Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Video: Zoning Board Job - To Protect The Community

 More Traffic or Housing 

At the zoning board last night a resident spoke up and asked the board to have rachmanus on Lakewood residents and taxpayers who suffer daily sitting in traffic. It has come to a point where one can not leave their home at any time and have to decide based on the traffic. Others spoke in favor and pointed out  the need for more apartments and housing. At the public comments section  sww video below a resident spoke to the board members The purpose of zoning laws is to protect the community and quality of life a variance needs a compelling interest for the board to grant a waiver  what is the justification for the board to justify a application that it is compelling, to inconvenience or abuse lakewood taxpayers who suffer daily  in traffic.

The board represents citizens that don't have a voice and the board should realize the suffering of the taxpayers please have mercy on the citizens and not grant variances that will convenience everybody besides for those who gain financially 

public comments minute 2:25 - 243


  1. S’vet helfen vi a tooted bankes.
    They just don’t care.

  2. The biggest chutzpa is they use the excuse that we need housing and there is a shortage of rental basements.
    But the housing is NOT being built or sold for Lakewood residents most of the new construction is for chassidim who are moving to Lakewood and the home prices of close to one million dollars is also of no help to Lakewood residents.

    They are NOT building affordable housing for existing lakewood yeshivaleit.

    1. The facts dont show your statement to be correct. But sure, sinas chinum in the 9 days.

    2. ab if you stop building houses that are unaffordable, and you stop bribing the zoning board to approve congested housing, and you stop running after your idol money while stepping on everyone else. Most likely you will have less people hating you during the 9 days

  3. these guys are there for years. most of us gave up on them long ago. Its sad to say that so many lakewood yidden are davening to see the the day they are marched off to prison.
    they aren't even trying to hide the corruption anymore, that's how bad they are

    1. We need term limits for both the elected and appointed officials in out town. Too many of them have become overly comfortable in their positions and stopped caring for the average resident long ago.

  4. WHile the traffic problem is the most glaring problem resulting from unplanned growth in Lakewood, it isn't the only problem. As a long time Lakewood resident, I would like to point out that the whole quality of life in Lakwood has deteriorated. Of course growth had to happen. The residents of Lakewood having large families years ago was enought to necessitate growth. But planned growth to benefit the town, and not only the builders, would have prevented the problems we're experiencing today. Ugly developments went up before the infrastructure was prepared. The housing didn't have to be ugly. Some thought could have been put into the building. Water pipes and electricity should have been upgraded BEFORE the developments went up, not after people experienced problems with water pressure and power outages (i.e. Westgate). Variances didn't have to be issued for so many homes so that a town which once had land around each house, didn't have to start looking like a crowded slum. There's so much more to say, but the problems caused by corruption and ignorance about urban planning, go beyond only traffic. What a shame!

    1. B”H Westgate has power now, as they finally fixed the power lines. Now we just need these “mentschen” to approve the Shul.
