Sunday, February 20, 2022

Oif Simchas כ' אדר א' תשפ''ב

Sorscher - Zuckerman Bais Faiga
Pruzansky - Spero Kesser Moshe Yehuda

- Yeshiva Yesodei Hatorah annual dinner at Fountain Ballroom

- Tonight Rebbetzin Rena Tarshish event for married womenThe Gift of being present gaining clarity for ourselves and our children in this digital age. at Orchos Chaim hall 410 Oberlin doors open 7:45 pm


  1. is there currently any rent control ordinance in effect in lakewood nj?

    1. Menashe Miller, while he was Mayor, abolished the special board overseeing the rent control ordinance. But he was unsuccessful at abolishing the ordinance itself.

      The rules protecting tenants still apply in Lakewood, much to his chagrin.

    2. So, who in Lakewood government deals with issues concerning the rent control regulations? How did Miller arrange enforcement of these protections?? What precipitated him to make this drastic change?

      He didn't just leave the tenants to fend for themselves, did he?

    3. For committeemen that are making up to $80,000 each year, you would think that they'd do more to protect the residents. Seems like they left us high and dry.

  2. No in Lakewood the only thing they control is their pockets

  3. according to the current ordinance
    what is the maximum amount any landlord can raise the rent?
