Sunday, February 6, 2022

Sunday Feb 6th News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Partly cloudy. High 33F rest of week will be in the 40's & 50's

 - NWS: Ice accumulations may result in disruptions to travel on Monday. from 3 am - 8 am

- U.S. officials are warning that Russia could invade Ukraine at any moment, where troop losses for Ukraine could be as high as 25,000 killed or wounded while Russia could lose as many as 10,000 troops.(NBC)

- Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office On snow sump incident from last week “We are investigating with Lakewood Police Department, ”No charges have been filed at this time. The investigation is ongoing.”

- Multiple Yeshiva School Buses were sprayed with swastika graffiti on Division Ave & Rodney St.

- White House says in a statement that President Biden "looks forward" to visiting Israel later this year.

- Mayor of Ottawa declares a state of emergency in the city due to the ongoing protest. Ottawa Police move against Freedom Convoy protesters to seize fuel supplies

- Chanukas Habayis Merkaz Kolelim Gevuros Aharon 1500 Malibu Drive corner Lanes mill 3:30 pm

-eCap Summit  for the healthcare industry gets underway in Miami February 6-8 2022.
- BDE: BD”E – Harav Yitzchak Bretler, Zt”l Rosh Yeshiva in ITRI 24 serving alongside Harav Shlomo Fisher, zt”l. see more here 

- Israel covid numbers 1254 in serious condition 288 on ventilators 56 deaths yesterday 440 in the last week
- Tehillim Viznitzer Rebbe of London, shlita, who has taken ill recently. Please be mispallel for a refuah shleimah for Dovid ben Sima Mirel

- Girls high school entrance exam today at Bais Faiga. 8th grade girls will ne applying to 15 schools.
- Shas-A-Thon taking place today at Kalahari convention center where 309 Lomdim will finish shas under one roof Siyum at 6:30 pm. Funds go to benefit the A Time org. Watch live Here

- Several pot holes in the roadways after last weeks snow storm.

- A first time fundraiser was held in Lakewood last night for tomchei torah on behalf of yeshivas Brisk Yeeushalayim a substantial amount waa raised for the yeahiva 

- In an interview with the Lakewood shopper Committeeman R' Isaac Ackerman was asked about the raises in the MUA and township he said he rather not comment but that inflation may have been a factor. He is  not benefitting from the MUA  raise or free healthcare for life perk. He was asked why they are only meeting once a month and said that they dont have much work but if yes they can add another meeting.

- According to the state Department of Community Affairs, the average assessed value of a home in Lakewood in 2021 was $340,863, +1.1% from 2020. $229,977,290 was collected in property taxes, of which 47.7% went to the school district, 31.4% to the township and 20.9% to the county.(Onejerseyshorr on Twitter)

- BDE: Rav Yaakov Homnick zt"l See mire at Matzav

-Video Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi at B"M Lutzk Chanukas Habayis

Rav Ezrachi shlita visits Rav Yeruchom Olshin shlita(photo credit to the photographer)


  1. Akerman said that inflation may have been a factor? Really?? Well the steep raises they doled out to themselves are way way higher than the rise in inflation rates. Plus, all these people were already getting paid over the top. Now they want to totally break the pay ceiling at our expense?!!

    This grab-and-go pay raise ordinance is totally unjustified. For shame!

    1. The committeemen obviously think that the residents are walking around with signs on their backs saying, "kick me!"

    2. I have enough bills alreadyFebruary 6, 2022 at 2:21 PM

      How is this highway robbery allowed to take place in broad daylight?

      I don’t know anyone that thinks we’re getting our money's worth. These people are too expensive to keep. If anything, we should be lowering our payments to them.

  2. The Committeemen voted for themselves full time salaries for not even part time jobs. (There are many residents who do break their backs working full time 9-5 jobs all year long, and still don’t get the same level salary as our “elected” members of the committee.) They also added free lifetime healthcare as an extra kicker. Then they tripled the MUA commissioner position (which they gave to themselves and their cronies) salaries for something that doesn’t even qualify as a job.

    And guess who gets to pay the hefty bills? You got it. It’s You and me and all other hardworking barely-making-ends-meet families in Lakewood.

    But the Committee will still dare to suggest (as they already have at the MUA meeting) that if you need help, you can always apply to a charity organization to dig you out of debt.

    1. The Ocean County Utilities Authority commissioners are much busier with many more meetings and packed agendas which cover the entire ocean county area of over 900 square miles. They receive zero salary.

      Lakewood MUA commissioners, on the other hand, are basically running a vacation schedule and make decisions affecting half a town of 25 square miles, and yet they get 15,000% more than the OCUA.

      Please explain why the MUA commissioners get any salary at all? They should’ve just been happy with what they had. Being greedy on our dime is unacceptable.

    2. Ackerman said he's not on the MUA.

    3. Last week, the Howell township council had a chance to vote on a proposed Ordinance to raise their annual salaries from 7.5K to a whopping maximum of 12K. However, they instead voted not to consider the ordinance change. Their mayor, a democrat, explained that it was "an insult to Howell taxpayers" to think only about themselves. Howell Township is over 61 square miles in size. Lakewood Township is barely 25 square miles.

      If Howell's council members suffice in taking a maximum annual salary of only 7.5K, why do Lakewood’s committeemen need to give themselves between 8 to more than 10 times that amount?!

    4. Wow. The Shopper reported that the MUA controls water/sewer for only 11 square miles of our town. And still our do-nothing MUA commissioner members get paid DOUBLE the salary of Howell's governing council who control over 61 miles of practically everything in town. Crazy..

  3. I love Rabbi Ezrachi's yarmulke. Where do they sell them? I want to wear one too

  4. It's in this weeks parasha !

  5. I was shocked and disgusted and im sure anyone else that was by the lutzk shul last night when a speaker got up and spoke nivul peh in front if a bunch if bochurim and yeshiva yungerleight whats going on this chutzpah and azus noone making a mechu

  6. Did they ask him why in WG kids can’t Daven in shul?

    1. Watch it! Mentioning Westgate kids is literally playing with fire!
