Saturday, January 27, 2024

Israel At War Motzei Shabbos Beshalach

 Israel At war day 113

- The NYT is reporting that: "American-led negotiators are edging closer to an agreement in which Israel would suspend its war in Gaza for about two months in exchange for the release of more than 100 hostages still held by Hamas, a deal that could be sealed in the next two weeks. There will be talks in Paris tomorrow to iron this out and overcome the remaining differences. 
 In the first phase, fighting would stop for about 30 days while women, elderly, and wounded hostages were released by Hamas. During that period, the two sides would work out details of a second phase that would suspend military operations for roughly another 30 days in exchange for Israeli soldiers and male civilians being held. 

- An Unnamed Middle Eastern Nation has reportedly provided Intelligence to Hezbollah which states that Israel is in the Final Stages of planning an Invasion of Southern Lebanon following the End of Military Operations in the Gaza Strip.

- Australia, Canada, Finland, Italy, and the U.K. have followed the lead of the United States in announcing a Total Halt in Funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the U.N. Organization which is Responsible for Humanitarian Work in the Palestinian Territories, following reports yesterday from Israeli Officials that at least 12 of its Staff Members had Participated in the October 7th Massacre against Southern Israel


  1. שבת היא מלזעוק
    עת צרה ליעקב וממנו יושע
    בימים טרופים אלו אשר כל בית ישראל מצפים ומיחלים לישועת ה' הקרובה עלינו לחזק הברית בינינו לאבינו שבשמים. אשרי נשי חיל שקיבלו על עצמם לקבל שבת מוקדם להביא ברכה אל בתיהם.
    שבת מקור הברכה
    ראוי ונכון להוסיף בקדושת השבת ביציאתה גם כן, בפרט לאנשים, וכל שכן לבני תורה. תוספות שבת היא חיוב מעיקר הדין על כן הננו קואץראים לכל הציבור החשוב להוסיף בקדושת השבת לכל הפחות עשר דקות אחר זמן צאת השבת לשיטת רבינו תם. וכל המוסיף מוסיפין לו חיים ברכה ושלום.
    ובזכות השבת ה' ישמרנו ויצילנו מכל נגע וצער.
    בציפיתא לישועה,
    וועד הרבנים

  2. There is something to be said about when a country commits the most heinous crimes against women (and children for that matter), that the retaliation has to be massive and prolonged. People have to take some kind of responsibility for the actions of their government. Whether it is fair or not, that is the way of the world. It is not revenge, but indignity and deterrence. The attack on October 7 was the action of a government. True, the people have lived under harsh conditions, but that is no excuse for the depravity the humanity witnessed on that day.

    1. So which is it:you agree or disagree
