Thursday, February 10, 2022

Oif Simchas/Events/Shiurim י' אדר א' תשפ''ב

Waldman - Rothstein Ne'emas Hachaim
Greenberger - Schechter Ateres Reva
Nadoff - Keller Fountain Ballroom

- Renewal swab event looking for kidney donor for a 3 year old Lakewood boy at  365 E 7th street 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

 - Sheva Brachos for the grandson of the Koson Rebbe of Oak and vine neighborhood at Tashbar Hall 82 Oak st Lakewood 7:30 pm

- Asifas chizuk at B"M Chanichei Hayeshivos
divrei hisoirerus by Harav shlomo Feivel Schustal shlita  followed by Tehillim for a refuah and  yeshuah due to the current matzav of the Marah  D'asra  Harav Yaakov Landau shlita who is in need of rachmei shamayim. 142 Hollywood 10:30 pm

- Shaar Habitachon shiur by Reb Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin at 84 Mill pond rd Jackson, Maariv 9:15 shiur 9:30 - 10:30 pm followed by song and farbrengen. Or Watch on Zoom
Meeting ID: 875 3368 9757
Passcode: 712543
- HaRav Yechiel Moskowitz Shlita will give a Shiur on Parshas Hashavuah tonight at 10:30. Chayeinu 732-301-4043 option 9
- Harav Yosef Dovid Korbman Shlita , Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedola South Lakewood Weekly Thursday Night Chumash Shuir is Beh Every Thursday Night at 11:15 pm at Bais Yitzchok (BMG) Ezras Nashim
- (No Chumash shiur by  HaRav Yeruchum Olshin shlita tonight) 
 last week of Shovavim
- Minyan to say Entire sefer Tehillim at BM of Skver on W. Kennedy Friday mornings during shovavim 5:35 am followed by Shachris at 7:30 am

- Miyan Tehillim at Satmar E. Kennedy 5:30 am Friday morning

-Erev shabbos asifa for shovavim at Kollel Vasikin 12:40 county Line & Clifton