Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Tuesday Feb 1 Rosh Chodesh Adar 1 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Intervals of clouds and sunshine High 36F. 

-  41 new covid cases in lakewood totals 23374/353
- 24 new cases in Jackson totals 12289/138
- 48 new cases in Toms River + 2 deaths totals 20795/402

Tehillim for Rav Osher David Shlita Rosh Kollel Emek Halacha Lakewood who suffered a stroke today R"L Amiras Tehillim at B"M  Emek Halacha princess Ct at 7:00 pm Moshe Osher ben Rivka לרפואה שלמה בתושח''י

-- Phil Murphy said on Sunday that NJ will need to "learn how to live" with the COVID-19 pandemic. "We're not going to manage this to zero. We have to learn how to live with this," on NBC's "Meet the Press." 

- Pfizer requests US emergency approval for "the first two doses of a planned three-dose" vaccine for children under 5.

- Traffic light is out Swarthmore Ave and Cedarbridge Ave due to a power outage. Please avoid area.(LPD)

- Israel covid numbers 1084 hospitalized in serious condition 247 on ventilators 80 deaths since yesterday 

- UJO of Williamsburg, ADL, Agudah, BMG and Lakewood politicians were on a conference call with executives of Waste Management following the snow dumping incident. The company apologized and said they terminated the driver from working there. The call was arranged by NJSP chaplain.

- Jackson BOE: The majority of the first round of "aid in lieu" (AIL) AIL checks to our non-public school parents were sent out in the mail Monday, Jan. 31, 2022. We will be sending out another round on Friday, Feb. 4, 2022. This Feb. 4 batch is due to the many corrections that were needed.

- forecasters are tracking a system that might bring rain, snow and ice to New Jersey on Friday.

- Governor Ron DeSantis following a Neo-Nazi march in Florida -"Florida is probably other then Israel the number one destination for orthodox Jews to move to... because we do it right, we have provided tremendous support,  and that's what we will continue to do."'

- Beginning today Feb 1, Members of the Lakewood Municipal Utilities Authority will get a $15,0000 annual salary a 10k increase. These salaries are to be paid from the fees collected by the MUA. who have just voted to raise water rates by 15% for Lakewood customers.

- Blood Sweat and Tears memoirs of a talmid a book on the Late Rosh Yeshiva of Springfield Harav Eliyohu Meir Sorotzkin ZTL available at Lakewood seforim stores.

- Lakewood Planning board meeting today in town hall at 6:00 pm see Agenda Here watch livestream Here on agenda   5 new school building applications:
- Talmud Torah of Lakewood 1464 East Spruce Street Plan for an addition to a school
- Yeshiva Shaar Hatalmud 1127 & 1131 E County Line Rd  subdivision to create nine lots and Plan for a school
- Congregation Bais Meir 330 Miller Road & 409 Hope Plan for a school
- Bnos Devorah  360 Oak Street Plan for a school
- Yeshiva Nesivos Hatorah Caldwell Avenue  Plan for a school 

- Coming soon to local stores Lakewood Green kosher greenhouse grown Romaine lettuce under the Hashgacha of Rabbi Yehuda Shain

BDE: Reb Nisan Leser, Prominent Bobover Chasid one of the elders of Bobov in Boro Park was niftar at the age of 98. Hamodia
- Miracle in Pittsburgh bridge collapse Eruv stays intact more


  1. What does the Lakewood Municipal Utilities Authority board actually do that they deserve ANY salary??

    1. Let’s be honest. It’s known as a salaried government appointment handed out as a bonus to only politically connected individuals who want to place themselves in a position of influence, where developers must come on to them to nod yes to their projects. They also get to raise our water/sewer utility bills.

      There is no background necessary for this cushy job, other than being connected.

      In fact, 2 out of the 7 commissioners don’t even reside in Lakewood, and another 3 don’t reside in the MUA service area - so they suffer no impact from any of their “decisions”.

      The Board officially meets 12x a year for very short meetings. Since Covid season began, members only call in to the meetings from the leisure of their living room couches (unless they’re on vacation or too busy). The Board voted to suspend all in-person meetings due to the ongoing health emergency.

      They explained recently that they’re raising all their non-commissioner employee salaries by 6% this year, because they’re following the lead of the township. However, they did not explain why they are not following the lead of the Lakewood planning & zoning boards which also hold in-person meetings. Perhaps it’s because the land use board members are strictly volunteers and receive no compensation, unlike the MUA which compensates quite handsomely.

