Sunday, July 11, 2021

Group of American ‘Avreichim’ Exploring a Move to Create an American ‘Torah Community’ in Eretz Yisroel.

Report: A   public inaugural meeting was held at Estreia Restaurant this past Tuesday with  over 100 people in attendance sponsored by group of Avreichim in Lakewood, for the purpose of inspiring others to move to Eretz Yisroel and establish a thriving Torah community for American B’nei Torah.

This project that began to take shape nearly 2 years ago, spearheaded by Rabbi Dovid Koleditsky Shlita, R”Y of Yeshiva Etz Chaim in Lakewood.

Initially it was proposed to Rav Malkiel Kotler as an adjunctive community to Lakewood/BMG. Rav kotler was greatly interested. However the project stalled as a result of COVID 19 and all of the misfortune that followed.

However Reb Dovid never shelved the idea and continued to research the possibility. As the idea simmered and began to take shape a prospective site emerged in the city of Acco which seemed to provide a generous opportunity that would enable both affordable housing as well as an already existing infrastructure that would provide for the establishment of Mosdos for both boys ang girls.

Reb Dovid engaged the interest of Rabbi Menachem Leibowitz, who as it were was himself seriously planning a move to Eretz Yisroel with his family. Reb Menachem joined Reb Dovid’s efforts and together they created the plan that would I”YH be the framework for this promising project.

Expanded Partnerships

In time, Reb Dovid solicited the assistance to HaRav Gershon Sharaby in Eretz Yisroel along with his brother, well known Lakewood Askan Rabbi Avraham Sharaby, who presented both to the local municipality of Acco as well as the State Government, all of what would be needed in order to actualize this new community. In both cases the results were very successful, property areas were already earmarked, and some buildings which will be move—in—ready immediately after Succos 5782. Read full story at Jnews


  1. This is pure old fashioned unaudeltreated Zionism

    1. Yes the old fashioned type, like the Vilna Goen, the Chofetz Chaim, and the old fashioned Torah Shebiksav and Torah Shebal Peh.
      Not like the Am-haratzim, Baalabatim that haven't opened a sefer since the day they joined the Kanai competition.
      You won the competion! Ok?
      Now you can go back to measuring ladies skirts and sheitles, Lishem Shamayim...

    2. These Gedolim went out of their true love of Eretz Yisroel. They didn't hold big meetings to make sure we all have their things worked out and they surely didn't go to E"Y because of Lakewood traffic or any other external need.

    3. The Chasam Sofer writes clearly that a person shouldn't move to Eretz Yisroel without making arrangements for parnossa. The Chazon Ish had a large sum of money with him, that he was going to use to open a store, like he had in Lithuania.

      It's not true that people went without things being worked out, it's a myth

  2. Moving to EY is Zionism? Like Rav Gustman and Rav Scheinberg did with their communities?
    I guess Zionism isn't that bad after all

  3. This is a very bad idea.
    The only way for Americans to settle in EY is to come newly married and live in a thoroughly Chareidi neighborhood.
    For Americans to come with older children and settle in Acco, very far from the main Chareidi areas, is a disaster waiting to happen chinuch-wise.
    You will not be able to keep your bubble forever, at some point your children will have to integrate, and they will have a very hard time.
    Anyone who has relatives living in EY, knows these kids that are constantly dreaming about America, always looking with envy at their American cousins. Is this what their parents intended when they settled in EY? That they should live in the kedusha of EY and wish for the tumah of Chu"l? And this is with fully integrated American-Israeli families.
    This is a bunch of naive, dreamy eyes idealists who have no sense of reality.

  4. It sounds like a workable and serious idea !!
    How can I find out more ?

  5. Naturally it depends how it is done of course for many “it is better to dwell in Exile and fantasy/ dream about Israel , than live in Israel and fantasize of North America ” as unfortunately so many do

    however if you have to come with the right attitudes and serious crowd on the contrary it is better

    1. Would you say that about any other mitzva? "Better to oversleep and wish you went to shacharis, than to go shacharis and wish you overslept"?

    2. I an very pro doing mitzvos such as yoshuv eretz Yisrael. But it’s a mitzva kiyumis, not chiyuvis so no comparison to shachris

    3. Chazon Ish
      was aware of your contention surely but still stated that

  6. As for the record for those of you who believe that North America a place to remain another 10 years from now you’ll be living virtual

    keep on building your fancy houses and everything else
    perhaps with some allowance for some sort of synagogue as well as long as you don’t take what what you say literally in any form
    we are all aware of that there are countless of well-meaning wonderful naive people out there that have got burnt
    however this here is a Savvy crowd who are even as it involves Cutthroat
    Attitudes as compared to the other options prepared to deal with that

  7. AND IT will be a great counterbalance to many of those who have supported Bennett and his cronies
    eternal Peter Pan adolescent Generation X anglo-americans
    who live in Israel

  8. The Bal Shem Tov and the Vilna Gaon both wanted to move to Eretz Yisroel and lead groups to Eretz Yisrael

    They did not end up succeeding in doing it themselves

    However their students did

    The Chofetz Chaim also wanted to move to Eretz Yisroel

  9. Why are you sending us to some quasi frum news website? Check your sources first

  10. I think this has great potential. As someone living in Israel (no, my kids are NOT dreaming of America, by no means) I can say that American bnei Torah have a great deal to offer in terms of their erlichkeit, sincerity in avodas Hashem, learning and more, and potentially this community can become a cherished model for us all.

  11. This is obviously a commercial endeavor. Someone is trying to sell these apartments in Acco. Acco is a (low class) mixed Arab/Jewish city and recently there was an Arab uprising and the Arabs were attacking Jews in Acco. Who in their right mind is buying apartments now in Acco?

  12. Estreia restaurant is where it all begins i dont see much hope , sounds like the y want the gashmiyus of us as the hakdama for their move . Remember Lakewood had no resteraunts for many years and this new town is being started in a restaurant

    1. Are you a troll? There were many chashuva events held there-hachtaras, brissim etc. It's a hall owned by the restaurant.

  13. It's also a hall owned by real estate developers and entrepreneurs!!!
