Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Wednesday Feb 9 News Updates Lakewood

Weather:  Plentiful sunshine. High 48F.

- 50 new covid cases in Lakewood 23545/360
- 12 new covid cases in Jackson +1 death 12417/139
- 39 new cases in Toms River +2 deaths totals 21020/411

- Hespedim and Divrei Zikaron on Maran Rav Shmuel Auerbach tonight in Vizhnitz Hall on Clifton. Divrei Zikaron by Rav Lipa Geldwerth Shlita.

-  President of Ukraine believes Russian invasion unlikely (WSJ)
- Tehillim: Please daven for Yaakov Ben Tamar Malka 5 year old boy in critical condition who was hit by a car in Flatbush
- Gas priceeshoot up again $3.50 a gallon inp Lakewood
- Hafganos against the giyus law took place today in Bnei Brak

- Murphy lifted mask mandates in schools was not about the science but about the politics: NYT reports "The effort began last fall, after he was stunned by the energy of right-wing voters in his blue state, who nearly ousted him from office in what was widely expected to be an easy re-election campaign." Arranging a series of focus groups across the state to see what they had missed, Murphy’s advisers were struck by the findings: Across the board, voters shared frustrations over public health measures, a sense of pessimism about the future and a deep desire to return to normalcy.(H/T onejerseyschorr)

 -Tehillim: A Lakewood Mother in critical condition after she suddenly collapsed.please be mispalel for Sarah bas Yehudis Rechil. (LNN)

- NY Gov Hochul announces New York's statewide mask-or-vaccine mandate to be lifted tomorrow,  for indoor businesses.

- Toldos Avrohom Yitzchock rebbe asked his chasidim not to wear shtreimels that are more than 5 inches tall. The rebbe commented on the new shtreimel trends that get taller and taller making it hard to differentiate from a spodik and that it no longer is similar to the original nostalgic shtreimel.

- Viznitz chasidim  from across america gathered this sunday at the Ritz arena in Elizabeth, NJ for a asifa on Tznius the dais was graced with 7 vizhnitz rebbes, the brother from London is not well and undergoing treatments. As a zechus for refuah sheleima some women took upon themselves to shorten the length of their sheitel.  

- NWS: We've heard the many reports of a loud boom or shaking sound in portions of southern New Jersey yesterday afternoon. USGS does not indicate any seismic activity, and as far as we are aware, it was not of meteorological origin.

LIC meeting today 11;30 am watch live stream Here

- Forecasters are keeping an eye on for Sunday - Monday for potential snow storm as of now it looks like the area will just miss the a bigger impact but close enough to throw light snow.

- Mesivta Farhers begin today hatzlacha to all the boys

- Bde: Tragedy 23 year old chosson Yaakov Yitzchok Grozinger Z"L from Boro Park was suddenly niftar during a visit to Eretz Yisrael 3 weeks before his chasunah he was  hospitalized with pneumonia or from a onfection. He was to marry the daughter of R' Yoli Lebovitz the badchan/singer who just got up from shiva for his brother. The chosson learned in the Chaburas Geldzhaler of Mir yeshiva in Yerushalayim. Levaya 11:30 am watch here 
R' Yoely Lebovits tweets "I’m shattered to pieces. I was supposed to marry off my daughter to Yanky and walk him down the aisle in a few weeks. Instead we’re walking  him to his eternal rest. Yanky we loved you".

- Judge overturns approval by the Lakewood zoning board. Superior Court Judge Marlene Lynch Ford presiding over a case  ruled in favor of the plaintiff's and overturned the approval of the board to build on 6 lots by Spruce & Vine.

-NJ Dept. of health pulled a series of ads geared for the Lakewood community after backlash to the bad depiction of orthodox Jews. They are redoing the ads.

- Shiva for Habachur Shlomo Sorotzkin Z"L is at 12 Sequoia (Pine River) Lakewood shachris 8:00 am Mincha 5:00 pm, Maariv 9:30 pm 


  1. I can't believe that the NJ DOH pulled those ads. I'm not yet vaxxed, but after I saw the ads I was gonna get vaxxed, but now they pulled the ads... I'm so confused, I don't know what to do.

    1. Grow some long peyos and you'll be fine.

    2. Is this what you look like after the vaccine???
      I'll pass.

  2. Name of case? Attorney for plaintiffs? Defendant?

    1. The decision in Davis et al. vs. Lakewood Board of Adjustment and 118 Ocean Ave, LLC to overturn the zoning board resolution requires the defendant developer to start over from scratch because he received unjustified approvals for his lot at Block 837 Lot 1, which is located at the intersection of Spruce & Vine.

      Hopefully, the developer won't be so greedy next time and will be honest about his application, unlike what he did with his school & housing application on Ridge Ave.

      If not, the neighbors will take it back to court again with attorney Jan Meyer.

    2. Is there a link to the docket?

    3. There is no link. The Docket is OCN-L-002954-20.
      Do you have an email address to send to?

  3. Please say tehillim for a 5 yr old boy who was hit by a car in flatbush. Yaakov ben Tamar Malka

  4. Rabbi Milstein’s weekly Chumash shiur is ON tonight at 830. Come and bring a friend. At Ishay Yisroel 110 Miller Rd

  5. Joke- What's the difference between a shtreimel and a spodik?
    Answer: A shtreimel is higher.
    Seriously, the tall talll shtreimal looks utterly ridiculous. The dignity once associated with wearing ashtreimel has been shot dead by the tall ones, which of course are a real money maker becasue they force everyone to keep "upgrading" to the higher models. What have we become?? Such silliness.

    1. What's the difference between a Power Ranger and a Mitzvah Kinder?
      All childish nonsense.

    2. Totally crazy, right? Reminds me Shaitels...
      The difference is that what difference does it really make by Shtreimels

  6. This is where Agudah shnall and the vaad dont get, most of NJ hates Murphy but they pushed for him because he bought them off
