Sunday, January 7, 2024

Sunday January 7 News Updates Lakewood

- Weather forecasters are looking at a potential serious storm threat that could bring significant and widespread flooding to the state Tuesday with up to 4 inches of rain and wind gusts up to 60 mph along the Jersey shore” the National Weather Service said in its update Sunday morning.

- Updated: Shiva information for the mashgiach Rav Mattisyahu Salomon zatzal. 637 6th st
Shachris 8:00am
Mincha 1:45 pm
Maariv: 7:45pm
The family asks that as a kavod for the mashgiach no one should enter the home with an unfiltered device.

- Bde: Petirah of R' Menachem Daum Z"L of Boro Park at age of 77 levaya held today in bp

- Six yidden nifter today in Borp Park Here

- Shiur: Why the Mashgiach ztl came to Lakewood, from his son in law Rav Yisroel Moshe Sorotzkin shlita HERE addressing the dream the mashgiach spoke about from Rav Aaaron Kotler zatxal about staying in Lakewood 

- Playa Bowls on Rt 9 N in Howell near Kohls is under the hashgacha and kosher supervision of the JSOR the dairy  is NOT  Chalav Yisroel the strawberries are checked daily most of the items are parve.

- Shiva for the mashgiach Rav Mattisyahu Salomon zatzal is at the home on 6th st between Lakewood Ave and Private Way, his sons will be sitting in Lakewood 

- Shiva for R Leiby Minzer A"h is at 11 Remon ln Lakewood (White Oak) Mincha 4:30 Maariv 5:30 getting up Tuesday 

- Gathering for ladies tonight to commemorate the first yartzeit of Mrs. Shevy Askenazy a"h at Chayei Yisroel Simcha hall 11 Gudz Rd. @7:45pm Speaking Rav Uri Deutsch and others

- Ahead of the BMG freezer opening on Tu B'Shvat with rosh chodesh shevat thisbweek,the hanholas hayeshiva sent a reminder about keeping the takanas Hayeshiva for bochurim who cane for winter zman  not to meet a  perspective shidduch until Tu Bshvat.

- Manchester Kosher supermarket Manko will be opening this Thursday Jan 11 it is located on Rt 70 acroos Toast cafe

- The Lakewood Planning Board is about to go through some serious shakeups. FAA  reports, the township committee has not reappointed a member who was vocal against developers seeking to quietly get approval for changes to already approved applications without notifying the neighbors of the change requests. The previous chairman Yechiel Herzel has been brought back see full story here

- Biden will pull out of presidential race over poor health, top JPMorgan strategist predicts


  1. Almana with 4 yesomim and a baby on the way

  2. Signs of mashiach we live in a town with blatant corruption and no Busha at all the politicians are not even hiding their corrupt ways they do so openly and have protection from powerful askanim with deep pockets
    The non stop theft of public taxpayers money taken from hard working mishpachos while giving tax breaks to the well connected גזילת כספי ציבור and נזקי שכנים people are hurting and crying out
    These games can't continue
    Chazal speak very strongly about such actions
    It's mind boggling that in a עיר התורה such a corrupt entity exists and our leaders are silent or even supportive

    1. This has happened all before elsewhere in different goliyos.Over & over.
      Problem is here we are again..Rather than keep on repeating the same travesties with the same tragic denouements. You would assume people would care to improve on the unhappy past once & for all for the sake of all of us.But obviously..

    2. And of course they claim to do it לשם שמים using the תורה as a קרדום לחפור בו
      They have priced the youngeleit out of housing
      Caused wasted time and bittul Torah by Million upon millions of collective hours wasting people's time in sitting in traffic
      Caused machlokes among neighbors
      Raised taxes on poor families while they line their pockets
      Helped the connected ones everyone else is stepped on
      The לשמ שמים excuse doesn't add up

  3. Lakewood Supermarket Specials

  4. Are the strawberries being washed and checked by an experienced mashgiach ? Passing the water thru a cloth and checking cloth on light box?
    Or the workers are doing washing and JSOR is approving that very different. Please clarify

    1. Reb Moshe Vaye holds strawberries are not cleanable. Period. They must be pealed.

  5. Ppl have to understand the jsor caters for a much different clientele and is therefore lenient in many things in order to help many keep kosher

    1. You obviously cater to a gullible clientel who believe your lenient truths about hechsherim.

  6. Then they should be open about that
