Monday, February 7, 2022

What's With All the Raises!

 Article in the Lakewood Shopper Q&A with Lakewood township Committeeman R' Isaac Akerman

Why are meetings still held virtually 
Why only once a month
Are the raises justified.


  1. The meetings are now at most 1 time a month some times cancelled, they are very quick with little input from public or committee. there used to be a pre meeting upstairs more of conversation and more input and then downstairs. they consolidated both. has anyone heard or saw from mike delia recently? menashe miller or meir Lichtenstein? what are they all up to besides figuring out how to secure raises

    1. It's clear to me that the committeemen are doing everything they can to limit both their own and their agenda's exposure to the public.

      Go try getting the type of salary with benefits they're giving themselves with the same level of work product they're providing us, and see how long it'll take for you to get fired.

  2. Stop the talk! Time for action!
    If people work now to find viable alternatives, they can primary them in the summer, using this story as part of their campaign material. But if all we do is complain, or put up non-viable candidates, we will learn nothing from the whole story. Don't put up whiners, extremists or ideologues. Find a pragmatic person, with a history of getting things done.
    Nu! Get to work already!

    1. Sounds like you have it all worked out. Good luck finding someone.

  3. This year only Ackerman is up for reelection. Are we kicking him out? Wait till next year? By next year this is all old news, swept away in the dustbin of history.

  4. We need to change the form of Government. The Faulkner act. We need a full time mayor and seven member council. We need to change this ASAP. Like every big city. We can run this place like a yeshiva anymore or worse.

  5. just want to understand- they are getting 65,000 to meet once a month????

    1. Yes. Though a few committeemen are getting paid a lot more than that.

  6. No they are getting that salary for giving their lives up for the Klal massur blev vanefesh mamash working tirelessly day and night to help the Klal. It is hard to find such askanim.

  7. I wish I could vote for my salary! Why is that not something we the people vote for during election season? Not that it would help in a town of sheep but let’s at least make believe.

  8. The Mayor went from $22,000 to $71,000.

    1. The Mayor’s new number is $80,000.
      The Deputy Mayor’s is $68,000.
      The rest are $65,500.

  9. Protests is what we really need already
