difference between them.

Limud haTorah: Even those who work for their livelihood need to set aside specific times for Torah. The Chafetz Chayim, zt”l, writes extensively on the matter of keviaas itim, and of the importance of establishing regular study times for Torah study for each individual.
Kovaya Itim for Torah study has three aspects to it:

Kvias Itim – means studying each and every day on a regular basis. There is no day that can go by devoid of Torah study.
Kvias Itim means setting aside a specific amount of time, an hour or two each night, as many hours as one can.

Kvias Itim also means that they should not think that, since they are not avreichim, they do not need to delve deeply and understand what they are studying on a very deep level. They erroneously think that they should learn quickly with little understanding, this is actually incorrect.  They are Bnei Torah who had to become involved in other things.  However, when they are learning, they need to learn with a full depth of understanding according to their particular talents.
I know avreichim Talmidei chachamim in America who work for their livelihood. When they return from their jobs at four  or five PM, they go directly to the Beis medrash for second seder.

I also know an individual who even published a sefer; he studies complex topics and publishes seforim. In America today, this has become widespread, with some following a simple daily daf gemara and others delving more b’iyun, resembling the bnei torah in yeshivas.

In conclusion, the Chafetz Chaim cites Rabbeinu Yonah in a letter who states, “People who neglect their work and go home when they are idle or occupy themselves with trivial matters, their iniquity is great, and their sin is severe, as they belittle the Torah. If only they understood that there is no end to the reward for Torah study, they would surely return to the beis medrash!”

This fundamental point must be remembered – even those who work for their livelihood remain Bnei Torah. They are workers yet are still Bnei Torah in all aspects. Therefore, Bnei Torah who work should be collectively included in the category of Avreichim and not as simple balei batim.

Each and every one should study according to his own particular ability. Various inclusive frameworks should be established within the kollelim.   They should include those who study more analytically, as well as those who study ingreat depth, and those who focus on Halacha and similar subjects.

By achieving this, we will be mekadesh shem shamyim, those who work for their livelihood will not depart from the category of “Bnei Torah.” May the ribono shel olam grant strength to these Bnei Torah to achieve the maximum that they can as true Bnei Torah in all the aforementioned aspects. May Hashem grant them the special strength needed to face the challenges that come from their involvement in work, and succeed in both areas. Amain!

Please note:  The Rosh Yeshiva shlita will be in the United States for the dinner on January 28th at the Marriot for more information email

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