Thursday, February 10, 2022

Why Is This Okay?

 No, not the Superbowl ads in the local papers which is not ok. They even got brazen this year by not even hinting but spelling it out in full. Yet, Something else that takes place this time of year. A local kosher supermarket was selling balloons associated with a current holiday that is of Christian origin. A quick Google search says the day originated as a Christian feast day honoring  Saint Valentine. Even if this was an oversight on the stores part it shows a total lack of sensitivity to the Lakewood community. If you understand that frum stores dont sell holiday trees this should be for the same reason.

Update: to their credit the store has removed the items.


  1. Why is it ok for this very Frum Olam to keep voting in the same Crooked leaders that fleece us for every cent, and destroying the quality of life in Lakewood

    1. Because the smart ones among us realize that no matter who we vote in, it won't change, so why risk new people. There is a story of the satmar rebbe where someone told him they should fire an administrator because he siphons off funds, and has been doing so for years. The rebbe told him, if they take someone new he will need to catch up so he will steal much more while the guy who has been there for years will take less, because he basically has already funded his needs.

    2. Same guys for years who are the official defendant of these politicals, now turn on a dime to The other Extreme to tell they're all the same and it's hopeless

      That the same reason you guys push for Democrat on the state level

  2. Because Lakewood is a town full of people that "do" the mitvas. We have lost what it means to be a jew. Our amhaaretz grandparents in Europe were better Jews than us, even if they barely knew anything.
    Modern day Lakewood is a bunch of "practicing" jews with no essence of yiddishkeit. The goyishe way has deeply penetrated our everyday lives. There is nothing technically wrong with Basketball leagues, super bowl parties, sports tv watching parties, going to games/concerts/gambling, karate leagues, gun range lessons, etc. But none of our earlier generations participated in these type of activities and shunned it. I still remember when a certain rav from EY ran around the world with pictures of monkeys watching TV, teaching us that we shouldn't be engrossed in it. Today we are advertising "Jewish" options. When the baal habbos's super bowl party is bigger than his shas siyum, we have failed in yiddishkeit. When we feel that a license plate that reads "SHASYID" is acceptable, we have failed. When we build mansions with huge windows so everyone can see in to our homes, we have failed. When we greet roshei yeshivas in our homes, but can't bother to change out of our Jeans, we have failed. Welcome to Lakewood.

  3. You're bashing a whole town with the push of your buttons as if it's unique to this specific town. Big mistake.
    We all know that this dor is a dor that has indulgence in gashmiyus vs other doros when the challenges were more of mind as in all the isms. Hisbonenus which can bring to either Emuna or Kfira r"l vs. just giving in to Tavos and Taanugim without the whole deep shita about it.
    I don't see a reason nor a clear based fact to say that this is unique to Lakewood.
    And yes I've been around to many other places.

    1. My previous comment was intended to be a reply to commenters named ab at 6:34

    2. Yeah but there's the difference. The other towns were built up with a different paradigm have a semi valid excuse. Lakewood has failed and should file for bankruptcy

    3. Monsey might be similar category?

  4. Sad that priority of above statement is concerned about Balloons and a Ball,not the SAFETY and Well being of our Children and fellow residents, 100 plus Accidents a day and our wise and Greedy leaders take the cue from Joe Biden, "there's nothing to see here" as we scrape more bodies off our congested streets and the Lakewood poop shows us the gory pictures of these countless accidents,The poop paper is our very own CNN,controlled mouthpiece of our Very own leaders,kinda like Pravda in Russia

  5. Yes,so All you wise commentators,keep on debating over Balloons and footballs while our children are run over on a Daily Basis,I guess,folks have their Prioriies

  6. Amazing to watch week after week,our Very Corrupt planning and zoning boards,many of whom line their pockets with Cash Totally Ignore the many pleas of residents to Slow development,do you think Cross St already a parking lot can handle a few more 1000 cars,just one example

  7. Interesting timing,Cross St area Now!!! Head on collision,Bus and Mini van,I suppose the extra few 1000 homes at the golf course will only Enhance the situation

    1. As long as we stop Shuls being built that’s all that matters. Traffic in and other area and from any other cause is all ok. Just not Shuls.
