Wednesday, February 2, 2022

New: Famous Novi Shiur now in Lakewood on Motzei Shabbos

Special Announcement   We are excited to announce that the world famous Novi shuir given by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlit"a which until this point was given only in Hebrew will now be given in English on a weekly basis  starting Motzai Shabbos Parshas Truma, 5782 Feb 5th,2022  at  9:00- 9:45 PM. in Kollel Ner Avrhom 104 Arbutus Dr, Lakewood, NJ 08701   The Shuir will also be available on zoom (details to follow).   This comprehensive shuir will start from  ספר יהושע   Sefer Yehoshua and will focus on both Halacha and Agada. The shuir will be all encompassing with a special emphasis on the historical context- סדר הדורות  and a unique focus on משנת הגר״א   We request all those that are interested in joining weekly to please call or text 908-670-1233 
  The Organizers


  1. I'd rather it be in Yiddish. Reb Michoel's yiddish us tzu leken der fingers.

  2. Interesting. I never heard of this Shiur and I never heard of this person. Care to share any other info other than that it is "world famous"?

    1. Just search his name on google and you will see what the tumel and the ra'ash is all about. Hefkervelt is running some of his super geshmake droshos over the past few months.

    2. A magid Shiur that I would only know about through searching on Google?
      Ok I got it.
      Thank you.

    3. What is he to Reb Yitzchok?

  3. Why do you have to call to join a shiur?

  4. I'm looking for more info on Rav Moshe Meir Weisss wendsday night chumash Shiur. I enjoyed it when it was at mordys shteible. I think they moved. If someone has info please post.

  5. I miss the Breathtaking,Sofas Emes Shiur given by Reb Eli Roberts,it was the only shiur in town that had seatbelts on each chair

  6. I also miss the standing room only Tanya Shiur Thursday nites in R Blechs shul,full of thirsty BMG boys

  7. Maybe someone can post the different shiurim that take place during the week and what inyan...

  8. Who is this rabbi Michoel Sorotzkin?
    Does he live in Lakewood?

    1. I heard a moiredike shiur from him once on Yomtov in Rav Spiegel's shul. It was a shiur to be remembered.
      Someone said he lives in the 14th St. area.

    2. Could it be you are referring to Hagaon Reb Yitzchok Sorotzkin?
      A gaon in Torah and a most powerful speaker. And lives by Arboretum (off of 14th)

  9. mi shlo shoma shiur from reb michoel lo shoma shiur miyomov.

    1. Speak for yourself. Apparently you never did

  10. I think he lives in eretz yisroel

  11. I heard him a couple years ago in Tashbar's dinner. His drosha was something else. Pe meifik margulyos

  12. Many commentators are confusing things.

    There is R Yitzchok Sorotzkin in Lakewood ( formerly of Cleveland) who lives in the 14th St. area. He is a world renown ת"ח as well as a sought after and riveting speaker. Most of the Lakewood speeches refered to in the comments above are given by him.

    He has a cousin R Michoel Sorotzkin who is also a speaker and is the one mentiones in this Hefkervelt post. His shiur is usually on Zoom.

    1. Thank you for the classification.

    2. Thank you for the clarification.
