Thursday, February 17, 2022

Oif Simchas/Shiurim י''ז אדר א' תשפ''ב

Tonight: Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall near a half an inch. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.

Pick -  Seitler Kesser Moshe Yehuda
Harari-Raful -  Rayman N'eemas Hachaim 
Klein -  Schnurman Bais Faiga
Notis - Fishoff Fountain Ballroom

- Hespedim tonight for the end of shiva of Habachur Shlomo Sorotzkin Z"L ben Ybl'c Rav Chaim Dov shlita at B"M of  Pine River  after Maariv at 9:00 pm divrei hesped by Rav Elya Chaim Swerldloff shlita, Rav Shaul Sinski shlita

-  Shaar Habitachon shiur by Reb Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin at 84 Mill pond rd Jackson, Maariv 9:15 shiur 9:30 - 10:30 pm followed by song and farbrengen. Or Watch on Zoom Meeting ID: 875 3368 9757
Passcode: 712543

- HaRav Yechiel Moskowitz Shlita will give a Shiur on Parshas Hashavuah tonight at 10:30. Chayeinu 732-301-4043 option 9

- Harav Yosef Dovid Korbman Shlita , Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedola South Lakewood Weekly Thursday Night Chumash Shuir is Beh Every Thursday Night at 11:15 pm at Bais Yitzchok (BMG) Ezras Nashim

- Updated: The shiur will be live in Ateres Bracha B "M Chumash shiur by  HaRav Yeruchum Olshin shlita 11:30 pm also Live- call in 646-726-9977


  1. Any update on Rabbi Landau? It was posted a few days ago to say tehillim....

    A name was added to a 5 yr old boy from flatbush hit by a car yaakov yisroel ben tamar malka.

  2. Rabbi Landau needs tachmei shamayim. Keep davening!! Simcha Yaakov Ben Bluma
