Friday, February 11, 2022

Friday Feb 11 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Mostly sunny high of 58
Erev Shabbos Parshas Tezaveh
- Candle lighting 5:09 pm Shkiah/Sunset 5:27 pm. Shabbos day high of 60F.

- The U.S. believes Putin has decided to invade Ukraine and communicated those plans to the Russian military and will make its move next week 'US officials anticipate a horrific, bloody campaign that begins with two days or aerial bombardment and electronic warfare, followed by an invasion, with the possible goal of regime change.(Reporter for PBS)

- Israel evacuating relatives of embassy staff in Ukraine, Reuters reports. Earlier today, Japan, South Korea, and the Netherlands advised citizens to leave the country.

- Skulen Rebbe shlita of Lakewood will be spending shabbos in Route 9 south areas of town.Tefillos will take place at Sterling forest. presidential estates and the Friday night tish will be held at YTT on Vine street.

- As several Lakewood Rabbonim have testified, today the European Medicines Agency's (equivalent to the FDA) is looking into reports of problems with women's menstruation tied to the use of mRNA covid  vaccines, it said Friday investigating both cases of heavy bleeding, as well as missed periods(Reuters

- Greg Kelly from Newsmax tweeted out yesterday “It’s gonna be KAMALA on the Supreme Court.”. Senator Ted Cruz made a silllilar speculation a few days ago that rhe VP will go to supreme to get her out of the way as Bidens numbers plummet 

Jnews-  Board members disdain for בני תורה? "discourages a resident from speaking; tells him “Go back to your chavrusa ”yells at a Yungerman “don’t give us lectures about it” did not allow a resident to read a letter from Satmar Dayan שליט’א. More

- A fire at Camping World in Lakewood has shut down Route 9 in both directions fromp pp Cross st to Rt 70 Officials say it broke out around 6:30 

- Forecast calls for 1 to 3 inches of snow for southern N.J beginning Sunday morning.

- Daf Yomi makes siyum on Moed Katan begins Maseches Chagiga today.

- No trash pickup today in Lakewood, town offices closed for holiday.

- A man who called 911 refuses help from Orthodox Jewish EMTs in Lakewood more

- Israel covid numbers 1,074 hospitalized in serious condition 267 on ventilators 23 on ECMO nachines 198 deaths this week.

- Howell township paid $560,000 in legal fees over five years  battling with Congregation Kollel to stop a proposed yeshiva before reaching a settlement.

- Lakewood Rosh Hayeshiva Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita celebrated his granddaughters wedding last night easing the covid restrictions he had been practicing since the onset of the pandemic. Watch Video at chesuna Here

Video: Crowd welcomes Rav Chaim Kanievsky at a Dirshu Siyum in Yerushalayim last night


  1. עקיבא בן יוסףFebruary 11, 2022 at 5:51 AM

    He could of listened, said thank you, and vote the wrong way - no need to treat רבנים this way

  2. Why is Rav Chaim kanievsly treated like a rock star with disco lights. He is the gadol hador it is not bakovedik how he is welcomed

  3. Board members treat residents like garbage. Do you remember how they treated Harav Feivel Cohen shlita when he spoke up about the infamous cedarbridge mall. The board cut him off and didnt give him any respect or time to speak a Talmid chochom muflag and an elderly man was ignored and belittled.
    Shame on us that these are the ones who represent us

  4. Wow nice opinion piece in this weeks issue of The Shopper. Yes the public officials need to know they work for us!!

  5. I bet A Good Atty and a Real traffic Eng.that can do a Real traffic Study of Rt 9 and the entire CrossSt could have the Mega 1000 home golf course thrown out based a quite Doctored and Fraudulent original traffic Study presented to the Bd,the area cannot handle traffic Now,how will it absorb 3000 plus cars buses trucks

  6. they are not investigating any infertility issues...

    the article you linked says

    The agency on Friday added that there was also no evidence to suggest that COVID-19 vaccines affected fertility.

    1. Why let accuracy get in the way of a good agenda?