    2. I think 3 members live out of town and could care less about Lakewood

  2. is yeshiva shaar hatalmud (rabbi mintz yeshiva) planning on moving from beis pinchos or is this the beis medrash?

  3. Lakewood Green Kosher is a great thing. However, all the Taynos that Reb Yudel had on others are now here with his product.
    The Mashgiachs family selling their own stuff and certified by a self appointed Dayan & Moireh Tzedek.
    The product beatsmost others by miles but the Kashrut game and the Profit incentive is NOT lacking here.

    1. Positiv/Bodek is still better. They don't need washing and removing the stalks.
      And the hashgachos are known for their expertise, this company has a new hechsher that nobody recognizes or knows about.

    2. Phony extremest

  4. From Horav Shternbuch's Weekly Gilyon just this past week.

    ויש לידע שאין לקנות אצל סוחרים שמוכרים פירות וירקות וכדו' הטוענים
    שלקחו פירות וירקות בהכשר מהודר, אלא צריך שיציגו תעודת כשרות מרבני
    העיר. שהלא מעיקר הדין אין המוכר נאמן להעיד על סחורתו אלא אם הוא
    מוחזק בכשרות )שו"ע יו"ד סי' פ"ג סעי' ז(, והיינו שנזהר מאוד מכל ספק איסור
    תורה, ואינו מכניס עצמו לשום ספק )וכמוש"כ הראב"ד בפ"ג מהלכות מאכלות
    אסורות הי"ח, ועי' בט"ז יו"ד סי' פ"ג סקי"א(, ובדרך כלל רוב המוכרים הללו אינם
    עומדים בגדר זה. ומה עוד, שכבר תיקנו "ועד ארבע ארצות" )הובא בלחה"פ
    קי"ט ס"ק ב'( שלא לאכול מאכל או יין אפילו ממי שמוחזק בכשרות, אלא
    אם יש לו כתב הכשר מאיזה אב"ד, ולפי"ז אף אדם נאמן וישר, אין לאכול
    מתוצרת שלו אלא עם הכשר מהודר, )ועי' עוד בתשובות והנהגות ח"ב סי' שע"ז

    When the Mashgiach's family are the wholesalers and when the Rav Hamachsir is self appointed (opposing any kehilla appointed Rabbonim and all other established poiskim)
    then we got issues according to Reb yudel's Guru Reb Moishe Shernbuch Shlit'a.

    1. I'm sorry I don't understand your message about self appointed Rav Hamachshir. There are so many of those! Almost all non huge Hashgachos are not hired they decided to open Hashgacha. We have a few of them here in Lakewood. I never heard of that as a problem.
      And second, how do you know that the Mashgiachs family is the wholesaler?

  5. - Miracle in Pittsburgh bridge collapse Eruv stays intact more

    As the Satmar Roov ZYO said and published after the six day was:

    Its Mahseh Sooton.

  6. How ironic that some of those on the conference call have themselves raitzed uhn the goyim and caused sinas yisrael with lawsuits and over development. Suddenly they care about anti semitism. It is called oppurtunists

  7. Why are the neighbors giving talmud torah of lakewood such a hard time?

    1. Because they want to live in peace and quiet. Duh!

    2. The neighbors are 100% correct. I would do the exact same!

    Special Announcement
    We are excited to announce that the world famous Novi shuir given by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlit"a which until this point was given only in Hebrew will now be given in English on a weekly basis  starting
    Motzai Shabbos Parshas Truma, 5782
    Feb 5th,2022  at  9:00- 9:45 PM.
    in Kollel Ner Avrhom
    104 Arbutus Dr,
    Lakewood, NJ 08701
    The Shuir will also be available on zoom (details to follow).
    This comprehensive shuir will start from
     ספר יהושע        
     Sefer Yehoshua
    and will focus on both Halacha and Agada. The shuir will be all encompassing with a special emphasis on the historical context- סדר הדורות  and a unique focus on משנת הגר״א
    We request all those that are interested in joining weekly to please call or text Moshe Mueller at 908-670-1233
    The Organizers

  9. The do nothing leaders and politicians should fix the real problems in Lakewood instead of a PR phone call about what has been going on since Esav was born. In Brooklyn this happened as cars splash you on purpose driving in the rain and in Lakewood too. Giving this publicity calls for copy cats.
