Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Public Comments: Letters submitted at Township Meeting

Minutes of the meeting public comment emails that were submitted during the Lakewood township committee meeting held virtually on January 13th when the committee voted on three separate ordnances  to raise the compensation for MUA members from $5k to $15k annually (after the MUA raised water rates on Lakewood residents by 15%). Another ordnance raising the salaries of the township committee members and all employees across the board. A 3rd ordnance to give free life long healthcare for committee members who served for 20 years. While several residents objected the the first 3 ordinances of the year, they were ignored and the committee voted to approve it all. 

See official minutes on the township website Here

Summitted emails below 

Ordnance (Compensation for MUA members)  Mayor Coles opened the meeting to the public.

From: Dovie Schwartz 

Hi Mayor and Committee,

I am writing regarding the proposed ordinance which will triple the salaries of the MUA Commissioners. I have watched a number of MUA meetings, and to my knowledge, the job of an MUA Commissioner does not seem to be very intense. Perhaps you can clue me in why you think these Commissioners (which include some current and former members of this very Committee) deserve a $10,000 annual raise. Thanks!  Dovie Schwartz Capital Lane

From: Yona Silver

Subject: Opposition to raises

I would like to voice strong opposition to Ordinance 1, which provides a raise in salary to members of the MUA board. With 12 meetings a year, and 30-40 minutes each, the raise would give them more than $2,000 an hour! This is when Planning Board and Zoning Board members get $0. Please scrap the ordinance. $5,000 is more than enough. Yona Silver

From: Shloimy Weiss

Hi I am wondering about the $10,000 annual raise for MUA Commissioners. Can you tell me who these Commissioners are and what big work they do to deserve such a raise? Thanks! Shloimy Weiss

From: Orders Person

Subject:  Ordinance - MUA compensation

Hi there I am writing in opposition to the proposed ordinance which will triple the salaries of the MUA commissioners. These Commissioners only attend one short meeting each month. They practically just nod their heads to a few resolutions, and not very much else. Increasing their salary from $5,000 to $15,000 annually is quite insane. I urge you to kill this ordinance. Yosef Stein 8th Street

From: Yona Silver

Subject: Comment on Ordinance 2 and 3

I would like to oppose pay raises and insurance for Committee members and for the mayor. They should not be able to give themselves raises without the public being very aware of it. Yona Silver

 (Response):  Mayor Coles noted that the salary of the MUA had not been raised for 20 years. Mayor Coles reviewed the membership of the MUA.

From: Alan Friedberg

Dear Committee Members,

I am opposed to this Ordinance. When comparing the compensation of Lakewood’s MUA – established by this committee – to compensations for commissioners on MUA’s in surrounding towns, I found that our MUA is already receiving a salary on the high end. Toms River members receive only 2K. Jackson pays 3.5K. And so forth. The MUA just voted to raise our water rates by a cumulative 15.2% over the next 3 years. The rationale behind the large increase was to raise funds towards construction of two water tanks and provide a modest raise of 3 to 6 percent to the employees. (Incidentally, nothing was ever disclosed to the public stating that a portion of the new revenue would be used to offset a large hike in member’s compensation.) However, compensating our commissioners at triple their previous salary is anything but modest. It is, in my opinion unconscionable. This is especially so when a significant percentage of the MUA customers are having a difficult time paying their bills in full. As you know, the legislature allows the MUA (as a government body) to also charges an additional 18% interest per annum on a customer’s unpaid balance. It is simply wrong to vote Yes on this Ordinance. If anything, a truly “modest” raise might be considered. Thank you. 
Your respectful resident taxpayer who resides in the MUA service area.

(Response): "Mayor Coles noted if anyone is having issues paying their bills there are federal and state programs to cover those costs".

Ordinance (free healthcare after 20 years for committee members)

Mayor Coles opened the meeting to the public. Seeing no comments offered live, Mayor Coles read the following emails.

From: Dovie Schwartz

I understand that this ordinance will continue to provide tax-payer funded health insurance for retired Committee members if they retire after having served 20 years. Quite convenient for 3 of our committee members who have reached, or will very soon reach, 20 years of service. Does this mean that some of you are planning on retiring in the coming years? Thanks! Dovie Schwartz Capital Lane 

From: Orders Person 

Mayor Coles, I disagree with your response regarding the MUA ordinance. The ordinance clearly changes the salary from $5,000 to $15,000. This is a new salary, not, simply keeping the "ordinance range" that has been on the books for the last bunch of years. Yosef Stein 8th Street

The following comment was submitted prior to the meeting.

 From: Yitzy Stern

I would like to comment on the ordinances that give raises to Township workers. I think our township employees serve the township well and a raise is well deserved. There is only one aspect that I have trouble with. According to the proposed ordinance, the pay scale for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor will be higher than that of the other committee members. For years, members of the committee have asserted that the position of mayor is merely a figurehead, but he has the same responsibilities and voting power as the other members on the committee. As such, I am in strong opposition to a discrepancy in the pay scale. If the lower amount is the right amount for committeemen, than ALL committee members should get it, including the mayor and deputy mayor. If the higher amount is a proper compensation, than all committee members should receive it, not just the mayor and deputy mayor. That being said, if the township moves to a Faulkner method of governance, which the mayor is directly voted for by the residents of Lakewood, and therefore maintains a higher level of responsibility, then a higher paycheck would be warranted. Thank you for all that you do for Lakewood, and I request that you amend the ordinance to make all committee paychecks consistent, Yitzy Stern

Mr. Stern objected that his comment was not read prior to the roll call. Mayor Coles noted he had replied to Mr. Stern prior to the meeting.

Seeing no further online comments, and that there were no in person comments, Mayor Coles

closed the meeting to the public. 


  1. Deputy mayor is nothing more than a title.

  2. Health insurance is probably worth close to over 3k, and $40k a year for a family. And its constantly rising. This is besides the regular pension.

    1. The Ordinance only pays the health insurance premiums for each individual ex-committeeman. But the Cadillac plans these guys will be getting from the township costs much much more than a measly 3K. The average middle class citizen would find those plans totally unaffordable. And you’re correct that the rates will keep on rising. But hey, this is taxpayer money so what’s the big deal.

    2. The plans which the committeemen gave themselves are only affordable for the gevirim. Don’t kid yourself.

  3. The MUA became the piggy bank and cookie jar for the well connected see who has jobs there.

  4. How could the members on the township committee ignore all these objections? Apparently, they've developed deaf-ear syndrome after being there so long. It's obvious at this point that they're only serving themselves and not the residents.

    1. Now that they got their raise and health insurance, they are ready to retire.

  5. I would like to see an Ordinance introduced to supersede and revoke the free lifetime health insurance these goons gave themselves. They're making enough money in political office (including the various associated benefits & paid positions) to provide for a comfortable early retirement.

    If the Committeemen feel like they still have issues paying their insurance bills, they can follow the advice Mayor Coles gave the residents on January 13th and apply for federal and state programs such as Medicaid, which can help them cover those costs.
