Thursday, July 8, 2021

Rosh Chodesh Av that Falls out on Shabbos

 This year is a rare Jewish calendar year as  the nine days begin with Rosh chodesh Av on Shabbos. Friday Erev Rosh chodesh is a regular day with no restrictions. Shabbos rosh chodesh Av is  there is no aveilus or restrictions either. This year, Shabbos chazon will be the 2nd shabbos of the nine days right before tisha B'av that falls out on Sunday. (There are some poskim who hold that even on shabbos rosh chodesh one may not wear a brand new clothing item see below).
 As for the Haftorah, there are various minhagim, most ashkenazi shuls including Lakewood yeshiva read the haftorah of 'שמעו דבר ה  and not the haftorah of shabbos rosh chodesh since it is part of the תלת דפורענותא the 3 weeks of bein hametzarim. Others add in a pasuk of the rosh chodesh haftorah at the end,  אב הרחמים is not said by musaf since it is Rosh chodesh. Same for צדקתך by Mincha. 

 For Havdala On Motzei Shabbos it's preferably to have a koton drink the kos. If no koton  available one may drink wine by himself  if he does so every week (Better not to get into a safek of Chamar Medina by drinking Beer or coffee). If he sometimes drinks Grape juice he should only make havdala on Grape Juice.
- Some Poskim (Chazon Ish) would take off their BIgdei shabbos after Havdalah
(Based partially on Rabbi Felder sefer on Tisha B'Av)
For sefardim most poskim say there are no restrictions this year for the nine days since it is not שבוע שחל בו

משנ"ב שם ס"ק מה. וע"ע ביאור הלכה סעי' ו ד"ה כלים, שמתיר כתונת חדשה. ואף דבמשנ"ב שם ס"ק מה, כתב דמר"ח ואילך אסור אפילו בשבת ללבוש בגדים חדשים, ביאר בשו"ת אג"מ או"ח ח"ג סי' פ, שכוונתו כשאין לו כתונת מכובסת, שהרי לבישת בגדים חדשים חמורה יותר ממכובסים, ולכן אם יש לו כתונת מכובסת אסור לו ללבוש חדשה.


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  2. Regarding sefardim and eating meat, please note the custom is not to eat meat or drink wine during the 9 days even though it’s not שבוע שחל בו. Exception would be only onRosh Chodesh itself the sefardic custom is to allow meat and wine.
